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Status International Sale: 368

Great Britain and British Commonwealth
image Sale No: 368
Lot No:1389
Cat No:1-12

1937 Dhow set ½a-10R. VF fresh MLH. SG 1-12 cat £1200. (12). (P) (Image1)

Estimate AU$650

Opening AU$ 450.00
Sold...AU$ 475.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 475

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:1392
Cat No:12

1937 Dhow 10R olive-green. VF fresh MLH. SG 12 cat £750 (P) (Image1)

Estimate AU$450

Opening AU$ 325.00
Sold...AU$ 350.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 350

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:1401
Cat No:31s-40s

1903-07 KEVII Arms set ½d to 5/- wmk Crown CC, opt SPECIMEN. VF fresh M. SG 31s-40s cat £200. (10). (P) (Image1)

Estimate AU$220

Opening AU$ 160.00
Sold...AU$ 210.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 210

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:1419
Cat No:1-9

1922 opt KGV View set ½d to 3/-. Superb fresh MLH/MNH. SG 1-9 cat £325+ plus premium for the MNH stamps. (9) (P) (Image1)

Estimate AU$325

Opening AU$ 230.00
Sold...AU$ 300.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 300

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:1421
Cat No:10-20

1924-33 KGV Ship set ½d to 3/-. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 10-20 cat £350. (12). (P) (Image1)

Estimate AU$350

Opening AU$ 250.00
Sold...AU$ 300.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 300

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:39
Cat No:Collection

1913-48 valuable Mint/MNH collection in SG Paramount loose leaf album with Kangaroos 1st wmk (10) to 1/- inc 2d (2), 2½d (2), 4d pale orange (cat $650), 5d & 1/-. 3rd wmk 2d Die I (3) inc wmk inv pr M/MNH (ACSC 7Ba cat $500) & 6d blue (2) inc perf OS. SM wmk 9d violet & CofA wmk (4) to 2/-. Total ACSC cat $2830. KGV with single wmk (20) to 1/4 (retail $750) inc 4d orange shades (2), 4d blue, 4d olive & 5d. SM wmk perf 14 (5) inc 4d & 4½d. SM wmk perf 13½x12½ (18) to 5d inc 1d Die II, 3d Die I, 4½d Die I plus 4½d Die II CTO as always. CofA wmk comp to 1/4 inc OS opt set of 5 (total retail $1850). 1914 Kookaburra 6d MNH & CTO ($300). 1929-31 Commems perf OS CTO (6). 1932 Kookaburra 6d & Lyrebird 1/- fresh MNH. 1934 Vic Cent & Macarthur sets. 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/- & ANZAC 1/- (2) plus 3 extra VFU. 1937 KGVI 3d blue Dies (6, retail $580) inc 'white wattles' (2). 1938 Robes set to £1 thin paper MNH ($250). 1941 KGVI Defs inc 2d purple coil starter strip of 3 in red (cat $250), 2½d booklet panes (3, $400) inc wmk inv variety & 1948 2d purple no wmk coil starter pr ($100). All fresh & clean, F-VF M/MNH, total retail $7500. (P) (Image1)

Estimate AU$2,000

Opening AU$ 1,500.00
Sold...AU$ 1,600.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 1600

