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Cavendish Philatelic Auctions Ltd. Sale: 832

Italy, Italian States and Colonies

image Sale No: 832
Lot No:943
Cat No:Collection

1916-19 MILITARY P.O.s IN ALBANIA: Range of cards & covers from Italian forces in Albania during WWI inc. 1916 PPC bearing "POSTA MILITARE/ALBANIA No. 2" cds with fine oval "R.POSTE/225o BATTAGLIONE/M.a TERRITORIALE" cachet in purple, 1917 PPC to Milan with fine "COMANDO/della BRIGATA SAVONA" in purple, 25 Oct. 1918 military PC ex Valona to Palermo cancelled "POSTA MILITARE/111" cds with "VERIFICATO/PER CENSURA" censor cachet & rare "116o SQUADRIGLIA D'AEROPLANI" air force cachet both in purple, 1918-19 group of 5 attractive colour printed Italian Army PCs with range of Posta Militare cds cancels (50, 111 (2), 113 & 115) & various censor cachets, etc. An excellent range of P.O.s and units represented (37 cards/covers) Cross Reference : ALBANIA, MILITARY - WWI, MILITARY - CENSORED MAIL (Image)

Opening GBP 130.00
Sold...GBP 220.00

Closed..Sep-08-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 220

image Sale No: 832
Lot No:944
Cat No:Collection

DODECANESE ISLANDS UNDER ITALIAN OCCUPATION: Range of cards & covers inc. 1916 env to Alexandria franked "SCARPANTO" opt on Italy 25c Blue tied Scarpanto cds with censor reseal tape at top tied fine large boxed "VERIFICATO/PER CENSURA" in red, 1918 env regd to Switzerland franked "RODI" opt on Italy 25c Blue (v. pair) tied Rodi cds with fine boxed "VERIFICATO PER CENSURA/CENSORE N1-RODI(EGEO)", "(61)/VERIFICATO/PER CENSURA" & "(34)/VERIFICATO/PER CENSURA" h.s. in blue-green, purple & black respectively plus "A.R" h.s. in black, 1923 env to Argentina (scarce destination) franked on rear Italy 40c & 60c tied "POSTE ITALIANE/LEROS (EGEO) cds's with Mar Del Plata arrival machine d.s. below, 1936 env regd to France franked mixed set 1929-32 'Kings Visit to Aegean Islands' inc 10l without printers imprint (SG 25A £90 off cover) & 1935 Express Letter 1l25 all tied fine "RACCOMANDATE-ASSISURATE-RODI/EGEO" cds's, etc. A fine group (21 cards/covers) Cross Reference : GREECE, REGISTERED MAIL, ITALY, MILITARY - CENSORED MAIL (Image)

Opening GBP 240.00
Sold...GBP 260.00

Closed..Sep-08-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 260

image Sale No: 832
Lot No:945

ITALIAN PO IN EGYPT; Trio with Nov. 1864 defective env. to Savona franked 60c tied by framed "PIROSCAFI/POSTALI/ITALIANI" marking with "ALESSANDRIA D'EGITO/POSTE ITALIANI" cds alongside Apr. 1866 E to Leghorn franked 60c tied by "ALESSANDRIA D'EGITO/POSTE ITALIANE" cds and with framed "PIROSCAFI/POSTALI/ITALIANI", 1875 E to Venice franked 'ESTERO' 40c tied by 234 dotted cancel with part "ALESSANDRIA D'EGITO/POSTE ITALIANE" cds on front and 1898 official unfranked internal env. to Cairo from the Italian Consul in Cairo with bilingual (French/Arabic) framed "NON RECLAME" h.s. on rear. (4 covers) Cross Reference : OFFICIAL MAIL, INSTRUCTIONAL MARKS, RETURNED MAIL, EGYPT (Image)

Opening GBP 130.00
Sold...GBP 160.00

Closed..Sep-08-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 160

image Sale No: 832
Lot No:946
Cat No:Collection

ETHIOPIA & ERITREA - 1930s-40s GROUP (INC. AIR MAIL, CENSORED, MILITARY, REGD., ETC.): Range inc. 1936 unfranked military concession env to Asmara (Eritrea) with fine "ADIGRAT/ETIOPIA" cds, 1939 env franked Eritrea 25c on backflap ex Dire Dava to Harar (a scarce item between two soldiers within the interior of Ethiopia), 1941 env ex Italy regd.air mail to a military post in Ethiopia franked Italy 75c (pair) & 1f75c (pair) tied Milan cds's with censor cachet "VERIFICATO PER CENSURE/102" in purple & resealing label at left plus fine undeliverable/s in red and returned to sender, etc. Interesting selection (50 cards/covers) Cross Reference : REGISTERED MAIL, AIR MAIL COVERS, MILITARY, MILITARY - CENSORED MAIL (Image)

