1930s to 90s Wide Ranging Collection of Advertising covers, details of commerce/industry of user generally in advertisement a feature, no duplication, condition mixed, generally good commercial quality. (500+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$200
Opening AU$ 400.00
Sold...AU$ 400.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 21:21:13 EST
Sold For 400
Sale No: 81
Lot No:813
1927 Canberra Booklet BW #B38, top left unit on last pane with Weak shading in right frame (#132d), stamps fine, odd spot on covers. (Image1)
Estimate AU$80
Opening AU$ 65.00
Sold...AU$ 65.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 20:56:50 EST
Sold For 65
Sale No: 81
Lot No:814
1953-57 QEII 3/6d 3½d red No Wmk, Wax interleaving and stapled, BW #B58v, Cat $150. (Image1)
Estimate AU$60
Opening AU$ 50.00
Sold...AU$ 50.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 20:56:59 EST
Sold For 50
Sale No: 81
Lot No:815
Cat No:Collection
1966-73 Group 60c ed DV8 V67/1, $1 Surcharge ed V67/1 x4, $1 ed G67/3, V67/3, 50c no ed #, $1 Prime Ministers ed V69/3, 70c Prime Ministers x4, $1.40 Prime Ministers ed V71/3, G71/3, $1 Famous Australians ed V69/3 x2, $1.20 Famous Australians ed V70/3, no ed # x2. (21) (Image1)
2001 Wild Babies $4.50 with gold overprint for 2001 Centennial Stampshow 100 Club booklet No 067. (Image1)
Estimate AU$50
Opening AU$ 40.00
Sold...AU$ 40.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 20:57:33 EST
Sold For 40
Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings
Sale No: 81
Lot No:823
Cat No:Collection
1913-99 Collection in 3 expensive boxed 'SAFE' hingeless 14 ring albums with various Roos to 5/- (3 mint, one used), 10/- used, with mint & used of several issues, KGV to 1/4d (4, two mint, 2 used), 1914 6d Kooka (2), 1929 Kooka M/S (toned), most 1930s commems mint & used of each (no 5/- Bridge, & no mint Arms), QEII pre-decimal apparently complete. Navigators (mint & used cream paper sets of 6). Few 'OS' opts, BCOF set of 7, 1970 Cook ANPEX M/S with special cancel, and most decimal issues to 1999. M/Ss incl Australia 99 perf & imperf sheets (4), several Stamp Exhibition M/Ss. Condition is mixed on pre-1940s issues. High face value of later issues. Approx 10kg (100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Opening AU$ 725.00
Sold...AU$ 725.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 20:58:45 EST
Sold For 725
Sale No: 81
Lot No:824
Cat No:Collection
1914-70s Collection incl 1914 6d Kookaburra, few KGV Heads, 1929 3d Airmail perf 'OS' Type B (2, one MUH, one CTO), 1932 1/- Lyrebird optd 'OS' (MLH), many later issues incl 1948-56 Arms to £2, Commems incl 2/- (8), 2/3d (4), etc, mostly used. Generally fine. (Few 100) (Image1)
Estimate AU$60
Opening AU$ 85.00
Sold...AU$ 85.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 20:58:59 EST
Sold For 85
Sale No: 81
Lot No:825
Cat No:Collection
1920s-70s Accumulation incl Kangaroos 6d chestnut perf small 'OS' (6, incl one CTO with BW #21(U)i), SM Wmk (2), 1/- (5), KGV Heads incl 3d blue (28), 4d orange (shades, 15), 4d olive (10), blue (5), 4½d violet (5), 1/4d (3, incl one CTO), several optd or perf 'OS' issues, few later issues incl NSW Sesqui set (3), Arms 10/-, etc. Also few private perfins. Generally fine. (Few 100) (Image1)
Estimate AU$100
Opening AU$ 115.00
Sold...AU$ 115.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 20:59:13 EST
Sold For 115
Sale No: 81
Lot No:826
Cat No:Collection
1929-70s Accumulation of mostly low values. Few better items noted. Generally fine. (300++) (Image1)
Estimate AU$40
Opening AU$ 60.00
Sold...AU$ 60.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 20:59:24 EST
Sold For 60
Sale No: 81
Lot No:827
Cat No:Collection
2000s Range of packs, also 2000 Geelong Football Club 45c ($4.50) personalised sheet of 20. Face value $59. Plus PNC group 1995 Weary Dunlop 50c (2) & 2003 Coronation. (17 Items) (Image1)
Estimate AU$50
Opening AU$ 65.00
Sold...AU$ 65.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 20:59:34 EST
Sold For 65
Sale No: 81
Lot No:828
Coil Pairs ½d (or booklet pair?) & 1d Roo, 2d Mauve KGVI, 2d green QM, 5d Blue QEII. Plus 2d purple KGVI No Wmk strip of 3 with join and 1d green tester strip of 4. (7 items) (Image1)
