1912-21 CALIMNO-Ovpts on Italy set(11) fine used [US1] (Start Price = £71.20)
Opening GBP 71.20
Sold...GBP 71.00
Closed..Jul-07-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 71
Sale No: 78
Lot No:252
Cat No:3C-13C
1912-21 COS-Ovpts on Italy set(11) fine used [US1] (Start Price = £71.20)
Opening GBP 71.20
Sold...GBP 91.00
Closed..Jul-07-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 91
Sale No: 78
Lot No:256
Cat No:Collection
1912-30 CALIMNO-Mint collection(24) including 1912-21 set ex 20c no wmk, 1930 Ferrucci Postage set, mainly fine, includes a few duplicates [US1] (Start Price = £21.60)
Opening GBP 21.60
Sold...GBP 29.00
Closed..Jul-07-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 29
Sale No: 78
Lot No:257
Cat No:Collection
1912-32 SIMI-Mint collection inc a few duplicates(36) including 1912-21 ovpt set, 1930 Ferrucci Postage set, 1932 Garibaldi Postage set, mainly fine [US1] (Start Price = £120.80)
Opening GBP 120.80
Sold...GBP 148.00
Closed..Jul-07-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 148
Sale No: 78
Lot No:263
Cat No:Collection
1912-32 STAMPALIA-Mint collection with a few duplicates(37) including 1912-21 ovpt set, 1930 Ferrucci Postage set, 1932 Garibaldi Postage set, mainly fine [US1] (Start Price = £100.00)
Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 100.00
Closed..Jul-07-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 100
Sale No: 78
Lot No:265
Cat No:Collection
1912-40 Mint collection on leaves(224) including 1912-21 ovpts for the various islands, cheaper items only and some foxing, 1930 Ferrucci sets, Castelrosso (Start Price = £127.20)
Opening GBP 127.20
Sold...GBP 127.00
Closed..Jul-07-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 127
Sale No: 78
Lot No:267
1922-30 CASTELROSSO-Small mint range(9) comprising 1922 ovpts set to 25c, 1930 Ferrucci set to 1L25, fine [US1] (Start Price = £7.20)
Opening GBP 7.20
Sold...GBP 7.00
Closed..Jul-07-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 7
Sale No: 78
Lot No:269
Cat No:25A
1929 RHODES-No imprint 10L olive green well centred fine used [US1] (Start Price = £64.00) (Image)
Opening GBP 64.00
Sold...GBP 105.00
Closed..Jul-07-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 105
Sale No: 78
Lot No:270
Cat No:35-9
1930 CALCHI-Ferrucci Postage set, another set ex 5L and an additional 25c(10) all fine mint [US1] (Start Price = £7.20)
Opening GBP 7.20
Sold...GBP 7.00
Closed..Jul-07-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 7
Sale No: 78
Lot No:271
Cat No:40-2
1930 General-Ferrucci Air set(3) fine l.m.m. [US1] (Start Price = £10.40)
Opening GBP 10.40
Sold...GBP 10.00
Closed..Jul-07-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 10
Sale No: 78
Lot No:19330
Cat No:35K
1930 SCARPANTO-Ferrucci Postage set(5) fine used [US1] (Start Price = £11.20)
Opening GBP 11.20
Sold...GBP 11.00
Closed..Jul-07-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 11
British Occupation of Italian Colonies
Sale No: 78
Lot No:2234
Cat No:M20
KGVI 5/- M.E.F. in a corner u.m. block of 4. (Start Price = £64.00)
Opening GBP 64.00
Sold...GBP 95.00
Closed..Jul-07-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 95
Sale No: 78
Lot No:2238
Cat No:M1-5
1942 M.E.F. Set of 5 in blocks of 4 marginal mint (3 stamps unmounted), margin detached but present on 2½d. Very fine. [US4] (Start Price = £10.40)
Opening GBP 10.40
Sold...GBP 15.00
Closed..Jul-07-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 15
Sale No: 78
Lot No:2242
Cat No:M7b
1942 M.E.F. KGVI 2d orange an unmounted mint vertical pair type M2 & M2a. Very fine [US4] (Start Price = £89.60) (Image)
Opening GBP 89.60
Sold...GBP 127.00
Closed..Jul-07-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 127
Sale No: 78
Lot No:2243
Cat No:MD1
1942 M.E.F.-Postage Due ½d green very fine used block of four [US1] (Start Price = £16.80)
Opening GBP 16.80
Sold...GBP 23.00
Closed..Jul-07-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 23
Sale No: 78
Lot No:2245
Cat No:MD2w
1942 M.E.F.-Postage Due 1d carmine wmk sideways inverted very fine used block of four, central ASMARA CENTRO 1946 c.d.s., rare block, possibly unique! [US1] (Start Price = £213.60) (Image)
Opening GBP 213.60
Sold...GBP 214.00
Closed..Jul-07-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 214
Sale No: 78
Lot No:2247
Cat No:MD1/TD5
1942-48 A small m & u range with M.E.F. Dues mint, Tripolitania 1948 Dues mint, Tripolitania opts on KGVI vals to 120 MAL on 5/- v.f.u. etc. Very clean lot (17) [US2] (Start Price = £23.20)
Opening GBP 23.20
Sold...GBP 23.00
Closed..Jul-07-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 23
Sale No: 78
Lot No:2249
Cat No:Collection
1942-51 A mint & used selection on stock pages with M.E.F. (34 m, 9 used) incl. dues; ERITREA: (19 m, 5 u); E.A.F./SOMALIA (44 m, 14 u) vals to 2s50 on 2/6(5) & 5s on 5/-; TRIPOLITANIA: (42 m, 7 u) vals to 60 mal on 2/6 (pair). A number of mint or unmounted pairs, a very clean lot with some small duplication. (174) [US1] (Start Price = £60.00)
Opening GBP 60.00
Sold...GBP 72.00
Closed..Jul-07-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 72
Sale No: 78
Lot No:2250
Cat No:Collection
1942-51 Mint and used collection in a stock book(255) including M.E.F. 1943-7 set used, Eritrea 1948-9, 1950 and 1951 sets mint, Somalia 1943-6 set mint and used, 1948 and 1950 sets mint, Tripolitania 1948, 1950 and 1951 sets mint, Postage Due 1948 set mint, fine [US1] (Start Price = £128.00)
Opening GBP 128.00
Sold...GBP 165.00
Closed..Jul-07-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 165
Sale No: 78
Lot No:2255
Cat No:51-8
1943-46 KGVI E.A.F. overprints for Somalia, set to 1/- in f.u. bllocks of 4. (Start Price = £25.60)
Opening GBP 25.60
Sold...GBP 33.00
Closed..Jul-07-2020, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 33
Sale No: 78
Lot No:2257
Cat No:S1-31
1943-46 SOMALIA; plus 1948 (hinged) ad 1950 postage sets, u.m. (31) [US5] (Start Price = £31.20)