Opening GBP 320.00
Sold...GBP 340.00

Closed..Sep-08-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 340

image Sale No: 832
Lot No:947

ITALIAN PO IN TUNISIA; Range with 1834/44 EL's to Leghorn ex Tunis with part framed Lazaretto h.s. on rear, 1870 unfranked env. to Genoa with "Da Tunisi" h.s. and 60c p.due tied by Genoa cds, 1870 unfranked EL to Palermo with "TUNISI/POSTE ITALIANE" cds and 60c p.due tied by Palermo cds, 1870/73 E/EL to from Tunisia franked Italy 40c 1879 env. to Tunis ex Constantinople franked Turkey 20para pair and with Brindisi transit cds on rear, 1918 env. to Naples franked 10c tied by indistinct cds and 10c p.dues also tied by indistinct cds. (8 covers) Cross Reference : FRENCH COLS. - TUNISIA, POSTAGE DUE STAMPS & COVERS, DISINFECTED MAIL (Image)

Opening GBP 140.00
Sold...GBP 150.00

Closed..Sep-08-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 150

image Sale No: 832
Lot No:948

ITALIAN PO IN TUNISIA - ESTERO OVERPRINT FRANKINGS; Pair with 1872 reduced front to Italy franked 20c + 2c strip of four tied by '235' bar cancels and with "TUNISI/POSTE ITALIANE" cds on front, 1876 E to Florence franked 20c + 1-c tied by dotted '235' numeral and "TUNISI/POSTE ITALIANE" cds and 1884/87 envs. to Naples or Vienna franked 20c or 20c + 5c all tied by '235' bar cancel with "TUNIS/POSTE ITALIANE" cds on front and signed by Sorani. (3 covers + 1 front) Cross Reference : FRENCH COLS. - TUNISIA (Image)

Opening GBP 120.00
Sold...GBP 130.00

Closed..Sep-08-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 130


image Sale No: 832
Lot No:925
Cat No:Collection

PRE-STAMP INC. INWARDS MAIL GROUP; Range inc. 1459 indecipherable EL with embossed shield and merchants' symbol on front, 1570 EL to Novellara ex Ferrara with too late ms. endorsement on front, 1624 E/EL to Genoa or Florence ex Brussels or Cologne, 1666 EL to London endorsed 'Franco p Mantova' with framed "D/9" h.s. on rear, 1698 incoming EL to Leghorn ex London (written by Sir Edward Ward [1638-1714], Chief Baron of the Exchequer) and rated '14' crazie on front, 1728 EL to Florence ex Nuremberg endorsed 'franca p Trento' on front, 1731 EL to Florence ex Leipzig rated '3' crazie on front and other related examples. (17 items) Cross Reference : OVERSEAS DESTINATIONS, INCOMING OVERSEAS MAIL, LONDON POSTAL HISTORY, EARLY LETTERS (Image)

Opening GBP 160.00
Sold...GBP 1,100.00

Closed..Sep-08-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 1100

image Sale No: 832
Lot No:926

17th-19th CENTURY PRE-STAMP MAIL; Range with 1621 disinfected EL to Benagna, 1801 EL to Turin with "GIGLIANO" h.s. on front, 1810 EL to Pescia with framed "MUNICIPALITA/DI GRANAGLIONE" h.s. on front, 1813 EL to Florence with oval "Prefetto/DEL RINO/37" h.s. on front and other related examples. (16 covers) (Image)

Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 140.00

Closed..Sep-08-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 140

image Sale No: 832
Lot No:930

PAPAL STATES & MODENA FRANKINGS; Range with 1853 mourning EL to Austria franked Papal States 7b + 1b with Ancona cds on front, 1853 E to Mantova franked Modena 15c tied by scarce blue bar cancel with Guastalla cds on front, 1856 E to Modena franked 5c tied by bar cancel with "REGGIO/[DATE]" h.s. on front plus 1849/57 unfranked E's or env. (with contents) to France ex Rome with "CORPS EXPEDITE D'ITALIE/Qer GENERAL" cds or similar types and with ms. '2' or '10' decimes or "25" or "30" centimes marks on front. (8 covers) Cross Reference : MOURNING ENVELOPES, FRANCE, MILITARY (Image)

Opening GBP 110.00
Sold...GBP 120.00

Closed..Sep-08-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 120

image Sale No: 832
Lot No:932

SARDINIA STAMPLESS & FRANKED MAIL; Range with 1834/58 printed matter or local mail within Nice or Chambery (Savoy) rated with "05" h.s. on front, 1857 wax-sealed unfranked ladies embossed decorative env. to France with Turin cds on front and "5" decimes h.s. on front, 1860 mourning env. to Paris (redirected to Aix-les-Bains) ex Turin and rated '5' decimes on arrival, 1860 EL to Casale Manferato franked 20c tied by Lugo cds, 1861 E to Castiglion Fiorentino franked 10c tied by bar cancel with Montepulciano cds on front and 1863 env. to Paris franked 40c tied by Genoa cds with "P.D." h.s. on front. (7 covers) Cross Reference : MOURNING ENVELOPES, REDIRECTED MAIL (Image)

