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Cherrystone Auctions Sale: 0323

Italy, Italian States and Colonies
image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:716

1853 (11 Jan) small outer FL to Brescia, franked with 25c marginal single, tied by horizontal bars, with boxed "Finale di Modena" handstamp, Brescia arrival cds on back fine (Image)


Opening US$ 140.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:21:55 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:717
Cat No:10-14

1859 Provisional Government, 5c-80c, set of five, h.r., margins all around, v.f., few signed Ferchenbauer, etc. (Sass. 12-13,16-18) cat. €6900 (Cat No. 10-14) (Image)

Cat. €6900, Est.US$900

Opening US$ 850.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:22:10 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:722
Cat No:1-11

1852-59 5c-40c, set of five, 5c-25c, set of three and 15-40c set of three, first two sets used, last unused, mixed condition with some faults noted, fine appearance, few signed (Sass. 1-11) cat. €6435 (Cat No. 1-11) (Image)

Cat. €6435, Est.US$400

Opening US$ 400.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:23:16 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:723
Cat No:12-16

1859 Provisional Government, 5c-80c, set of five, unused without gum, margins all around, fine-v.f., 80c signed (Sass. 13/18) cat. €7675 (Cat No. 12-16) (Image)

Cat. €7675, Est.US$800

Opening US$ 800.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:23:29 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:724
Cat No:1-11

1852 1/2b-1sc, set of eleven, l.h. or h.r. (7b without gum), 50b with margins just touching, others with full to clear margins all around, 50b and 1sc with small faults, otherwise fine-v.f. (Sass. 1-11, Euro, 58,750) cat. $22100 (Cat No. 1-11) (Image)

Cat. $22100, Est.US$2,000

Opening US$ 2,000.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:23:42 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:725
Cat No:1-9

1852 1/2b-8b, nine values, used, each with sheet margin, fine-v.f., several signed (Cat No. 1-9) (Image)


Opening US$ 700.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:23:54 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:726
Cat No:1-9

1852 1/2b-8b, nine different horizontal pairs, used, mostly with full margins, fine-v.f. (Sass. 1-9) cat. €1900 (Cat No. 1-9) (Image)

Cat. €1900, Est.US$350

Opening US$ 300.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:24:07 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:727
Cat No:1/8 var.

1852 1/2b, 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b and 7b, each with striking pre-print paper fold variety, used, fine-v.f. (Cat No. 1/8var) (Image)


Opening US$ 325.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:24:19 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:728
Cat No:1,8

1852 (Jan. 5) FL from Bologna to Florence, franked with 1/2b and 7b, margins all around, with Florence (Jan. 6) arrival on reverse, v.f. and rare franking from the Fifth Day of usage, with 1986 Diena certificate (Cat No. 1,8) (Image)


Opening US$ 950.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:24:32 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:729
Cat No:1 var.

1852 1/2b "Lila vivo", horizontal pair, used on piece, with dividing lines showing on all sides, v.f., with 1990 Diena certificate (Sass. 1e) cat. €4000 (Cat No. 1var) (Image)

Cat. €4000, Est.US$500

Opening US$ 475.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:24:43 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:730
Cat No:2c

1852 1b gray green, oily ink, horizontal strip of five, "Macerata" cancels, with full dividing lines at left and bottom, two stamps with natural paper folds, still v.f. and scarce multiple, with 2020 Dr. Helmuth Avi certificate (Sass. 2b) cat. €5000 (Cat No. 2c) (Image)

Cat. €5000, Est.US$500

Opening US$ 475.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:24:56 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:731
Cat No:3

1852 2b black on green, horizontal strip of four, used, margins all around, v.f. (Sass. 3) cat. €1100 (Cat No. 3) (Image)

Cat. €1100, Est.US$100

Opening US$ 100.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:25:08 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:732
Cat No:3b

1852 2b horizontal bisect used as 1b, additionally franked with 2x2b (one with margins cut in) on 1859 FL sent from Ancona to Elice, bisect with a vertical crease, otherwise a fine and unusual franking, signed Sorani (Sass. 3; price is for used on piece, unpriced on cover) cat. €7000 (Cat No. 3b) (Image)

