6, Attractive mint example of this challenging stamp. F, OG, couple nibbed perfs. A scarce key stamp from this Italian Colony. Has 2011 Sismondo Certificate (Image)
Cat 675.00
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Closed..Jan-22-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 372
Lot No:1871
Cat No:47-50
Sale No: 372
Lot No:1872
Cat No:47-52
47-52, F-VF
Cat 69.75
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Closed..Jan-22-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 372
Lot No:1873
Cat No:J3a
J3a, Postage Due with OVERPRINT AT BOTTOM. VG-F, HH. Rare (Image)
Cat 950.00
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Closed..Jan-22-2025, 23:59:00 EST
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Sale No: 372
Lot No:1874
Cat No:J3a
J3a, Scarce 20¢ overprinted at bottom VG-F, NH, a few short perfs (Image)
Cat 950.00
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Closed..Jan-22-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 0
Foreign - Part One
Sale No: 372
Lot No:564
Cat No:Collection
MAXI-CARDS WITH ARTWORK: Colourful collection of 70 diff foreign Maxi-cards from 1950's-80's. Most are from Europe particularly Italy & Vatican. Incl sculptures, statues, jewellery, etc. VF
Estimate 65.00+ $Cdn
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Closed..Jan-22-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 372
Lot No:567
Cat No:Collection
ITALY REVENUES: Interesting collection / accumulation of older Italian revenues from 19th Century up to 1950's. Has a variety of types, designs, sizes, values, colours, etc. Majority are in singles but also some in pairs & strips. Also some used on documents. VG-VF (Approx 260)
Estimate 110.00+ $Cdn
Openings not Provided
Closed..Jan-22-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 372
Lot No:588
Cat No:Collection
POST WAR ITALY COLLECTION 1946-2013 IN 2 STOCKBOOKS: 465A/3191, Broad ranging collection of primarily used, neatly arranged in 2 large stockbooks. Many complete runs for period. Some highlights are used 495-506 ($52), 518 ($100), 538-9 ($85), 579-83 ($98); plus mint 515-7 NH ($80), 544-6 NH ($80), 574-6 ($60), etc. Majority F-VF. (Over 2,900 stamps, 26 SS's) (Image)
Estimate 550.00+ $Cdn
Openings not Provided
Closed..Jan-22-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 372
Lot No:614
Cat No:Collection
ITALY / TRIESTE COLLECTION: 1/204, BOB, Attractive primarily used collection neatly arranged on stockcards, from 1947-54. Some highlights are used 29 ($80), 35-9 ($47), 42-50 ($89), 63 ($47), 116 ($75), etc. Majority F-VF. 2025 Scott $984 (167)
Estimate 325.00+ $Cdn
Openings not Provided
Closed..Jan-22-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 372
Lot No:625
WWI PRISONER OF WAR CORRESPONDENCE: Very interesting correspondence from an Austro-Hungarian POW held in Italy 1917-19. Has mail to him and back to his family in Budapest. Has various handstamps, markings, dates, etc. Also 4 Telegrams to him. A good lot for the researcher. F (72 items) (Image)
Estimate 400.00+ $Cdn
Openings not Provided
Closed..Jan-22-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 372
Lot No:648
Cat No:Collection
ITALY EXPOSITIONS POSTCARDS & CANCELS: Specialized collection / accumulation of postcards & postal stationery cards 1890's-1920's, all with Exposition designs or cancels. Wide variety of types, illustrations, foreign destinations, dates, etc. Mostly F (57) (Image)
Estimate 350.00+ $Cdn
Openings not Provided
Closed..Jan-22-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 372
Lot No:661
Cat No:Collection
EARLY ITALY COVERS 1863-1877: 23/35, Collection of 8 folded letters with various frankings, addr domestically. Neat cancels, 3 covers with corner h/s's. F
Estimate 65.00+ $Cdn
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Closed..Jan-22-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 372
Lot No:663
Cat No:Collection
ITALY CINDERELLAS: Interesting collection of old labels & seals circa WWI or earlier. Has many military units. Various designs, sizes, etc. VG-VF (23) (Image)
Estimate 75.00+ $Cdn
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Closed..Jan-22-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 0
Foreign - Part Two
Sale No: 372
Lot No:7020
Cat No:Collection
ITALY COLLECTION 1863-1998: 24/2215, BOB, Interesting primarily used collection neatly arranged on black Vario stocksheets. Ranges from early classics up to modern topical commems & pictorials; plus a wide variety of back of book issues. Majority VG-VF (Approx 1,300)
Estimate 150.00+ $Cdn
Openings not Provided
Closed..Jan-22-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 372
Lot No:7054
Cat No:Collection
ITALY & RELATED ACCUMULATION: Duplicated accumulation arranged on stockcards & in stockbook with stamps from early to modern. Has early classics up to modern large size topical commems & pictorials; plus a wide range of back of the book. We saw 300+ Italian Colonies, Offices & Occupation, Trieste accumulation, etc. Majority VG-VF (Over 2,400)
Estimate 275.00+ $Cdn
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Closed..Jan-22-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 372
Lot No:7116
Cat No:Collection
ITALY WWII PROPAGANDA POSTCARDS: Collection of 5 diff unused WWII "PNF" (Nat. Fascist Party) Youth Branch propaganda colour illustrated postcards depicting veteran & young Italian soldiers in action. Each has a quote from Mussolini with his printed signature. Three postcards are artist signed. VF. Scarce group (Image)
Estimate 250.00+ $Cdn
Openings not Provided
Closed..Jan-22-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 372
Lot No:2706
Cat No:23-31, C13-8
Pre-stamp DISINFECTED folded letter 1837 from Naples to Livorno with fancy "AGP" dispatch postmark on the face. On reverse has nice b/s's with "Napoli / 10 Gen" and the disinfection mark "NETTO FUORI / E. SPORCA DENTRO" of the Pontifical States, etc. F-VF. Has been signed by Sismondo & with his 2012 Certificate (Image)
Estimate 250.00+ $Cdn
Openings not Provided
Closed..Jan-22-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 372
Lot No:2711
Cat No:20b
20b, Tied by Florence 19 May 1862 CDS on cover to Annonay, France. Has Turin & cross border transits. F, a bit back panel missing. Scarce. Cat $425 (Image)
Estimate 125.00+ $Cdn
Openings not Provided
Closed..Jan-22-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 372
Lot No:2712
Cat No:26
26, Scarce mint 5¢ slate green, F, HH, some nibbed perfs, small paper adhesion on reverse. Signed H. Bloch in pencil on back & has 2019 APS Certificate. Scarce stamp (Image)
Cat 1,825.00
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Closed..Jan-22-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 372
Lot No:2713
Cat No:26-7, 31
26-7, 31, Tied by square dotted numeral "19" cancels on Trans-Atlantic ship cover "Via Queenstown" with Naples 1 July 1872 CDS to New York. F, slightly reduced
Estimate 50.00+ $Cdn
Openings not Provided
Closed..Jan-22-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 372
Lot No:2714
Cat No:31
31 (Pair), Tied by dotted square "16" numeral cancels on Trans-Atlantic Mourning cover with Messina 21 Sept 1869 CDS. Addr to Rockland, Maine. Has Milan & New York transits. F (Image)