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:40
Cat No:Collection

1913-65 extensive MNH collection in well-filled Lighthouse hingeless album with Kangaroos (28) inc 1st wmk ½d, 1d shades/dies (3), 2d, 2½d, 3d. 2nd wmk 2d, 2½d. 3rd wmk 2d Die I, 2d Die IIA, 2½d (2), 3d Die I, 3d Die IIB, 6d brown, 9d, 1/-. SM wmk set to 2/- inc 6d opt OS. CofA wmk set to 2/- inc 6d opt OS. Some with suntanned gum (not toned or foxed) o/w fresh & clean, ACSC cat $5970. Album near comp this point with KGV (95) to 1/4 with single wmk (47) inc ½d Cypress Green, 1d red shades (9) inc Die III, 1½d scarlet very thin paper (cat $325), 2d brown (2), 4d orange (3) inc wmk inv ($225), 4d blue (2),5d brown (3) & 1/4 (3) inc perf OS (2). SM wmk perf 14 set of 9 to 1/4 & perf 13½x12½ set of 17 to 1/4. CofA wmk set of 8 to 1/4, odd stamp with sl disturbed gum, ACSC cat $11,330. KGV era Pics/Commems (43) inc 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/sheet (rev tone spots), 1931 Kingsford Smith OS (as is) not counted in cat value, 1932 Lyrebird 1/- (2) & bridge set to 5/- green (disturbed gum, $1500). 1934 Vic Cent sets (both) & Macarthur to 9d, 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1937 KGVI Defs set to £1 Robes plus extras inc 3d blue Die I 'white wattles' & Die II thick/thin papers. Thin paper set to £1 Robes. 1938-46 KGVI perf 15x14 set (15) to 1/- Lyrebird. 1949-52 KGVI Defs comp to £2 Arms. Comprehensive pre-decimal QEII to £2 Navigator inc 1959-64 Pics to 5/- Cattle white paper & 1965 Helecon paper set of 12 to 2/3 Wattle. Generally fresh & clean MNH. ACSC cat $23,700. (450 + M/S) (P) (Image1)

Estimate AU$5,500

Opening AU$ 4,000.00
Sold...AU$ 4,000.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 4000

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:41
Cat No:Collection

1913-80 M/MNH collector's duplicates in thick red album with 550 pre-decimals inc Kangaroos (19, retail $375) to 2/- inc 2d (MNH), 2½d, 3d, 5d, 6d brown & 9d (2). KGV (44, retail $850) to 1/4 inc 1d Engraved MNH (6) single wmk 2d brown, 3d blue, 4d orange, 4d violet, 4d blue & 1/4 (2) inc perf OS. 1929 Airmail 3d (3), 1931 Kingsford Smith set, 1934 Macarthur set plus extra 2d 'dark hills'. 1935 KGV SJ sets to 2/- (2), 1936 South Aust to 1/-, 1937 NSW Sesqui sets (3) & assorted 1930s 3d blue Commems (17). 1938 KGVI 10/- Robes opt SPECIMEN, 1940 AIF set, 1946 BCOF opts to 2/-, 1949 60s 2/- or 2/3 Commems (27) & 1964 Navigators to 7/6 Cook. Generally F-VF M with MNH sighted, retail $1900. Then 1966-80 decimals MNH (FV $400) with pickings to $10 Painting. (many 100s) (P) (Image1)

Estimate AU$700

Opening AU$ 525.00
Sold...AU$ 650.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 650

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:42
Cat No:Collection

1913-65 near comp collection in near new current edition Seven Seas hingeless slipcase album with Kangaroos 1st wmk set to 2/-, 2nd wmk set to 5/-, 3rd wmk set to 10/-, (plus £1 brown & blue, £2 black & rose reproduction space fillers), & £1 grey CofA wmk opt SPECIMEN to comp the page. SM wmk set of 6 to 10/- & CofA wmk set of 7 to £1. All acceptable G-FU ACSC cat $4600. KGV (68) to 1/4 inc OS opt set of 7 to 5d. 1914 Kookaburra VFU. 1928 Kookaburra M/sheet M, selvedge thin. 1931-36 KGV era Pics/Commems near comp with OS opts (6) to 1/- inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d, 6d. 1934 Vic Cent sets (both) & Macarthur to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV SJ set to 2/6 & 1936 SA Cent set. 1938 KGVI Robes set to £1 thick & thin papers VFU (retail $200). 1949 Arms to £2 & QEII pre-decimals comp inc 1964 Navigator set of 8 to £2. Mostly F-VF, cat/retail $6500, plus another $160 for the hingeless album. (400 + M/S) (P) (Image1)

Estimate AU$1,200

Opening AU$ 1,000.00
Sold...AU$ 1,200.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 1200

