FINE USED COLLECTION INC. 'STATES', 1937-1963: Inc. 1937 'Dhow' set of 12 values to 10r olive green SG 1/12 (£850), KGVI 1939-48 set, 1948 RSW set, 1951 set, 1953-63 set of 25 (both colours). Also Kathiri and Qu'aiti States 1942 & 1951 sets plus RSW sets, etc. High cat. value collection. (c.130) (Image)
Opening GBP 260.00
Sold...GBP 300.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 300
Sale No: 863
Lot No:10
1937 KGVI 'DHOW' SET: Complete fine used set of 12 to 10r. Single toned perf. on 10r. SG 1/12 £850 (Image)
Opening GBP 120.00
Sold...GBP 130.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 130
Sale No: 863
Lot No:11
Cat No:Collection
QV-QEII USED COLLECTION: 1863-1960s mainly fine used ranges on album pages inc. QV 1884-87 set of 5 values to 1/- mauve, KEVII mixed wmk range to 2/-, 2/6d & 5/- (SG 39, 40 & 50) and 1913 KGV 5/- grey-green & violet SG 51; KGV 1921-29 mixed wmk range to £1 purple & black on red SG 61 (£400) inc. the 5 higher values from 2/- to 5/- (SG 58, 60, 78, 78 & 80) plus 1932 pictorial set SG 81/90 (£325), etc. Also KGVI & QEII defin. sets to 1953. (c.100 stamps) (Image)
Opening GBP 260.00
Sold...GBP 280.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 280
Sale No: 863
Lot No:12
KGV 1922 LEEWARD ISLANDS OPTD "BARBUDA": Fine used set of 11 values from ½d to 5/- green & red/yellow SG 1/11 £375 (Image)
Opening GBP 65.00
Sold...GBP 95.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 95
Sale No: 863
Lot No:14
Cat No:Collection
KGV-QEII FINE USED COLLECTION: 1922-1953 ranges on album pages inc. KGV 1922 opts on St. Helena, set of 9 values to 3/- black & violet SG 1/9 (£500), 1924-33 set of 12 values to 3/- grey-black & black/blue SG10/20 (£650), 1934 pictorial set of 10 values to 5/- black & brown SG 21/30 (£130), etc; KGVI values to 10/- & 1948 RSW set, etc. (63 stamps) (Image)
Opening GBP 240.00
Sold...GBP 280.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 280
Sale No: 863
Lot No:15
Cat No:Collection
1924-33 MINT GROUP with ½d , 1d (3) to 3/- (diagonal crease), ½d mint pair and used single (blunt corner) with "cleft in rock" variety. ½d pair and 1½d with "torn flag" variety. ½d & 3d with "broken mainmast" variety. Fine. (22) (Image)
Opening GBP 65.00
Sold...GBP 85.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 85
Sale No: 863
Lot No:16
Cat No:Collection
1938-53 KGVI COLLECTION inc. mint perf. 13½ ½d to 10/- sets (2). perf. 13 ½d to 10/- and perf. 14 1½d & a few plate blocks. The used inc. perf. 13½ 5/- on piece, and perf. 13 ½d to 10/. Also two covers to USA with values to 1/-. A good lot. (96 + 5 covers) (Image)
Opening GBP 65.00
Sold...GBP 70.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 70
Sale No: 863
Lot No:17
1938 KGVI VARIETIES: 1½d black & vermilion perf. 13½, mint (small thin) and used singles, with the Davit flaw. SG 40a. £625. (2) (Image)
Opening GBP 32.00
Sold...GBP 36.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 36
Sale No: 863
Lot No:37
Cat No:Collection
1913-1965 USED COLLECTION: A good to fine used 'one of each type' (mixed wmks) collection on album pages inc. 'Roos' to £2 value. Top values are 10/- grey & pink Die II (SG 136), £1 bistre-brown & blue (SG 44b), £1 grey (SG 75) and £2 black & rose (SG 138). Collection also inc. 1932 5/- Sydney Bridge v. fine, Occupation of Japan set of 7 vals. SG J1/J7 (£275) with KGVI/QEII section virtually complete for basic issues up to decimal 'Navigators'. Also inc. the "O.S." Official opts and issues of Aust. Antarctic Territory. High cat. value. (c.350 stamps) (Image)
Opening GBP 550.00
Sold...GBP 650.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 650
Sale No: 863
Lot No:38
Cat No:Collection
