Great Britain and British Commonwealth Falkland Islands: Registered Mail
Sale No: 137
Lot No:354
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: 1892 (Apr. 11) exceptional O.H.M.S. envelope registered to Germany franked at 10d. rate for 1oz. foreign registered mail by 1889 4d., 1891 1d. red-brown and 21/2d. dull blue pair cancelled by rare 'Large Block Pad' cork cancellations (Ob. 1/92) with "(crown)/REGISTERED" marking and F.2 despatch c.d.s., carried on the "Herodot" to Punta Arenas and transferred to the "Potosi" with London May 13 transit, backstamped Erfurt May 15 arrival. Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 1,500.00
Sold...GBP 5,500.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 5500
Sale No: 137
Lot No:355
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: 1892 (Sept. 16) envelope to the Consul for Colombia on Jersey, franked at 2oz rate by 1878 1s. (faults) cancelled by "F.I." barred oval with first type "(crown)/REGISTERED" marking, London hooded transit in red and F.1 despatch c.d.s. Ex Riddell-Carre. Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 300.00
Sold...GBP 230.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 230
Sale No: 137
Lot No:357
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: 1896 (Feb. 24) characterful cover addressed to W.H. Hiscox & Co., Bath franked at 41/2d. rate by 1891-1902 2d. deep purple and 21/2d. bright ultramarine tied by obliterator (Ob 1/78), the latter also by red hooded London Registered Mar. 31) datestamp, with F.1 despatch c.d.s. and two strikes of "(crown)/REGISTERED" mark at left, carried on the "Memphis" to Tilbury and backstamped Mar. 31 arrival. Ex Riddell-Carre. Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 350.00
Sold...GBP 300.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 300
Sale No: 137
Lot No:358
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: 1896 (Oct. 29) registered cover to Messrs. Camuyrano & Riccardi in Montevideo franked 1891-1902 6d. orange-yellow (oxidised) tied by F.2 c.d.s. with "(crown)/REGISTERED" marking alongside, carried on the "Abydos" with company cachet and Nov. 5 receiving c.d.s. on reverse. Ex Riddell-Carre. Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 250.00
Sold...GBP 190.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 190
Sale No: 137
Lot No:360
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: 1896 (Dec. 3) 'Hugo Schlottfeldt' envelope registered to London franked by 1/2d. and 4d. cancelled by F.3 c.d.s. with "(crown)/REGISTERED" marking, London Jan. 9 and 11 arrival datestamps. Scarce passage, carried on the "Mamari" to Montevideo and from there to Southampton on the "Minho". Ex du Pont and Cottis. Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 600.00
Sold...GBP 580.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 580
Sale No: 137
Lot No:361
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: 1897 (July 9) stampless O.H.M.S. envelope to Germany with F.2 despatch c.d.s., endorsed "Registered" in ms. and with German "Vom Auslande/Ì_ber Berlin 2/Eingeschrieben" label, carried on the "Memphis" to Tilbury with red Aug. 18 London Registered transit oval datestamps, the cover rejected, with Elberfeld Aug. 16 receiving c.d.s. and ms. "Annahme verweigert" on reverse, marked for return and incorrectly charged "60"(pf.) postage due. Ex Riddell-Carre. Photo. The Official Paid marking was introduced in 1903 to avoid such treatment of paid but unstamped official mail. (Image1)
Opening GBP 300.00
Sold...GBP 400.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 400
Sale No: 137
Lot No:362
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: 1897 (Nov. 15) O.H.M.S. envelope registered to New York correctly franked at the vary rare 10d. double rate by 4d. olive-black and 6d. orange-yellow, tied by F.2 v1 c.d.s. with spaced "9 7" year date, with "(crown)/REGISTERED" marking Jan. 5 1898 London hooded transit, carried from Stanley on H.M.S. "Beagle", connecting with R.M.S.P. "Clyde", attractive. Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 400.00
Sold...GBP 600.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 600
Sale No: 137
Lot No:363
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: 1898 (Oct. 7) larger size official envelope (albino embossed arms) registered to U.S.A. franked at 6d. rate 1/2d. complete vertical row of six from the left of the sheet with selvedge three sides and 1d. strip of three tied by F.3 c.d.s's with "(crown)/REGISTERED" mark, carried on the "Ammon" with London hooded transit marks of Nov. 15 and 16, New York Nov. 23 and Denver Nov. 25 arrival, slight creasing and opening tear nevertheless most attractive. Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 300.00