Estimate AU$80
Opening AU$ 60.00
Sold...AU$ 60.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 20:59:45 EST
Sold For 60
Sale No: 81
Lot No:829
Cat No:Collection
CTO Group on Hagners, with few KGV incl 1/4d x2, then range of higher valued commems etc, incl 1/- Anzac, 1/- Vic Centenary x3, 2/- Jubilee x2, 9d Macarthur, 9d Sesqui x3 etc. Toning is becoming a bit of an issue with some, still a useful lot. (40) (Image1)
Estimate AU$100
Opening AU$ 130.00
Sold...AU$ 130.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 20:59:59 EST
Sold For 130
Sale No: 81
Lot No:830
Cat No:Collection
1900s to 1988 Collection on 'Lighthouse' album pages, pre-decimal period is MH with sparse array of Kangaroos followed by a reasonably complete group of KGV, KGVI and QEII and other pre-decimals including Kookaburra M/S, Arms to £2 and Navigators to £2. Decimals mostly complete incl Navigators to $4, 1970 Cook M/S with ANPEX ovpt, 1971 Christmas pane of 7, plus other MUH issues. (100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$400
Opening AU$ 440.00
Sold...AU$ 440.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 21:00:11 EST
Sold For 440
Commemorative Covers
Sale No: 81
Lot No:902
1934 6th Australasian Philatelic Exhibition two Registered covers, one on illustrated Exhibition cover with Macarthur set of 3, the other on Registered plain cover with Vic Centenary set plus 1940 AIF Registered FDC. (3) (Image1)
Estimate AU$50
Opening AU$ 110.00
Sold...AU$ 110.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 21:19:29 EST
Sold For 110
Covers By Manufacturer
Sale No: 81
Lot No:875
Manfield (Leslie) 2008 50c Anzac Day se-tenant strip of 5 with hand-painted illustration of The Shrine of Rememberance, Melbourne and typed insert. Only 10 produced. (Image1)
Estimate AU$20
Opening AU$ 34.00
Sold...AU$ 34.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 21:10:18 EST
Sold For 34
Sale No: 81
Lot No:876
Manfield (Leslie) 2010 60c Melbourne Cup & 60c South Melbourne Cup with hand-painted illustration of The Race. Only 10 produced. (Image1)
Estimate AU$20
Opening AU$ 32.00
Sold...AU$ 32.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 21:10:34 EST
Sold For 32
Sale No: 81
Lot No:877
Mitchell 2d Kingsford Smith on buff illustrated cover, Perth machine cancel of 19MAR/1931, handstamped Mitchell address at left. (Image1)
Estimate AU$90
Opening AU$ 70.00
Sold...AU$ 70.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 21:10:45 EST
Sold For 70
Sale No: 81
Lot No:885
Sher 1956 Olympics complete set of 52 pictorial postmarks, unusually all on 7½d Olympics, with W.P. SHER printed address. Very rare complete set from a small cover producer. Plus the PO letter which gives instructions on how to order commemorative or FDCs, and specifies the 52 cancels and their opening dates. (52+letter) (Image1)
Estimate AU$360
Opening AU$ 340.00
Sold...AU$ 340.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 21:11:51 EST
Sold For 340
Decimal Issues
Sale No: 81
Lot No:765
1966-73 1c Brown corner block of 4 variety Offset on gummed side, BW #436c, fresh MUH, Cat $240. (Image1)
Estimate AU$140
Opening AU$ 105.00
Sold...AU$ 105.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 20:46:42 EST
Sold For 105
Sale No: 81
Lot No:769
1970-73 6c Orange top left corner block of 4 Non-helecon paper - uncoated paper, BW #446ad, MUH, Cat $400. (Image1)
Estimate AU$130
Opening AU$ 115.00
Sold...AU$ 115.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 20:47:27 EST
Sold For 115
Sale No: 81
Lot No:771
1966-74 $1 Flinders lower left corner block of 4, variety Extensive recut between sail and eyes - State II with fracture, BW #463ha (SG #401b Cat £140++), fresh MUH, Cat $135++ (2002). (Image1)
Estimate AU$100
Opening AU$ 160.00
Sold...AU$ 160.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 20:47:54 EST
Sold For 160
Sale No: 81
Lot No:782
1971 7c Christmas cream & white paper se-tenant blocks of 25, fresh MUH, Cat $95. (2 blocks) (Image1)
Estimate AU$60
Opening AU$ 60.00
Sold...AU$ 60.00
Closed..Jun-12-2020, 20:50:01 EST
Sold For 60
Sale No: 81
Lot No:783
1974-78 9c on 8c Opal with variety Surcharge misplaced to the right. BW #646c, Cat $75. (Image1)