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:43
Cat No:Collection

1913-72 collection in Seven Seas illustrated album with Kangaroos (18) to 2/- brown plus 10/-, £1, £2 CofA opt SPECIMEN un (retail $180). KGV (95) to1/4 inc many extras on loose pgs. 1931 Airmail 6d & 1932 Lyrebird 1/- both opt OS. 1934 Vic Cent sets (2) & Macarthur to 9d. 1935 ANZAC 1/-.1938 KGVI Robes to £1 plus extra 10/-. 1940 AIF set. 1949 Arms to £2, 1964 Navigators (5) to £1, Decimals to 1972 Christmas inc 1971 7c blk of 7 & 25 MNH. Postage Dues 1953 CofA wmk (10) to 5/- MNH (retail $150) & booklets (12, retail $450) inc 1927 Canberra, 1967 Vietnam 5c blue CTO with Field PO cancels (rare, retail $250) & 1968-72 Fam Aust/PMs (8 diff). Some M/MNH, mostly G-FU. (500) (Image1)

Estimate AU$350

Opening AU$ 250.00
Sold...AU$ 250.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 250

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:44
Cat No:Collection

1913-72 collection in older style Seven Seas illustrated album with Kangaroos (73) to £1 inc 1st wmk to 1/- plus 2/- Private Perfin. 2nd wmk 5/- (rounded cnr), 3rd wmk to 5/- plus £1 chestnut & blue telegraph Puncture (ACSC cat $2500 Postally U), CofA wmk £1 grey (cat $450) plus Official Punctures to 1/- green. KGV (76) to 1/4. 1914 Kookaburra 6d (2) inc Private Perfin. 1932 Bridge 5/- CTO with gum (retail $300). 1934 Vic Cent set to 1/- (2). 1935 ANZAC 1/- M (2) & U. 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee to 2/-. 1938 Robes sets (3) to £1. 1940 AIF sets MNH & U. 1949 Arms to £2 plus extra £2 pr with m/s cancels. QEII pre-decimals to £1 Bass inc high val 2/- or 2/3 Commems (35) MNH or U && decimals to 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25 (tropicalised gum) inc 1968-72 Fam Aust/Prim Min booklet panes set of 16 CTO. Very mixed Poor-F/VF condition, realistic commercial retail $2400 plus 1946 BCOF opt set of 9 MNH (top values minor tones) inc 1d blue opt & 5/- both thick & thin papers, retail $480. (720) (P) (Image1)

Estimate AU$900

Opening AU$ 650.00
Sold...AU$ 650.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 650

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:46
Cat No:Collection

1913-72 mostly M/MNH collection in stock pages with Kangaroos 1st wmk set of 7 to 6d blue (cat £485). KGV (50) to 5d inc 1½d red SM wmk inv perf 14 pr MNH (ACSC 91a cat $250), 4d blue perf OS ($150) & SM wmk perf 14 4d olive upper marginal MNH ($350). 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/sheet. 1931 Kingsford Smith 6d violet MNH (4) & 6d Airmail MNH/FU. 1932 Bridge 5/- Postally U. 1934 Vic Cent & Macarthur sets M. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV SJ 2/- MNH, plus extra 2/- VFU. 1938 Robes 10/-, £1 MNH, plus extra £1 VFU. 1949 Arms set to £1 VFU. 1950s-60s high value Commems MNH. 1964 Navigator set of 6 to £2 lightly toned MNH & range MNH decimals to early 1970s inc 1966 Navigator set to $4. Some light toning/flts in places, mostly F-VF M/MNH, retail $3000+, plus extra KGV (50) ½d to 2d inc 1d green plate flaws (7, cat $245). G-F U. (260) (P) (Image1)

Estimate AU$850

Opening AU$ 650.00
Sold...AU$ 650.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 650