Sold...GBP 450.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 450
Sale No: 137
Lot No:364
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: 1898 (Nov. 3) O.H.M.S. envelope registered to Massachussetts bearing 1898 2s.6d. tied by F.2 v1 c.d.s. showing spaced "9 8" year date with "(crown)/REGISTERED" marking and red Dec. 27 London transit at left, backstamped Boston Jan 6 1899 arrival. Carried on the "Herodot" to Liverpool. Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 250.00
Sold...GBP 480.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 480
Sale No: 137
Lot No:365
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: 1899 'Hugo Schlottfeldt' envelope to Rhode Island, U.S.A. with enclosed signed letter regarding exchange of stamps on Schlottfeldt memo sheet, the cover franked by 1891-1902 1/2d. deep dull green and 4d. olive-black tied by (Ob. 1/78) obliterators without desptach c.d.s. but showing "(crown)/REGISTERED" mark and Aug. 20 London Registered transit, backstamped New York Aug. 30 transit and Westerly next day arrival, having been carried on the "Orellana" from Montevideo to London. Ex Riddell-Carre. Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 350.00
Sold...GBP 580.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 580
Sale No: 137
Lot No:366
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: 1900 (June 25) official envelope (albino embossed arms) registered to U.S.A. franked at 7d. rate by 1d. pale red and 6d. yellow tied by clear F.4A c.d.s's and London Aug. 25 hooded transit, with "(crown)/REGISTERED" mark and New York Sept. 5 receiving backstamp, carried on the "Oravia". Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 300.00
Sold...GBP 450.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 450
Sale No: 137
Lot No:367
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: 1901 (May 30) envelope registered to London at 3d. rate paid by 1d. pale red strip of three tied by F.4A c.d.s's with "(crown)/REGISTERED" mark and London June 25 hooded arrival. Carried on the "Orellana". Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 250.00
Sold...GBP 520.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 520
Sale No: 137
Lot No:370
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: 1903 (May 25) printed advertising envelope for return correspondence to Henry Cooper, watchmaker and jeweller, with amusing 'hencoop' trade mark, registered to London franked by 1891-1902 1d. orange-red (3) tied by F.4B c.d.s's with "(crown)/REGISTERED" and ms. registration markings, July 1 arrival oval in red, carried on the "Liguria" on her last visit to the islands, some vertical creasing. Ex Barton and Cottis. Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 400.00
Sold...GBP 350.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 350
Sale No: 137
Lot No:372
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Onpiece,front,e
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: •ÈÀ1904 (Feb.) large piece to Sussex with 1891-1902 å_d. pair and 2d. franking tied by light F.4B c.d.s's, and showing rare large "R/FALKLAND/ISLANDS" registration handstamp without date below, minor creasing. Ex 'Stanley' collection. Photo. The largest correctly rated commercial piece known. Illustrated in Heijtz catalogue (2013), p. 239. (Image1)
Opening GBP 700.00
Sold...GBP 700.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 700
Sale No: 137
Lot No:374
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: 1904 (Mar. 29) large printed envelope registered to Germany bearing 1891-1902 1/2d. (7), 1d. (6), 2d. and 21/2d. (2) tied by F.4B c.d.s's with "(crown)/REGISTERED" mark and backstamped London Apr. 25 transit, next day Nuremberg arrival. Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 400.00
Sold...GBP 300.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 300
Sale No: 137
Lot No:375
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: 1904 (Apr. 25) Great Britain 21/2d. grey postal stationery envelope unusually accepted as part payment for 4d. registered rate with added 1891-1902 1/2d. and 1d., cancelled F.4B, "(crown)/REGISTERED" marking and carried on the "Oravia", backstamped London May 4 and same day Wimbledon arrival. Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 350.00
Sold...GBP 450.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 450
