Great Britain and British Commonwealth Australia and Areas
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:204
Cat No:SG19
South Australia Die Proof for 1886 Issue (SG Design 19) - Die proof in black on glazed card, for 1886 issue (SG design 19). Dated "12 OCT 85" and endorsed "BEFORE HARDENING". F- VF with some minor soiling. (Est $200-300) (Image)
Opening US$ 575.00
Sold...US$ 575.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:00:30 EST
Sold For 575
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:205
Cat No:73c
South Australia Scott 73c Mint Imperf Horiz Pairs in Block/4 - Block of 4 (4 imperf horiz pairs), chocolate shade, large star wmk., appear to have original gum, with wing margin at right. SG130, £3000 Cat val at £750/pair. F-VF. (SCV $1900) (Image)
Opening US$ 800.00
Sold...US$ 800.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:01:16 EST
Sold For 800
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:206
Cat No:73e
South Australia Scott 73e Mint Imperf Between Vertical Strip/3 - Vertical strip of 3 imperf between, sepia shade, large star wmk., disturbed gum, with wing margin at bottom. SG131, £650/pair. F-VF. (SCV $675) (Image)
Opening US$ 950.00
Sold...US$ 950.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:02:27 EST
Sold For 950
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:207
Cat No:152a
South Australia Scott 152a MLH Vert Pair, Imperf Between - 6p value, wmk crown single-lined A, vertical bend, F-VF and fresh. SG 300ab, £2500. (SCV $2500) (Image)
Opening US$ 575.00
Sold...US$ 575.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:03:17 EST
Sold For 575
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:208
Cat No:154a
South Australia Scott 154a MLH Vert Pair, Imperf Between - 9p value, wmk crown single-lined A, sound, F-VF and fresh. SG 3020, £2500. (SCV $2250) (Image)
Opening US$ 600.00
Sold...US$ 600.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:04:15 EST
Sold For 600
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:211
Cat No:Collection
Barbados Mint Collection on Homemade Pages, 1938-1970's - Collection mounted on quadrille pages starting with the 1938 Badge of the colony issue. Several mint sets follow like 202-6, 210-1, 216-227, and include perf varieties, wmk varieties, and dues from this time period. Additional value in the stockpages with more varieties and blocks of the 1974-7 Orchid series. And note the actual photos of the several commemoratives as collector had visited these places. A nice collection in a springback binder with a personal touch! Generally F-VF throughout. (Est $300-400) (Image)
Opening US$ 150.00
Sold...US$ 150.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:06:48 EST
Sold For 150
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:331
Cat No:Collection
British Colonies on Stock Pages - Several dozen stock pages (and a few other album pages) hold many 100's of mint/used stamps. We spotted better Cyprus mint sets, Ceylon mint/used, Australian States, KUT, early unused/used India, and others. Careful review should uncover some goodies throughout. Expect some faults, but generally fine or better. (Est $400-600) (Image)
Opening US$ 250.00
Sold...US$ 250.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 16:03:51 EST
Sold For 250
Falkland Islands
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:235
Cat No:Collection
Falkland Islands Unused/Used Collection on Pages - Almost complete hinge mounted collection on Scott-like computer printed specialty pages in Scott binder with slipcase. Rather sparse up to 1930's. Includes used Scott 77-80, 93, 103-6, and unused 84-92, 122-7, 166-79, 210-22, 227-30, 387-401, and appears complete to 1996. Includes issues for the separate Islands (unused), a 2014 year set, and a couple stockpages with extras. Generally F-VF. (Est $275-350) (Image)
Opening US$ 220.00
Sold...US$ 220.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:33:18 EST
Sold For 220
Great Britian
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:278
Cat No:Collection
Great Britain Classics in a Stockbook - Many 100's lined up by Scott number in 16 page stockbook and a few extra stockpages. Most of the value lies in Victoria and Edward eras Owner's 2017 SCV is almost $16,000. Likely some cancel pickings here, expect mixed condition and a low start bid. (Est $400-800) (Image)
Opening US$ 260.00
Sold...US$ 260.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 15:16:44 EST
Sold For 260
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:279
Cat No:1
Great Britain Scott 1 on Piece - Pretty 3½ margin stamps with Maltese Cross cancel and tied by Lisburn CDS. (SCV $375) (Image)
Opening US$ 60.00
Sold...US$ 60.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 15:17:24 EST
Sold For 60
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:280
Cat No:1
Great Britain Scott 1 Used, Close to 4 Margin, Red Cancel - Closely cut lower right and left sides. Bright stamp! (SCV $375) (Image)
Opening US$ 60.00
Sold...US$ 60.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 15:17:56 EST
Sold For 60
New Zealand
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:307
Cat No:Collection
New Zealand Collection in 3 Hingeless Davo Albums to 1995 - Beautiful collection holding many 100's of mint and used stamps and souvenir sheets. No early Chalons but starts very quickly afterward with mint/used and changing over to mostly mint in the 1960-1980's. Latter years a bit sparse. We spotted unused Scott 165-70, 179-81, B2, B6-7, C1-8, and Scott 288-301 mixed used/mint. Some mixed condition in the Victoria era, then generally F-VF the rest of the way. Add your Chalon issues to round out this collection nicely! (Est $500-600) (Image)
Opening US$ 260.00
Sold...US$ 260.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 15:41:22 EST
Sold For 260
South Georgia
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:319
Cat No:Collection
South Georgia Mostly Unused Collection on Scott Pages - Almost complete hinge mounted collection on Scott specialty pages includes Scott 1-16, 17-30 (less #25 but with watermark variety), and then complete to Scott 173, and B1-4. Includes a 2014 year set. F-VF. (Est $120-150) (Image)