1927-1937 SPECIALISED COLLECTION: Pair of SG "Oriel" albums containing mint & used KGV/KGVI issues. Strength in KGV commemoratives with many imprint blocks & perf. varieties Inc. 1932 Sydney Bridge issue inc. 5/- mint & used plus imprint blocks of 2d (4) & 3d (5) and Official opts, 1934 MacArthur set in imprint blocks 2d (4), 3d (2) & 9d (2), 1935 SJ each value in imprint blocks, etc. KGVI defins. inc. 'Robes' issue in several unmounted mint imprint blocks of four inc. 5/- (3), 10/- (2) & £1 (2), etc. A very fine collection. (Few 100s) (Image)
Opening GBP 550.00
Sold...GBP 1,100.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 1100
Sale No: 863
Lot No:39
AUSTRALIA TO G.B. BY BLACK BALL LINE: 3 December 1855 EL (some staining/dust) franked with tied NSW 6d green (SG91) with large red "5" accountancy below and date stamped Sydney 4 December 1855 on the reverse. Endorsed "for first ship sailing December 1855" and carried by the Black Ball "Emma" arriving Liverpool 26 March 1856 where a red AUSTRALIAN/PACKET/PAID/LIVERPOOL ds was applied. [Ex Vandervelde] (Image)
Opening GBP 28.00
Sold...GBP 65.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 65
Sale No: 863
Lot No:40
Cat No:Collection
QV-QEII USED COLLECTION: Representative ranges on album pages inc. 1884-90 set of 6 vals. to 5/- & £1 SG 47/57 (£350), 1901-1929 'Queens Staircase' range of 7 vals. (mixed wmks) from 1d to 3/-, KEVII defins. (mixed wmks) to £1 green & black SG 70, KGV defins. (mixed wmks) to £1 green & black SG 125, 1920 Peace set, 1930 Tercentenary set, 1935 SJ set, etc.; KGVI inc. 1938-52 defins. to £1, 1942 'Landing' set to £1, 1948 Eleuthera set to £1, 1948 RSW set and QEII sets to 1953. High cat. value. (c.160 stamps) (Image)
Opening GBP 260.00
Sold...GBP 380.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 380
Sale No: 863
Lot No:46
1878 1d ON HALF 5/- DULL ROSE: Good used example. Expertiser's/dealer's marks on reverse. SG type 3a on SG 86 £650 (Image)
Opening GBP 140.00
Sold...GBP 150.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 150
Sale No: 863
Lot No:47
Cat No:Collection
KGV/KGVI FINE USED COLLECTION: 1933-1953 ranges on album pages. Includes KGV 1933 set to 10/-, 1935 SJ set, KGVI 1938 set to 10/-, 1948 RSW set plus various Omnibus issues. (45 stamps) (Image)
Opening GBP 85.00
Sold...GBP 140.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 140
Sale No: 863
Lot No:49
1888 (AUG.) 5/- GREEN & BLACK USED: Good used example with barred cancel. Trivial surface abrasion. RPSL Cert. (1992). SG 49 £2,250. (Image)
Opening GBP 340.00
Sold...GBP 800.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 800
Sale No: 863
Lot No:52
KGV 1932 DEFINITIVE SET FINE USED: Complete set of 12 values to 10/- black & brown. SG 100/110 £600 (12) (Image)
Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 180.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 180
Sale No: 863
Lot No:53
Cat No:Collection
KGV-QEII USED COLLECTION: 1935-1965 fine used ranges on album pages. Inc. 1935 SJ set, KGVI 1938 set to 10/-, 1948 RSW set, QEII 1955-58 set to 10/-, 1961 new currency surcharge set, 1961 (Oct.) Birds, etc. set SG 168/181; plus various Omnibus sets. SG cat. c.£390. (c.80 stamps) (Image)
Opening GBP 48.00
Sold...GBP 85.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 85
Sale No: 863
Lot No:1
Cat No:Collection
BALANCE OF A COLLECTOR’S ESTATE: All period mint & used collection of smaller lots from various countries/territories housed in a lighthouse hingeless album. We note Palestine mint& used, Tokelau Islands mint plus covers, Seychelles modern umm sets, Togo KGV small group to 10/- mint, Transjordan with vals. to 500m, Uganda QV complete mint (8, 5r used), Rhodesia & Nyasaland with vals. to £1, South Africa & South West Africa with bilingual pairs to 10/- mint plus a few GB inc. few controls (singles & blocks) from 1920 to 1940 period. Careful inspection could prove rewarding. (few 100) (Image)
Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 170.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 170
Sale No: 863
Lot No:2
Cat No:Collection
QV-KGVI A-Z COLLECTION in album, chiefly mint, for selected countries with strength in KGVI but useful earlier with many complete sets inc. Aden 1939, Antigua 1938, Ascension 1924, Bermuda 'Key Plates' with wide range of shades to £1, BR. Solomon Is. 1939, Brunei 1947, Cayman Is. 1935 set to 5/- & 1950, Gambia 1938, Grenada 1906/11, Gold Coast 1938 & 1948, Montserrat 1938 & 1951, Nyasaland 'Key Plates to £1 (ex 5/-), Pitcairns 1940, St Kitts 1938, Sierra Leone 1933 Wilberforce to 5/-, Singapore 1948 & 1949 to $1, Sudan 1948, Turks & Caicos 1909 & 1938; plus many more inc. Omnibus issues. SG cat. approx. £5000. (100s) (Image)
Opening GBP 600.00
Sold...GBP 750.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 750
Sale No: 863
Lot No:3
Cat No:Collection
KGV MINT & USED ASCENSION, AUSTRALIA & SOUTH AFRICA: Group on stock cards inc. Ascension 1934 pictorial set of 10 mint, some yellowing of gum, SG 21/30; Australia 1933 Sydney Bridge set of 4 (both 2d types) used SG 141/144 noting perf. fault on 5/- value. Also South Africa 1913-24 1/-, 2/6d, 5/- & 10/- values mint SG 12 & 14/16 (some paper adhesions on gum). (18 stamps) Cross Reference: AUSTRALIA, ASCENSION, SOUTH AFRICA (Image)
Opening GBP 48.00
Sold...GBP 55.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 55
Sale No: 863
Lot No:4
Cat No:Collection
KGVI CHIEFLY MINT COLLECTION: SG printed album containing a good number of countries being well filled with sets to top values plus many 1948 Silver Wedding sets. Countries of note inc. Aden, Ascension, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, British Guiana, British Honduras, Cayman Islands, Falklands, Fiji, Jamaica, KUT, Leeward Islands, Mauritius, Montserrat, Morocco Agencies, ST. Helena, St. Vincent, Sarawak, Somaliland & Zanzibar. Album has slight damage to spine but interleaving is fine with a few hinge marks in some spaces. Ideal collection for continuation. (100s) (Image)
Opening GBP 340.00
Sold...GBP 700.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 700
Sale No: 863
Lot No:5
Cat No:Collection
KGVI MINT ACCUMULATION: A very well filled stockbook arranged alphabetically by country/territory, most being represented. Mainly low to middle values with part sets to 1/-, 50c or equivalent although a few sets with high vals. noted with some nice blocks included. Fine & fresh with much duplication in places making this lot ideal for possible study of shades, perf. types & varieties. (1000s) (Image)
Opening GBP 130.00
Sold...GBP 340.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 340
Sale No: 863
Lot No:7
Cat No:Collection
EARLY QEII AUSTRALIA & FALKLAND DEPENDENCIES: Two sets on stock cards: Australia 1963-65 sterling Navigators set unmounted mint inc. both 10/- & £1 paper varieties, SG 355/360; and Falkland Islands Deps. 1954-62 Ships set of 15 to £1 fine used SG G26/G40 (23 stamps) (Image)
Opening GBP 38.00
Sold...GBP 40.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 40
Sale No: 863
Lot No:8
Cat No:Collection
QEII COLLECTION TO 1962 in a printed New Age loose leaf album, either mint or used and being approx. 95% complete with all the better early definitive sets, the majority of these being mint. Very high SG cat. lot requiring completion. (100s) (Image)
Opening GBP 340.00
Sold...GBP 600.00
Closed..Oct-29-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 600
Sale No: 863
Lot No:61
1880 QV STAMPS OF G.B. OPTD "BRITISH EAST AFRICA COMPANY" & SURCHARGED: Trio inc. ½a on 1d lilac SG 1 (£300), 1a on 2d grey-green & carmine SG 2 (£350) and 4a on 5d dull purple & blue SG 3 (£400). (Image)