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:52
Cat No:Collection

1913-end 1985 extensive near comp collection in2 VGC Seven Seas hingeless albums with pre-decimals (415) inc Kangaroos 1st wmk set of 10 to 1/- VFM (ACSC cat $1850). 2nd wmk (6) to 2/- M or U (cat $1200). 3rd wmk (9) to 5/- FM (cat $1400) plus £1 brown & blue (few short perfs), £1 grey FU & £2 opt SPECIMEN. SM wmk (5) to 2/- FM (cat $700) inc 6d opt OS. CofA wmk 6d to 2/- M inc 6d opt OS (cat $200) & £2 (closed tear), £1, 10/-, 5/- (CTO) G-FU plus SPECIMEN opt set of 3 (total ACSC cat $10,800). KGV (72) inc single wmk 2d brown, 3d blue, 4d orange, violet, blue, olive & 1/4 M (cat $550), LM wmk set of 5 F-VF M, SM wmk perf 14 to 4½d M or U, perf 13½x12½ comp inc 1d green Die II M & 4½d violet Die II CTO. CofA wmk to 1/4 & OS opt set of 7 to 5d brown. 1914-36 KGV era Pics/Commems comp M/U inc 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved UN, OS opt set of 6 inc Lyrebird 1/- M, Kingsford Smith 2d CTO & 3d fresh MLH (ACSC cat $400). 1932 Bridge 5/- FM (cat $500). 1934 Vic Cent set M/U. 1934 Macarthur, 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV SJ set to 2/-. 1936 South Aust set all F-VF M. 1938 KGVI Robs set to £1 F M, 1946 BCOF opt set comp to 5/- MNH, 1949 Arms to £1 MNH & £2 VFU. 1953-65 pre-dec QEII near comp MNH inc 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle & 1963 Navigators 7/6, 10/-, £2. Decimals near comp MNH (FV $160+) to end 1985 inc all better 1966-75 Pic/Commem sets plus 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 25 fresh CTO. Total cat/retail $14,700 to end 1965 & extra for the rest. (100s) (P) (Image1)

Estimate AU$3,500

Opening AU$ 2,800.00
Sold...AU$ 3,200.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 3200

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:56
Cat No:Collection

1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. (3) VFU/CTO. SG 19 cat £190. Retail/cat $220. (Image1)

Estimate AU$100

Opening AU$ 85.00
Sold...AU$ 100.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 100

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:57
Cat No:Collection

1915-47 collection with Kangaroos 3rd wmk MNH 2½d blue, 2d grey Die I & Die 1A, 3d olive shades (2) & 6d chestnut shades (2), total ACSC cat $1025 & F-VF M (12, cat $1865) inc 6d blue, 6d pale greyish-violet, 6d brown 'broken leg' variety, 9d violet & 1/- green (3). SM wmk 6d, 9d M & 6d opt OS MNH (cat $450). CofA wmk 6d chestnut MNH & opt OS VFM, 2/- maroon (both) MNH. Total ACSC cat $3490 M/MNH. Kangaroos U (8) with 3rd wmk 9d violet, 2/- brown, 2/- maroon, 5/-, 10/-, £1 brown & blue, last 2 heavy pmks, ACSC cat $3200. CofA wmk 9d, 5/-, both CTO. KGV (70) M/MNH with single wmk (30) inc 4d orange, 4d violet, 4d blue, 4d olive & 1/4 turquoise, all MNH, plus others to 1/4 F-VF M. SM wmk perf 14 (6) to 4d olive VFM. SM wmk perf 13½x12½ (18) to 1/4 VFM inc 1d Die I, 3d Die II, 4½d Die I plus 4½d Die II fresh CTO. CofA wmk set of 8 to 1/4 F-VF M. Total ACSC cat $4000 plus 1½d grey Scenic lettercard with GPO Hobart View. Then Pics/Commems (retail $960) to 1947 Newcastle set inc 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1928 Kookaburra M/sheet FM (cat $175) & 3d blue blks of 4 (3). 1927-31 Commems perf OS set of 7 inc both 3d Airmail (cat $295), 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS MNH. 1934 Airmail 1/6 no wmk MNH, Vic Cent set (both perfs) & Macarthur set to 9d F-VF M. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee sets all MNH. 1937 KGVI 3d set of 6 (cat $550) inc Die I 'white wattles'. 1938 Robes set thick paper VFU & thin paper MNH (£1 tropicalised gum) & others to end 1947. Other than U high val Kangaroos condition is generally VF fresh. A neat, concise, mostly M/MNH collection, total cat/retail $11,700. (206 + M/S) (P) (Image1)

Estimate AU$3,000

Opening AU$ 2,400.00
Sold...AU$ 3,400.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 3400

Sale No: 368
Lot No:58
Cat No:Collection

1940s-2010s Defs, Pics, Commems sorted into envelopes with good variety & variable quantities from 1927 1½d Canberra to 2017 $1 Aboriginal Art, sighted pre-decimal Navigators to 10/-, & decimal Navigators to $2 with strength in the 1960s-80s Pics/Commems. Unchecked as received & neatly packed into 3 medium cartons. Offered on behalf of Mary McKillop International Mission.

