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Phoenix Auctions Sale: 103

Great Britain and British Commonwealth
image Sale No: 103
Lot No:586

1935 Silver Jubilee SG #93g 2½d brown & deep blue variety Dot to left of chapel, fine mint, Cat £275. (Image1)

Estimate AU$105

Opening AU$ 80.00
Sold...AU$ 85.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 85

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:597

1924-33 KGV Badge SG #20c 3/- grey-black & black/blue variety Cleft rock, fine mint, Cat £850. (Image1)

Estimate AU$360

Opening AU$ 270.00
Sold...AU$ 280.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 280

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:598

1934 KGV Pictorials SG #24a 2d black & orange Teardrops flaw, tidy corner cancel well clear of variety, Cat £400. (Image1)

Estimate AU$130

Opening AU$ 100.00
Sold...AU$ 100.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 100

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:599

1938-53 KGVI Pictorials SG #38s-47s ½d to 10/- set perforated 'SPECIMEN', very fine mint, Cat £1,000. One of the rarer KGVI Specimen sets. (13) (Image1)

Estimate AU$575

Opening AU$ 440.00
Sold...AU$ 440.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 440

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:601

1938-53 KGVI Pictorials SG #45ca 2/6d black & deep carmine P13 Davit flaw, fresh MLH, Cat £1,400. Seldom offered. (Image1)

Estimate AU$360

Opening AU$ 270.00
Sold...AU$ 290.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 290

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:1
Cat No:Collection

1913-63 Collection with used Roos 1st Wmk to 2/- (2d & 2½d mint) plus 5/- CTO, 2nd Wmk to 5/- (2½d mint, 9d with superb 1915 'MOSB/NUMURKAH' cds), 3rd Wmk to 2/- (2) & 5/- (Perf 'OS' CTO) and £1 grey optd 'SPECIMEN' Type C, SMult to 2/- & 5/- (CTO), CofA to 5/- (CTO) plus 10/-, £1 & £2 opts 'SPECIMEN' Type D; KGV Heads largely complete and predominantly mint, with Single Wmk to 1/4d (3) and shades incl 4d lemon-yellow, plus 5d SLP Perf 'OS' (used); SMult P14 to 1/4d, SMult P13½x12½ to 1/4d, CofA to 1/4d; then mostly mint issues to 1963 incl 6d Engraved Kooka, KGV commemoratives complete (5/- Bridge is CTO), 'OS' Overprints complete incl Kingsford Smith 2d & 3d (CTO), KGVI with 3d 'White Wattles' & Thick Paper Robes (£1 MUH), Arms to £2, BCOF ½d to 5/- set, QEII with Navigators set, generally fine. Valuable, well-presented collection. (Image1)

Estimate AU$1,250

Opening AU$ 950.00
Sold...AU$ 1,500.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 1500

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:2
Cat No:Collection

1913-65 Collection fairly complete with 1927-36 commemoratives incl 5/- Bridge, KGVI with Robes both papers, Arms set, few coil pairs including 2d scarlet with coil join, QEII with 5/- Cattle both papers, Navigators set of 8 to £2 (MUH), etc; slight duplication in places, toning in places, generally fine to very fine (few 100s). (Image1)

Estimate AU$500

Opening AU$ 380.00
Sold...AU$ 380.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 380

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:3

1913-65 Seven Seas Hingeless Album with pages from 1913 and stamps (no Roos or KGV Heads) from 1914 complete to 1965 (ex 1964 White paper Cattle). Some early issues have toned gum in varying degrees, never the less they are very presentable, incl 6d Engraved Kooka, 1928 Kooka M/S (mounted lightly in margin only), Kingsford Smith 'OS' pair 'as is', 5/- Bridge miniscule gum thin Many later issues incl 1963-64 Navigators are MUH. Generally fine. Inspection recommended. (290+) (Image1)

Estimate AU$650

Opening AU$ 480.00
Sold...AU$ 480.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 480

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:4
Cat No:Collection

1914-65 Pre-Decimal Collection well presented on Lighthouse hingeless pages with 6d Engraved Kooka MUH, then 1927-65 issues complete incl Kooka M/S (MVLH), KGV commemoratives fine mint or MUH incl a 1/- Large Lyrebird both shades MUH, well centred 5/- Bridge MUH, Robes Thick & Thin papers (latter MUH), Arms, 5/- Cattle White paper, Navigators incl 10/- & £1 both papers all MUH; also Officials incl 3d Airmail Types A & B Perf 'OS', Kingsford Smith 'OS' 2d & 3d MUH (as is, without certs); generally fine/very fine. (Image1)

