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R. Maresch & Son Auctions Ltd Sale: 583

Great Britain and British Commonwealth
image Sale No: 583
Lot No:948
Cat No:43C.var.41ca

ASCENSION: 43C var: 2d black and scarlet, perf 14, block of four with MOUNTAINEER FLAW (R. 4/4) LR, nh, very fine. (SG 41ca - £275+) (Image)

Opening C$ 80.00
Sold...C$ 80.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 12:42:53 EST
Sold For 80

image Sale No: 583
Lot No:949
Cat No:45.var.43a

ASCENSION: 45var: 6d black and blue, perf 13½, with BOULDER FLAW, nh, very fine. (SG 43a - £275) (Image)

Opening C$ 110.00
Sold...C$ 110.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 12:43:11 EST
Sold For 110

Sale No: 583
Lot No:951

AUSTRALIA: Many thousands of mint 1970s to 1990s issues in 102s and loose with a few souvenir sheets and booklets. Australia face value is $750 and New Zealand face value is $310. Large majority of denominations less than $1, noted Australia $10 x 4 and New Zealand $5 x 5, mostly nh, appears f-vf. Inspect. (Face Val $1060)

Opening C$ 210.00
Sold...C$ 210.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 12:44:26 EST
Sold For 210

Sale No: 583
Lot No:952
Cat No:Collection

AUSTRALIA: 94/3580a: Collection of many hundreds of mostly mint 1929 to 2011, majority 1937 to 2006 incl many nh sets and souvenir sheets in five like-new Davo albums with #101 10/- Roo and #132 5/- both used, clean much nh, f-vf. Inspect.

Cat. Val. 2566.00

Opening C$ 280.00
Sold...C$ 280.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 12:44:57 EST
Sold For 280

Sale No: 583
Lot No:953

AUSTRALIA: 27/1235a,etc: Thousands of mostly used, mostly 1950s on, neatly sorted and identified, appears f-vf. Inspect.

(Owner's Cat Val $6852)

Opening C$ 140.00
Sold...C$ 140.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 12:45:24 EST
Sold For 140

image Sale No: 583
Lot No:950

AUSTRALIAN STATES: Over 40 mostly used including New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania, and Western Australia, appears mostly f-vf. Inspect. (Image)

Cat. Val. 1046.00

Opening C$ 120.00
Sold...C$ 120.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 12:44:02 EST
Sold For 120

Sale No: 583
Lot No:946

BRITISH COMMONWEALTH - OMNIBUS: 1948-49 SILVER WEDDING: 134 vals mint complete common types plus Great Britain and Offices, Bahrain, and Kuwait, hinged, f-vf.

Cat. Val. 2470.00

Opening C$ 425.00
Sold...C$ 500.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 12:42:04 EST
Sold For 500

Sale No: 583
Lot No:947

BRITISH COMMONWEALTH - OMNIBUS: 1981 ROYAL WEDDING: Over 250 mint including non-Omnibus issues, se-tenant, gutter pairs, souvenir sheets, light duplication, nh, mostly very fine. Inspect.

Est. 150+

Opening C$ 55.00
Sold...C$ 55.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 12:42:25 EST
Sold For 55

image Sale No: 583
Lot No:962

BRITISH HONDURAS: 1/90s: 11 SPECIMEN overprints, 17 mint or unused, and 12 used including mint 1866 unwatermarked 1d blue and pale blue, 6d og, 1888 50¢ on 1s wmk Crown CA no gum, and used Edward $2, $5 on piece, mostly f-vf. (Image)

(SG £3233)

Opening C$ 425.00
Sold...C$ 425.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 12:50:24 EST
Sold For 425

image Sale No: 583
Lot No:963
Cat No:48-51

BRITISH HONDURAS: 48-51: 1899 REVENUE ovpts, 50¢ with Köhler guarantee, og, small hr, fine. (SG 66/69 - £350) (Image)

Cat. Val. 326.00

Opening C$ 80.00
Sold...C$ 80.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 12:50:49 EST
Sold For 80

image Sale No: 583
Lot No:964
Cat No:92-104

BRITISH HONDURAS: 92-104: 1922-23 George V 1¢ to $5, 13 vals, $2 used with light cancel, fresh, lh, f-vf (Image)

Cat. Val. 495.00

Opening C$ 200.00
Sold...C$ 200.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 12:51:29 EST
Sold For 200

image Sale No: 583
Lot No:965
Cat No:Collection

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: 1/71: Collection of 70 different including shades, printings, mixed mint and used, appears mostly f-vf. Inspect. (Image)

Cat. Val. 4066.00

Opening C$ 375.00
Sold...C$ 375.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 12:52:20 EST
Sold For 375

Sale No: 583
Lot No:903
Cat No:Collection

GREAT BRITAIN - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: Property as received with many thousands of mostly used Elizabethan, Victoria ½d Bantams (15), and 1d red four letters, collected by Plates, hundreds of covers and stationery items, etc, usual mixed quality in earlier, much is f-vf. Inspect. (Shipping Wt. 26kg).