Estimate AU$150

Opening AU$ 160.00
Sold...AU$ 220.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 220

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:59
Cat No:Collection

1920s-60s imprint or other multiples collection with KGV single wmk 1½d brown shades blks of 4 MNH (3, ACSC cat $320), LM wmk 1½d chocolate M/MNH blk of 4 ($90). SM wmk 1½d red Ash imprint prs inc 'imprint at top' variety (ACSC unlisted), cat $120 as 2 normal imprint prs & 3d blue Die II Ash imprint blk of 4 (toned top perfs, cat $275). CofA wmk KGV 2d Ash imprint blk of 4 ($50). Other imprint blks (100+) inc 1934-48 Airmail 1/6 claret thick paper Ash (cat $175), McCracken ($100) & thin paper McCracken ($50) imprints. 1937 KGVI 3d blue Die II perf G/NSW ($275) & 1/4 magenta (4, $210) inc 'flaw in A of Australia' variety, 1945-47 Commem sets (5, cat $200), 1950 Queen 1½d green imprint at top (unlisted ACSC & very scarce). 1940s Zoologicals Authority imprint blks of 4 (10) to 9d plus gutter imprint blks of 8 (8) to 1/-, ACSC cat $220. Other gutter imprint blks of 8 (7) inc 1938 QE 1d green & KGVI 2d red plus 1942-51 Defs blks of 4 to 1/0½d. Pre-dec QEII multiples inc 1959 5d blue 'cracked Electro' upper gutter blk of 4 (cat $375) light rev foxing & 1960s Commems Sheet No or Autotron cnr blks of 4 (20, cat $200), 2/- or 2/3 Commems (76) in MNH multiples plus others inc 1957 QEII set of 5 to 1/7 & 1959 Flowers set of 6 to 3/- MNH blks of 4 (cat $150) & misc blks or singles. Some hinge marks or tropicalisation. Mostly F-VF MNH, total ACSC cat $3800+. (1550 stamps) (P) (Image1)

Estimate AU$800

Opening AU$ 1,100.00
Sold...AU$ 1,150.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 1150

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:60
Cat No:Collection

1927-65 MNH ex dealer's back-up stock in hagners & Posthorn s/book inc 1931 Kingsford Smith sets (3) plus 3d Plate 1, 2 cnr blks of 4, 1½d, 3d Sturt imprint blks of 4, 1934 Vic Centenary set to 1/- & 1930s 3d blue Commems (36 assorted) to 1936 South Aust. 1938 Robes 5/- thin paper Authority imprint blk of 4 (cat $100) & NSW Sesqui set to 9d. 1948 Arms 5/-, 10/-, £1 imprint blks of 4 (ACSC cat $750) plus 15 other imprint blks to 1/6 black Airmail. 1940s Commem sets (50) to 1/-. 1950s Zoologicals no wmk set of 5 to 1/- blks of 4 ($100) plus another 15 Platypus ($220). 1959 Pic sets MNH 6d to 5/- castle (2 sets, retail $80). 1950s-60s high val Commem sets (52, retail $100+) inc 1965 ANZAC (22 sets) plus 1963 Cable 2/3 (36) inc lower part sheet blk of 24. Plus early decimal booklets inc 1971 Fam Aust with staple, no interleaves & w/o stitch marks (rare, retail $150+) & 1968 Fam Aust (tab stamps only) outer reverse cover totally blank! Total ACSC cat/retail $2200+. (many 100s) (Image1)

Estimate AU$600

Opening AU$ 450.00
Sold...AU$ 600.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 600

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:61
Cat No:Collection

1927-65 virtually comp collection (ex Kangaroos/KGV) in Seven Seas hingeless album with 1927-31 Commems perf OS set of 6 CTO, then mostly F-VF M inc 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/sheet with perforations all round, fresh MLH (retail $220+). 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS, 1932 Bridge set of 6 (5/- disturbed gum). 1934 Vic Cent sets (both perfs) & Macarthur set to 9d inc both 2d. 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee set to 2/-. 1936 SA & 1937 NSW Sesqui sets. 1937 KGVI (16) to 1/4 inc 3d blue Dies set of 5. 1937-38 Zoologicals set of 17 to 1/- Lyrebird. 1938 Robes 5/-, 10/-, £1 thick & thin papers. VF M/MLH. 1940 AIF set. 1946 BCOF opt set to 5/- thin paper. 1949 Arms 10/-, £1, £2 all opt SPECIMEN. 1959 Pics to 5/- Cattle. 1964 Navigators set of 6 to £2, 1964 Birds to 3/- & all high val QEII era Pics/Commems. Generally F-VF M, retail $2550. (300 + M/S) (Image1)

