Great Britain and British Commonwealth ALBANIA Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings
Sale No: 89
Lot No:1480
Cat No:Collection
1913-1980 Duplicated Accumulation in 64 page 'KA-BE' stockbook with good range of early ovpts, several better M/Ss, many sets incl 1914 Arrival of Prince William of Wied, several unissued stamps, 1928 Airs to 3f (ex 2f), 1937 Independence M/S, 1938 Wedding M/S (2), much thematic interest, etc. Well worth closer inspection. STC £4,400. Vendor's inventory included. Generally fine. (1,000s & 27 M/Ss) (Image1)
Estimate AU$750
Opening AU$ 575.00
Sold...AU$ 492.00
Closed..Oct-21-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 492
Sale No: 89
Lot No:1481
1913-2002 in 'KA-BE' hingeless album & 3 Lighthouse albums. Vol 1 1913-45 Empty, Vol 2 1945-69 with many issues from 1964 STC £270+, Vol 3 1970-90 STC £1,150, Vol 4 1991-2002 STC £890. Many sets, sheetlets, M/Ss, etc. Much thematic interest. Total catalogue value £2,300+. Vendor's inventory list included. 9kg+ (100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$480
Opening AU$ 360.00
Sold...AU$ 308.00
Closed..Oct-21-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 308
Sale No: 89
Lot No:734
1953-57 3/6d, 3½d Carmine QEII No WmkWax interleaving (stapled), BW #B59wv, Cat $150. [Stated to be issued only in Queensland and Northern Territory.] (Image1)
Estimate AU$70
Opening AU$ 55.00
Sold...AU$ 65.00
Closed..Oct-20-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 65
Sale No: 89
Lot No:735
Cat No:Collection
1957-59 4/-, 4d Claret QEII group of 6 comprising BW #B60A,Ac,B,Bv,Bw,C, Cat $505. (Image1)
Estimate AU$120
Opening AU$ 90.00
Sold...AU$ 95.00
Closed..Oct-20-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 95
Sale No: 89
Lot No:737
Cat No:Collection
1960-62 5/-, 5d Blue QEII BW #B66 group of 5 different editions, advertising formats including with waxed interleaves plus a group of 3 1962-64, New Cover variations, Cat $505. (Image1)
Estimate AU$120
Opening AU$ 90.00
Sold...AU$ 110.00
Closed..Oct-20-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 110
Sale No: 89
Lot No:738
Cat No:Collection
1964-65 5/-, 5d Green QEII group comprising Edition G1 BW #67Bd, Edition G1 Wax interleaves BW #B67Bev. Edition B2 BW #B67Cd and #67Ce, Cat $520. (4) (Image1)
Estimate AU$120
Opening AU$ 90.00
Sold...AU$ 95.00
Closed..Oct-20-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 95
Collections and Miscellaneous Groups
Sale No: 89
Lot No:715
Heavily duplicated used range in Chinese S/books (9) incl album with KGV values from ½d through to 5d unsorted, balance of Albums duplicated Decimal values heavy lot. 10.5kg (1,000s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$80
Opening AU$ 60.00
Sold...AU$ 100.00
Closed..Oct-20-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 100
Sale No: 89
Lot No:716
Cat No:Collection
1913-1980s Mint and Used Collection in springback album, inc Roos 1st Wmk to 2/- with large and small perf 'OS' to 1/-, 2nd Wmk small selection to 5/- perf small 'OS' (damaged), 3rd Wmk to 5/- plus 2d to 5/- perf small 'OS', KGV selection with various wmks to 1/4d and group to 5d perf small 'OS', Pre-decimal mint and used singles, missing most major values, Decimals incl Cook M/S, 1971 Christmas block of 7, Paintings set of 5 to $10 and booklets panes plus more. Generally fine. (100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$340
Opening AU$ 260.00
Sold...AU$ 260.00
Closed..Oct-20-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 260
Sale No: 89
Lot No:718
1920s-50s array incl Cof A 2/- Roo Type B Imprint block of 4 (3 MUH) 1929 3d Air Imprint pair mint, 1937 Hermes thick paper Imprint block of 4 (3MUH), 1935 Jubilee set mint, 1949-50 Arms set used, etc. Useful pickings. (32) (Image1)
Estimate AU$100
Opening AU$ 75.00
Sold...AU$ 75.00
Closed..Oct-20-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 75
Sale No: 89
Lot No:719
Cat No:Collection
1988 the Australian Collection 25 piece 24ct Gold plated Silver stamp replica set as issued by Aust Post in leather presentation box and book apparently cost $2400. (Image1)
Estimate AU$250
Opening AU$ 250.00
Sold...AU$ 525.00
Closed..Oct-20-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 525
Sale No: 89
Lot No:720
Cat No:Collection