Sale No: 137
Lot No:378
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: 1909 (Nov. 1) registered commercial cover to Reading franked by 1904-12 1d. dull coppery red horizontal strip of three, a scarce shade on cover or card, tied by F.4E c.d.s's with type 1 registration label, carried on the "Oropesa" with red Nov. 29 London hooded datestamp on reverse. Ex Riddell-Carre. Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 300.00
Sold...GBP 230.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 230
Sale No: 137
Lot No:379
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: 1912 (Aug. 27) late mixed issue franking on registered cover to Germany bearing 1891-1902 9d. corner marginal (slight oxidisation), 1904-12 1/2d. pair and 1d. marginal pair paying 6oz. foreign registered rate, with light F.4F cancellations, type 3 registration label no. 2, backstamped London Sept. 28 transit and Apolda next day arrival. Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 150.00
Sold...GBP 110.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 110
Sale No: 137
Lot No:383
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: 1926 to 1936, five commercial covers registered at 4d. rate to England, franked 1921-28 2d. (2), 'Whale & Penguin' 4d., Centenary 4d. and Silver Jubilee 4d. (2) respectively, all with PS.1A cancellations and showing registration label types 7, 6B, 5D or 8A. Ex Cottis. (Image1)
Opening GBP 140.00
Sold...GBP 300.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 300
Sale No: 137
Lot No:384
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: 1930 (May 16) registered to Kent endorsed "REGISTERED/BY AIR MAIL/Via Montevideo - St Louis - Paris" bearing 1912-20 £1 with neat central PS.1A c.d.s. with airmail etiquette and type 5D registration label at left, Montevideo May 29 transit on reverse. Ex Riddell-Carre. Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 400.00
Sold...GBP 300.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 300
Sale No: 137
Lot No:385
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: Registered Mail: 1935 (Dec. 16) attractive envelope registered to Manchester franked by Centenary 4d. tied by fine PS.1B c.d.s. with type 5F registration label at left, carried by the "Lafonia", scarce. Ex Riddell-Carre. Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 250.00
Sold...GBP 400.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 400
Sale No: 137
Lot No:386
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: 1944 (Aug. 18) commercial cover sent by Mrs. E. Carleton registered to London franked 4d. tied by PS.1A and showing scarce type 11 registration ("Fox Bay" deleted) label used following the Post Office fire in April. Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 80.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 80
Sale No: 137
Lot No:387
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: 1944 (Aug. 19) long censored cover registered to U.S.A. at 10d. rate (foreign postage over 2oz.) franked 4d. and 6d. cancelled PS.1A with scarce type 11 registration ("Fox Bay" deleted) registration label used following the Post Office fire in April, also showing transit and Nov. 24 delayed arrival backstamps, U.S. Customs handstamps and resealed by both New York censor's transparent label and P.O. Department "OFFICIALLY SEALED" label, characterful. Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 180.00
Sold...GBP 290.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 290
Sale No: 137
Lot No:388
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: 1945 (Feb. 13) 'J.E. Lea' envelope registered to London bearing 2s.6d., 5s. indigo and yellow-brown, 10s. and £1, 1938 printings, tied by light individual strikes of PS.3B c.d.s. and with type 6B registration label (late expedient usage after the 1944 Post Office fire, only a small number of examples being known). Photo. (Image1)
Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 140.00
Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 140
Sale No: 137
Lot No:391
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire
Falkland Islands: SUBMARINE MAIL, 1947 (June 5) registered cover to Pembrokeshire, with typed endorsement "To Montevideo per U.S. Submarine "Sea Robin", registration label type 12 and type D "AIR MAIL" label in black, franked 1s.3d. pair tied by PS.3B c.d.s., scarce. Ex Cottis. Photo. The "Sea Robin" arrived at Port Stanley on June 4 on its return from a simulated war patrol and departed on June 6. (Image1)