Opening GBP 150.00
Sold...GBP 160.00

Closed..Sep-08-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 160

image Sale No: 832
Lot No:933

SICILY 1859 1gr, 2gr Dull Blue, 5gr Orange-Red (thinned; SG £2250), 10gr Indigo (2 - three or four margins) & 20g Slate-Grey margins touching or just cut into plus 1859 EL to Parma franked Parma 15c tied by Piacenza cds and 1861/62 EL to Udine or Lonigo franked Sardinia 20c Blue or Italy 20c Indigo all tied by Milan cds and former with "15" h.s. on front. (6 stamps + 4 covers) (Image)

Opening GBP 130.00
Sold...GBP 220.00

Closed..Sep-08-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 220

image Sale No: 832
Lot No:934

TUSCANY - 1851 2c BLACK TRIALS ON COLOURED PAPER/CARD - on lilac (tiny thin), green and blue papers plus on red-surfaced thin card. (4) (Image)

Opening GBP 80.00
Sold...GBP 110.00

Closed..Sep-08-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 110

image Sale No: 832
Lot No:936

TUSCANY INTERNAL MAIL; Range with 1853/56 EL/E to Venice or Rome franked 6c tied by "P.D." cancel with "STRADA FERRATA" Railway cds on front or tied by Florence d.s. with framed "PD" h.s. on front, 1855/58 unfranked EL's (3 - all on fancy notepaper) to Sari with Florence d.s. on front, 1856 E to Massa Ducale franked 4c tied by "P.D." h.s. with Leghorn d.s. on front, 1857 EL to Leghorn ex Florence with oval "STRADA FERRATA/FRANCA/LEOPOLDA" Railway h.s. on front and 1860 EL to Florence franked 10c (2) each with "P.D." cancels and "MASSA MARITIME" d.s. on front. (8 covers) Cross Reference : TRAVELLING POST OFFICES (Image)

Opening GBP 180.00
Sold...GBP 190.00

Closed..Sep-08-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 190

image Sale No: 832
Lot No:938
Cat No:Collection

VENICE - 1645-1790s GROUP OF 'ACQUE' LETTERSHEETS & TAXED PAPER - contains fascinating 1690-1794 group (5) of lettersheet-type pre-paid? paper introduced by Venice in early 1600s to raise tax for flood relief, plus a few that appear to be for other taxes. Scarce. (13) Cross Reference : ITALY (Image)

Opening GBP 80.00
Sold...GBP 200.00

Closed..Sep-08-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 200


image Sale No: 832
Lot No:939

RARE 1498 LETTER IN LATIN - 27? December 1498 EL possibly from Verona? to Tuderti (Todi) in Latin with embossed red wax seal and signed by a diplomat (consulis populi). Fine and attractive. Cross Reference : EARLY LETTERS (Image)

Opening GBP 140.00
Sold...GBP 280.00

Closed..Sep-08-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 280

image Sale No: 832
Lot No:940

RARE 1499 UMBRIAN LETTER - 2 December 1499 EL from Fulginium (Foligno) to Tuderti (Todi) in Latin with fine and large embossed wafer seal and endorsed 'Legatus' (ambassador). Fine and attractive. Cross Reference : EARLY LETTERS (Image)

Opening GBP 140.00
Sold...GBP 320.00

Closed..Sep-08-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 320

image Sale No: 832
Lot No:941

RARE 1499 UMBRIAN LETTER - 16 December 1499 EL from Perusii (Perugia) to Tuderti (Todi) in Latin with red wax seal remains and endorsed 'Legatus' (ambassador). Fine and attractive. Cross Reference : EARLY LETTERS (Image)

Opening GBP 140.00
Sold...GBP 240.00

Closed..Sep-08-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 240

image Sale No: 832
Lot No:942
Cat No:Collection

1548-1613 GROUP OF FOUR LETTERS - Latin letter with 1543 file note from the province of Umbria; letter in Latin with 1553 file note, apparently with a reference to Pope Paul II; 1586 letter in Italian written from Perugia; and 1613 letter in Italian. Interesting and scarce. (4 items) Cross Reference : EARLY LETTERS (Image)

Opening GBP 65.00
Sold...GBP 150.00

Closed..Sep-08-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 150


image Sale No: 832
Lot No:1300

POSTAL HISTORY DISPLAY, housed in a binder, of pre-Italian Trieste with 34 pre-stamp entires, postcards and letters to and from the area. Also includes 3 early maps. Inbound mail from Verona with single line town marks c.1818; entire to Milan from V.TRIESTE c.1820; entire from Trieste (red town mark in oval) to the British Ambassador in Vienna, c.1822 plus others. Also includes covers with various Kreuzer values, many with unusual cachets and waymarks. Inc. three inbound from GB. (37 items) Cross Reference : AUSTRIA, ITALY (Image)

Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 160.00

Closed..Sep-08-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 160

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