Collection in Stockbook incl 6d Engraved mint & CTO, KSmith set mint & used, Vic Centenary P10½mm mint set & P11 set used & 1/- mint, Macarthur set mint, 2/- Jubilee set mint & used, Robes Thick Paper 10/- imprint & singles x2 & £1 single. Plus a small group of later minor flaws. Gum toning is a bit of an issue. (qty) (Image1)
Estimate AU$300
Opening AU$ 230.00
Sold...AU$ 230.00
Closed..Oct-20-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 230
Commemorative Covers
Sale No: 89
Lot No:808
Cat No:Collection
1928 International Philatelic Exhibition Group of covers comprising 3d Kooka tied to plain cover red 30 Oct cancel, Registered cover with 3d Kooka pair from M/sheet tied by 30th Oct blue canc (some stains) and lovely pair of Registered covers with KGV adhesives with both red & blue Exhibition cancels 31 Oc 28, handy lot. (4) (Image1)
Estimate AU$120
Opening AU$ 90.00
Sold...AU$ 210.00
Closed..Oct-20-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 210
Sale No: 89
Lot No:809
1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge Souvenir Telegram form cancelled with 'SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE/2- P19MR32/S.E.PYLON' cds, plus souvenir envelope with Sydney Harbour Bridge machine cancel. (2) (Image1)
Estimate AU$120
Opening AU$ 90.00
Sold...AU$ 230.00
Closed..Oct-20-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 230
Sale No: 89
Lot No:810
1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge NE Pylon registered cover to WA with 2d (both) & 3d tied by 'SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE.N.E.PYLON/19MR32' datestamps, apppropriate backstamps, fine condition. Plus SE Pylon registered cover to Melbourne with 2d & 3d tied by 'SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE.S.E.PYLON/19MR32' datestamps, apppropriate backstamps, fine condition (2) (Image1)
Estimate AU$150
Opening AU$ 115.00
Sold...AU$ 150.00
Closed..Oct-20-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 150
Sale No: 89
Lot No:811
Cat No:Collection
Group of Philatelic Exhibition Registered covers incl 1934 All Australian Exhibition, 1932 5th Aust Philatelic Exhibition, 1934 6th Aust Exhibition, 1936 7th Aust Exhibition, 1937 Airmail Exhibition, 1938 Aust 150th Anniv, 1947 Newcastle Exhibition etc, fine lot. (16) (Image1)
Estimate AU$140
Opening AU$ 110.00
Sold...AU$ 170.00
Closed..Oct-20-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 170
Sale No: 89
Lot No:812
1950 Anpex wide range of covers over the 11 days of the Exhibition, several different cachets, special registration label on 15 and several with Anpex cinderellas attached. (60+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$100
Opening AU$ 75.00
Sold...AU$ 75.00
Closed..Oct-20-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 75
Sale No: 89
Lot No:813
Cat No:Collection
1956 Olympics group of 22 different Pictorial cancels tying 4d Olympic stamps on VPA/Olympic Organising Committee covers. All clean & unaddressed. (Image1)
Estimate AU$30
Opening AU$ 22.00
Sold...AU$ 28.00
Closed..Oct-20-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 28
Sale No: 89
Lot No:814
Cat No:Collection
1956 Olympics collection of cards and envelopes, some duplication, range of cachet makers noted. Useful group. (80+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$80
Opening AU$ 60.00
Sold...AU$ 60.00
Closed..Oct-20-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 60
Sale No: 89
Lot No:815
1962 Perth Games Postmarks complete set (incl Fremantle Harbour [odd tone spot]) on PMG covers bearing 5d value all to same addressee in New Zealand. One cover with special 2 line 'Velodrome' cachet. APM #1,700-24. (26) (Image1)
Range of Values to 1/- plus cent overprints, noted 14c on 9d and piece with 20c on 1/-, 10c on 7d and 3c on 2d tied by 1932 USA cancel. Nice lot. (19) (Image1)
Estimate AU$100
Opening AU$ 75.00
Sold...AU$ 100.00
Closed..Oct-20-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 100
Sale No: 89
Lot No:746
Cat No:Collection
1917 1st Series Perf 14 - US Currency Ovpt 1c on ½d x18 and 2c on 1d x10, good research group. (28) (Image1)
Estimate AU$50
Opening AU$ 38.00
Sold...AU$ 46.00
Closed..Oct-20-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 46
Sale No: 89
Lot No:747
1917 1st Series Perf 14 - US Currency Ovpt 8c on 6d stone II x2, with ovpt gap 1½mm and ovpt gap 2¾mm. (2) (Image1)