Estimate AU$1,000

Opening AU$ 800.00
Sold...AU$ 850.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 850

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:62
Cat No:Collection

1927-82 large accumulation in well-filled contemporary thick Lighthouse 48pg s/book with 1927 Canberra 1½d perf OS, 1931 Kingsford Smith sets (3) plus 6d brown Airmail (3). 1932 Bridge 2d, 3d opt OS, 1934 Vic Cent sets to 1/- (3), 1936 South Aust sets (2), 1937 NSW Sesqui to 9d (5), 1938 Robes set to £1 plus extra 5/- (12). 1940 AIF sets (5), 1949 Arms (3) to £1 (2 sets) plus extra 10/- (12). 1950s/60s 2/- or 2/3 Commems (42). 1964 Navigators 10/- Flinders (5) & decimals in vast quantity inc 1966 Pics to $4 King & 1970s high vals to $10 Paintings. Est retail $700 to end 1965. Then another 2 albums with 1969-72 PO Packs (20, retail $330) inc 1970 Cook & Selected issues (2), 1971 Christmas & Selected Issues, 1971-72 AAT Commem sets (5) & 1972 Prim Ind plus over 70 FDC to mid 1980s inc 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 7 (4) & AAT 1972 Cook set of 4 Bases (these 8 retail $175). (Few 1000) (Image1)

Estimate AU$300

Opening AU$ 220.00
Sold...AU$ 275.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 275

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:63
Cat No:Collection

1929 Airmail 3d green (200), 1932 Lyrebird 1/- (300), 1934 Vic Cent 3d (100), 1936 South Aust 3d (200). G-VFU. In storage since the mid 1960s ex Arnold Wheeler & Co Wholesale stock. Unchecked as received. Retail $3800+. (800) (Image1)

Estimate AU$375

Opening AU$ 275.00
Sold...AU$ 300.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 300

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:65
Cat No:Collection

1929-65 semi-specialised MNH/M collection in Lighthouse s/book with 1929 3d Airmail 3d green type A plate No 2 & Ash imprint blks of 4 (ACSC cat $180) & type B (horiz mesh) Ash imprint blk of 4 ($200). 1931 Kingsford Smith sets (6) inc cnr blks of 4. 1934 Vic Cent set to 1/- MNH (irregular upper perfs, cat $130). 1934 Airmail 1/6 claret thin paper McCracken imprint blks of 4. Other 1930s-40s imprint blks (80) inc 1936 Cable 3d (cat $45), 1937-42 KGVI to 1/4 inc 2d red Die II, 2d violet shades (6), 3d brown (2), 1/4 (3) inc 'flaw in a' variety (total cat $320) plus 3d Die III Ash imprint pr MNH ($200). 1941 Surcharges 2½d (2), 3½d (5) & 5½d ($140). 1940 AIF 6d McCracken blk of 4 (rounded cnr, $200), 1940s Commem sets of 3 (8, $240) to Mitchell 1/-. 1949 Arms 5/- (cat $35) & 10/- ($130). Authority imprint blks of 4 & late 1940s-early 1950s KGVI Defs to 26 Aborigine. Total ACSC cat for the 80+ imprint blks of 4 $1350. Then other multiples to 1965 ANZAC sets inc 1941 KGVI 2d mauve UL cnr blks of 48 in 2 very distinctive light & dark shades, 1953 Produce Food set blks of 9, 1950s-60s high val Commems to 2/- or 2/3 & 2/6 Aborigine no wmk blk of 4 MNH. Also coil strips of 4 (6 diff, cat $150) inc 1937 green test MNH. Plus various singles inc 1929-31 Commems perf OS, 1942 KGVI 2½d 'white face' (ACSC cat $225) & 1959 Pics set to 5/- Cattle. Mostly F-VF MNH, total ACSC cat $2750. (1400 stamps) (Image1)

