Imperial China Postal History Imperial China Postal History
Sale No: 45
Lot No:188
1900’s A red band cover registered to Peking, on reverse bearing CIP Coiling Dragon 1c strip of 3 and 5c in pair, both tied by bilingual ‘TSITSIHAR’ cds, date not clear, hand stamped faint registered frame chop on black. With bilingual ‘PEKING’ arrival cds, date not clear also. Est. HK$4,000-5,000 (Image)
Est. HK$4,000-5,000
Opening HK$ 4,000.00
Sold...HK$ 4,000.00
Closed..Oct-04-2022, 23:50:47 EST
Sold For 4000
Sale No: 45
Lot No:189
1900’s Two CIP coiling dragon on cover or postcard, one with 1c in pair x 2 on cover to Hong Kong. Another with same single stamp on picture postcard, both tied by ‘SHANGHAI’ cds. Est. HK$1,000-1,300 (Image)
Est. HK$1,000-1,300
Opening HK$ 700.00
Sold...HK$ 700.00
Closed..Oct-04-2022, 23:51:30 EST
Sold For 700
Sale No: 45
Lot No:190
1902 (14 Nov.) A cover to England, bearing CIP Coiling Dragon 1c in pair, tied by bilingual ‘WUCHANG’ cds, with ‘WUCHANG/ONE’ Letter Box and ‘SHANG-HAI/17.11.02’ Fr. P.O transit, on reverse with bilingual ‘HANKOW/24.22.02’ and ‘SHANGHAI/17.22.02’ transit. Est. HK$1,500-1,800 (Image)
Est. HK$1,500-1,800
Opening HK$ 1,600.00
Sold...HK$ 1,600.00
Closed..Oct-04-2022, 23:52:17 EST
Sold For 1600
Sale No: 45
Lot No:193
1903 ( 9 June) A mixed franking cover from Kiaochow registered to Baden, addressed to James Maus., bearing Dowager large figures surcharged 2.50mm on 2nd printing, 30c on 24c, tied by the rare ‘LINGSHANWEI’ (靈山衛) tombstone cancel in black, alongside Kiautschou Yacht type, 3p in single and block of4, 35p, each tied by ‘KIAUTSCHOU’ Gr. P.O cds. on reverse with ‘LICHTENTHAL/20.7.03’ arrival cds. Est. HK$15,000-18,000
Est. HK$15,000-18,000
Opening HK$ 15,000.00
Sold...HK$ 15,000.00
Closed..Oct-04-2022, 23:53:50 EST
Sold For 15000
Sale No: 45
Lot No:195
1904 (10 Mar.) A red band cover from Shantung Railway Bureau to Tsingtau, bearing CIP Coiling Dragon 4c, 10c green in pair, both tied by very clear bilingual ‘CHINAN’ cds, hand stamped ‘R/From Chinan registered’ frame chop in black char. With bilingual ‘KIAOCHOW/14.3.04’ and ‘TSINGTAU/14.3.04’ Gr. P.O cds. Est. HK$5,000-6,000 (Image)
Est. HK$5,000-6,000
Opening HK$ 6,000.00
Sold...HK$ 6,000.00
Closed..Oct-04-2022, 23:54:29 EST
Sold For 6000
Sale No: 45
Lot No:197
1904 A red band cover from Hunan registered to Peking, on front bearing CIP Coiling Dragon 2c red x 3, tied by ‘HUNAN’ Lunar char. Cds, handstamped registered frame chop in black char. On reverse with bilingual ‘CHANGSHA/26.9.04’ transit and ‘PEKING/Four’ Letter Box arrival cancel. fine. Est. HK$2,000-2,500 (Image)
Est. HK$2,000-2,500
Opening HK$ 1,400.00
Sold...HK$ 1,400.00
Closed..Oct-04-2022, 23:55:07 EST
Sold For 1400
Sale No: 45
Lot No:202
1906 A printed greeting cover to Peking, on front bearing CIP Coiling Dragon 2c red, tied by char. ‘HONAN/WEIHUI’ (衛輝) char. Lunar cds, on reverse with ‘PEKING/NINE’ Letter Box arrival cancel. Est. HK$1,200-1,600 (Image)
Est. HK$1,200-1,600
Opening HK$ 900.00
Sold...HK$ 900.00
Closed..Oct-04-2022, 23:56:34 EST
Sold For 900
Sale No: 45
Lot No:205
1908 (15 July) A cover from Canton registered to Germany, on reverse bearing CIP Coiling Dragon 10c and 20c, both tied by ‘CANTON/HOYUN’ Lunar cds ( 河源) with faint Tombstone cancel, bilingual R’ and ‘AR’ cancel in black circle, ;CANTON/18.7.08’ Fr. P.O transit, ‘FRANKFURT’STRASSBURG-BASEL/ZUG’ oval Train cancel and Germany 22.8.08 arrival cds. nice cover with a lot of postmarks. Est. HK$5,000-6,000
Est. HK$5,000-6,000
Opening HK$ 4,600.00
Sold...HK$ 4,600.00
Closed..Oct-04-2022, 23:57:38 EST
Sold For 4600
Sale No: 45
Lot No:207
1908 (27 Mar.) A printed greeting cover to Peking, bearing CIP Coiling Dragon 3c red, tied by ‘HOINAN/ZHANGDE’ (彰德) char. Lunar cds, with ‘ZHANGDE/ONE’ Letter Box arrival cancel alongside. Est. HK$1,000-1,200 (Image)
Est. HK$1,000-1,200
Opening HK$ 700.00
Sold...HK$ 700.00
Closed..Oct-04-2022, 23:58:17 EST
Sold For 700
Sale No: 45
Lot No:214
Cat No:Collection
A small group of picture postcards x 3, all sent from Shanghai to Chefoo, each card bearing CIP Coiling Dragon 1c orange, tied by ‘SHANGHAI’ Lunar cds, fine. Est. HK$900-1,200 (Image)
Est. HK$900-1,200
Opening HK$ 1,000.00
Sold...HK$ 1,000.00
Closed..Oct-05-2022, 00:00:27 EST
Sold For 1000
Sale No: 45
Lot No:216
Cat No:Collection
A small group of the incoming postal history items x 8, with a few foreign post office items, mainly from Europe, with a few items at the ROC period. Est. HK$2,500-3,000 (Image)