Cat. €7000, Est.US$2,000

Opening US$ 2,000.00
Sold...US$ 2,000.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:25:20 EST
Sold For 2000

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:733
Cat No:4

1852 3b black on brown, sheet corner margin vertical pair, just in at left, nice positional piece, signed Raybaudi, Vaccari (Sass. 4) (Cat No. 4) (Image)


Opening US$ 150.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:25:34 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:734
Cat No:4

1852 4b brownish gray ("bruno grigiastro chiaro"), vertical gutter pair, used on piece, nice margins, v.f., with 1995 Diena certificate (Sass. 4a) cat. €3000 (Cat No. 4) (Image)

Cat. €3000, Est.US$500

Opening US$ 475.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:25:47 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:735
Cat No:4b

1852 3b yellow orange, lower right sheet corner margin single, just touching frame-line at top, with 1975 Diena certificate (Sass.4, Euro 5,000) cat. $2500 (Cat No. 4b) (Image)

Cat. $2500, Est.US$350

Opening US$ 350.00
Sold...US$ 350.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:25:59 EST
Sold For 350

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:736
Cat No:4c var.

1852 3b black on orange bister ("bistro arancio"), pos. 12, showing part of the papermaker's "Pietro Miliani Fabriano" watermark, with "large flaw in letter b" variety, used, showing dividing lines on three sides, just in at top, fine "double" variety, with 2005 Sismondo certificate (Sass.4k) cat. €2200 (Cat No. 4cvar) (Image)

Cat. €2200, Est.US$200

Opening US$ 190.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:26:12 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:737
Cat No:4f

1852 3b black on brown orange, single used with vertical two thirds paying 5b on FL from Bologna, used 15 July 1859 to Firenze, with arrival pmk on back, filing fold away from the stamps, fine and rare usage during the provisional government of Romagna. An exceptional showpiece of Italian philately, with 1990 Diena certificate (Sass. 4,4a, Euro 40,000) cat. $10500 (Cat No. 4f) (Image)

Cat. $10500, Est.US$4,000

Opening US$ 3,500.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:26:26 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:738
Cat No:5

1852 4b black, horizontal gutter pair, "Cesena" cancel, fine, with 2020 certificate (Sass. 5) cat. €2000 (Cat No. 5) (Image)

Cat. €2000, Est.US$200

Opening US$ 190.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:26:38 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:739
Cat No:5d

1852 4b black on yellow, diagonal half used on the reverse of a FL from Camerino (26.3.58) to Bologna, v.f., with 1970 Bolaffi certificate (Sass. 5Ab) cat. €6000 (Cat No. 5d) (Image)

Cat. €6000, Est.US$1,000

Opening US$ 950.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:26:50 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:740
Cat No:6

1852 5b black on rose, horizontal and vertical gutter blocks of four, used, margins all around, the latter with some creases, otherwise v.f., signed Buhler, etc. (Sass. 6A) (Cat No. 6) (Image)


Opening US$ 475.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:27:02 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:741
Cat No:6

1852 5b black on rose, horizontal strips of three, four and five, used, full margins all around, v.f., the latter signed Diena (Sass. 6) cat. €1145 (Cat No. 6) (Image)

Cat. €1145, Est.US$150

Opening US$ 140.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:27:14 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:742
Cat No:7

1852 6b black on grayish green, horizontal strip of three, margins all around, v.f. (Sass. 7) cat. €800 (Cat No. 7) (Image)

Cat. €800, Est.US$100

Opening US$ 95.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:27:27 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:743
Cat No:7 var.

1852 6b black on grayish pearl ("grigio perla"), margins all around, on outer FL from Senigalia (15.5.59) to Montecofaro, v.f., signed Sorani (Sass. 7Aa) cat. €1800 (Cat No. 7var) (Image)

Cat. €1800, Est.US$150

Opening US$ 140.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:27:41 EST
Sold For 0
image Sale No: 0323
Lot No:744
Cat No:8

1852 7b black on blue, horizontal strip of three, used, margins all around, v.f. (Sass. 8) cat. €800 (Cat No. 8) (Image)

Cat. €800, Est.US$100

Opening US$ 95.00

Closed..Mar-15-2023, 10:27:53 EST
Sold For 0

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