Estimate AU$600

Opening AU$ 700.00
Sold...AU$ 750.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 750

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:66
Cat No:Collection

1930-65 imprint & other blks of 4 collection (300) inc 1930 Sturt 1½d, 3d (8 sets). 1931 Kingsford Smith set of 3 to 6d MNH. 1932 6d Large Kookaburra Ash imprint blk of 4 (ACSC cat $120). 1934 Airmail 1/6 claret thick & thin papers McCracken imprint blks ($140), 1936 Cable 2d, 3d (8 sets) inc imprint blks of 4 ($60). 1937-51 imprint blks (90) inc 1937-42 KGVI Defs 1d & 2d Die I, 3d blue Die III, 3d brown (UL cnr blk of 4 with comp imprint to top, rare) & 1/4 magenta MNH (3), these cat $400. 1945-47 Commem sets of 3 (8, $320), later imprints to 1951 Federation set to 1/6. Then 1950s-60s Defs/ Pics mostly positional blks of 4 inc sheet number or Autotron cnr blks 1963-64 Birds/Navigators to 5/- Dampier, 1950s/60s Commem sets to 2/- or 2/3 inc 1962 Games imprint blks of 4 ($50) plus some coils inc 1938 green Test Strip of 6 ($60). Odd hinge or light tropical spot sighted in the mix, overall mostly fresh MNH, total ACSC cat $2600. (1200) (Image1)

Estimate AU$500

Opening AU$ 400.00
Sold...AU$ 625.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 625

image Sale No: 368
Lot No:67
Cat No:Collection

1930s-70s collection in s/book, hagners & loose pgs with KGV 1d green CofA wmk upper marginal blk of 9, 1932 Bridge 2d opt OS right marginal blk of 4, 1935 ANZAC 1/-, 1937 KGVI 1/4 (14) all VF MNH, retail $200+ plus 1940s-50s Defs blks of 4 (26) & 1940s-60s Commem blks (70). Decimals 1966-72 fresh MNH (retail $170) inc Christmas 7c blk of 25 plus annotated 1968-74 decimal varieties (cat $220) inc 1970 Cook M/sheet 'double spear', 1972 7c Olympics (7 diff, cat $70) & 35c Autotron gutter blk of 8 with 2 ACSC listed flaws ($80). Also small selection of pre-decimal Mint inc 1937 Robes 10/- imprint blk of 4, £1 slate FM & 1964 Navigators (4) 7/6 to £2. Total cat/retail $900. (few 100) (Image1)

Estimate AU$250

Opening AU$ 180.00
Sold...AU$ 180.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 180
image Sale No: 368
Lot No:68
Cat No:Collection

1931-65 MNH collection in 57 hagners inc 1931 Airmail 6d brown blk of 4. 1937-52 imprint blks of 4 (110) inc 1937 KGVI 3d blue Die I, 2d red Die II, 2d violet & 1/4. 1937-56 Zoologicals (12) to 1/4 with Ash imprints (4) to 1/- & Authority (8) ½d to 1/-. 1942-52 KGVI Defs (38) to 2/6 Aborigine. 1945-51 Commems (45) to 1951 Federation inc 1945 Gloucester 2½d 'flaw on 2' variety (cat $50). 1946 Kangaroo 2/- type B Authority imprint blk of 4 MNH. 1950s-60s QEII era Pics in profusion inc 1956 2/- Olympics upper marginal imprint blk of 16 (cat $60). 1960 Animals set of 6 blk of 4 to 1/-. 1961 Cattle 5/- (4 inc pr). 1962 Games set imprint blks of 4 (2 sets, cat $100), 1964 Birds blks of 4 (15) to 3/-, 1960s 2/3 Commems (50), Navigators 4/- & 7/6 blks of 4, plus 1937 KGVI 1/4 singles M/MNH (25). Estimated cat val of mentioned stamps/blks $2500+ with much more in the rest. (Many 100s) (Image1)

Estimate AU$800

Opening AU$ 500.00
Sold...AU$ 675.00

Closed..Aug-25-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 675

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