Estimate AU$1,500

Opening AU$ 1,150.00
Sold...AU$ 1,150.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 1150

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:5
Cat No:Collection

Mint Selection with CofA £1 Roo ovptd 'SPECIMEN' Type D MLH; 3d Kookaburra M/S, somewhat tropicalised, MUH; Robes Thin Paper 5/-, 10/- MUH & £1 MVLH, Cat $680. (5) (Image1)

Estimate AU$150

Opening AU$ 115.00
Sold...AU$ 120.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 120

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:603

1859-60 Imperf No Wmk SG #1 1d reddish lake on thick opaque paper, complete large margins, fine used. Fine example, Cat £1,500. (Image1)

Estimate AU$550

Opening AU$ 420.00
Sold...AU$ 420.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 420

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:604

1882 QV Wmk Crown CA SG #41 4d rose Perf 12, fine mint, Cat £550 (Image1)

Estimate AU$145

Opening AU$ 110.00
Sold...AU$ 110.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 110

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:605

1882 QV Wmk Crown CA SG #42x 1d scarlet-vermilion P14 Wmk reversed, small part gum, Cat £600. (Image1)

Estimate AU$110

Opening AU$ 85.00
Sold...AU$ 95.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 95

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:606

1883 Surcharges SG #45 'FOUR PENCE' on 6d deep violet, strong rich colour, mint, Cat £600. (Image1)

Estimate AU$240

Opening AU$ 180.00
Sold...AU$ 180.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 180

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:607

1883 Surcharges SG #45 'FOUR PENCE' on 6d deep violet, strong colour, fine used, Cat £400. (Image1)

Estimate AU$160

Opening AU$ 120.00
Sold...AU$ 120.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 120

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:609

1902-07 KEVII Wmk Crown CA SG #62s-70s 1d to £1 optd 'SPECIMEN' set, fine mint, Cat £300. (7) (Image1)

Estimate AU$145

Opening AU$ 115.00
Sold...AU$ 135.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 135

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:610

1918 Overprinted 'WAR TAX' SG #93a 1d black & red with overprint variety 'WAR TAX' overprint doubled, one inverted, gum as usually found on this variety, Cat £900. (Image1)

Estimate AU$210

Opening AU$ 160.00
Sold...AU$ 270.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 270

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:611

1852-55 Blued Paper No Wmk Imperf SG #4a (2d) greyish-slate, complete balanced margins, very fine mint, Cat £325. (Image1)

Estimate AU$105

Opening AU$ 80.00
Sold...AU$ 80.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 80

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:612

1855-58 White Paper No Wmk Imperf SG #7 (½d) yellow-green, complete margins, fine mint, Cat £500. Philatelic Foundation Certificate (1986). (Image1)

Estimate AU$150

Opening AU$ 115.00
Sold...AU$ 115.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 115

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:616

1892 QV 'HALF-PENNY' on 4d SG #104b variety Surcharge double, in red and in black, slight toning, MLH, Cat £900. (Image1)

Estimate AU$290

Opening AU$ 220.00
Sold...AU$ 230.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 230

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:617

1920 Victory SG #211(Proof) 3/- imperforate printer's sample proof in ultramarine & indigo, on thick unWmked paper. Superb & fresh. (Image1)

Estimate AU$120

Opening AU$ 90.00
Sold...AU$ 160.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 160

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:619

1938-47 KGVI Badge SG #251(B)bb 2½d blue corner block of 12 (4x3), three units with variety Mark on central ornament [1/3,2/3,3/3], fine used, Cat £530++. (Image1)

Estimate AU$160

Opening AU$ 120.00
Sold...AU$ 120.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 120

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:620

1922 Overprints on Leeward Islands SG #1-11 complete set, all cancelled 'AU28/22', ex 6d which is on piece with 'NO10/23' cancellation, Cat £375. (11) (Image1)

Estimate AU$160

Opening AU$ 120.00
Sold...AU$ 125.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 125

image Sale No: 103
Lot No:621

1933 KGV Nile Crocodile SG #1s-10s ½d to 10/- set, perf 'SPECIMEN', fine mint, Cat £350 (10) (Image1)

Estimate AU$160

Opening AU$ 135.00
Sold...AU$ 160.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 160
image Sale No: 103
Lot No:622

1935 Silver Jubilee SG #12g 2d variety Dot to left of chapel, fine mint, Cat £350. (Image1)

Estimate AU$130

Opening AU$ 100.00
Sold...AU$ 100.00

Closed..May-19-2024, 19:00:00 EST
Sold For 100

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