Est. 200+

Opening C$ 350.00
Sold...C$ 375.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 11:54:44 EST
Sold For 375

image Sale No: 583
Lot No:904
Cat No:Collection

GREAT BRITAIN - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: 1/MH21: Over 140 mint and used, 1840 to 1967 mostly used, including used 1 (3), 4 (2), Seahorses (over 20), etc, early a bit mixed but mostly f-vf. (Image)

(2014 Scott $3380)

Opening C$ 170.00
Sold...C$ 170.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 11:55:14 EST
Sold For 170

Sale No: 583
Lot No:905
Cat No:Collection

GREAT BRITAIN - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: Collection of many hundreds mostly used in two large cartons, 1840 to the 21st century in 6 Gibbons albums with Penny Black, line engraved, surface printed, Seahorses to 10/ and later. Machins study and many thousands of Machins organized in 4 boxes in large glassines. Earlies in mixed condition as usual. Huge Cat Val.

Est. 400+

Opening C$ 300.00
Sold...C$ 300.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 11:56:22 EST
Sold For 300

Sale No: 583
Lot No:906
Cat No:Collection

GREAT BRITAIN - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: Collection in a white 3 ring binder and green stock book from line engraved and surface printed, Edwards to 5/ and George V to 10/ Seahorses, printings shades and cancels in Edwards usual mixed condition in earlies. most is f-vf. Huge Cat Val. Inspect.

Est. 400+

Opening C$ 110.00
Sold...C$ 110.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 11:57:00 EST
Sold For 110

Sale No: 583
Lot No:921
Cat No:Collection

GREAT BRITAIN - ELIZABETH II: Accumulation of hundreds of mostly 1970s to 1980s Presentation packs, plus many in glassines, etc, appears mostly nh, f-vf. (Decimal Face val - £975+)

Opening C$ 300.00
Sold...C$ 300.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 12:11:50 EST
Sold For 300

Sale No: 583
Lot No:922

GREAT BRITAIN - ELIZABETH II: Over 5000 of mint 1975 to 1998 mostly in corner blocks of 6, but also some s/s, sheets, singles and booklets, incl 1st (72) and 2nd (12), appears nh and f-vf. Machins (£340 face value) and pre-decimals not included in total. Duplication. (Decimal Face Val. £1511)

Opening C$ 260.00
Sold...C$ 260.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 12:12:38 EST
Sold For 260

Sale No: 583
Lot No:923
Cat No:Collection

GREAT BRITAIN - ELIZABETH II: Over 900 mint nh 1980s to 2011 s/s, presentation packs, singles, and booklets incl 1st (481), 2nd (26), no Machins (except used), also includes a decent collection of modern used (not incl in total) together with the mint in 2 albums, mostly f-vf. Inspect. (Decimal Face Val. £931)

Opening C$ 170.00
Sold...C$ 170.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 12:12:59 EST
Sold For 170

Sale No: 583
Lot No:924
Cat No:909a

GREAT BRITAIN - ELIZABETH II: 909a: 1980 International Stamp Exhibition 50p souvenir sheet, 982 mint, f-vf. (Decimal Face val - £491)

Cat. Val. 1143.00

Opening C$ 44.00
Sold...C$ 44.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 12:13:21 EST
Sold For 44

Sale No: 583
Lot No:907

GREAT BRITAIN - FIRST DAY COVERS: Approximately 600 from 1971 to 1996 much is Edinburgh (Philatelic Bureau), some 1936 to 2006 Definitives, mixed condition, otherwise fine. Inspect.

Est. 150+

Opening C$ 0.00
Sold...C$ -65.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 11:57:20 EST
Sold For -65

Sale No: 583
Lot No:908
Cat No:Collection

GREAT BRITAIN - FIRST DAY COVERS: Collection of over 425 in FDC albums, 1967 to 1998, including Channel Is, some unaddressed, mostly clean and f-vf.

Est. 150+

Opening C$ 55.00
Sold...C$ 55.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 11:57:59 EST
Sold For 55

Sale No: 583
Lot No:966
Cat No:Collection

GAMBIA: 28/123: Stock of 27 different mint, over 700 in total with duplication up to 56 each, mostly in multiples of 4 to 12, including Edwards, George V both watermarks, and Elephant issue, nh, f-vf

Cat. Val. 5279.00

Opening C$ 260.00
Sold...C$ 400.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 12:52:58 EST
Sold For 400

Sale No: 583
Lot No:967
Cat No:Collection

INDIA: 4/1570,etc: Collection of hundreds of used 1855 to 1996, including High vals, Officials, and a few States, some abit mixed, appears f-vf. Inspect.

Cat. Val. 3866.00

Opening C$ 260.00
Sold...C$ 260.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 12:53:16 EST
Sold For 260
Sale No: 583
Lot No:968
Cat No:Collection

INDIA: Collection of 115 early POSTCARDS, many unused, many printed in European countries, including Germany, Great Britain, Luxembourg, with Tucks, real photo, to 1920s, with buildings, Railway Stations, Camel drawn Carriage, Churches, bridges, docks, Coronation, etc, mostly f-vf. Inspect.

Est. 200+

Opening C$ 190.00
Sold...C$ 190.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 12:54:22 EST
Sold For 190

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