1850-1914 Ideal album for foreign countries with some later additons(100s). Remaindered in places and some pages removed. Better sections remaining include Germany, a few German Colonies, a few Hawaii, Haiti, Nyassa, Persia, Salvador, Sweden, Switzerland inc Rayon 5Rp,10Rp,15Rp, Tunis, Turkey, Tuscany Lion 2c blue(2), 4c green, Arms 80c brown, sparse or empty in places, mixed condition, still some useful stamps remaining HEAVY/OVERSIZE LOT - OVERSEAS SHIPPING SURCHARGE APPLIES. {CC} [US4] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £202.40)
Opening GBP 202.40
Sold...GBP 202.00
Closed..Apr-09-2024, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 202
German States - Baden
Sale No: 93
Lot No:10839
Cat No:6a
1851-52 9k dull rose 4 margin, FU with '43' in circles pmk, signed by Alberto Diena on the reverse. {U} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £16.00)
Opening GBP 16.00
Sold...GBP 23.00
Closed..Apr-09-2024, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 23
Sale No: 93
Lot No:10842
1853-68 6 early covers, incl 1853-58 3k on blue on part entire, 1860-62 3k blue on entire, 1862-65 9k brown on cover to Pontefract, 6k & 9k on mourning cover to London, 1868 7k on cover. (6 covers) {C} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £60.00)
Opening GBP 60.00
Sold...GBP 72.00
Closed..Apr-09-2024, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 72
Sale No: 93
Lot No:10844
Cat No:D40b
1862 Rural Postage Due 3k perf 11 in deeper coloured paper, FU with complete Freiburg cds. {PD} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £80.00) (Image)
Opening GBP 80.00
Sold...GBP 95.00
Closed..Apr-09-2024, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 95
Sale No: 93
Lot No:31739
Cat No:FB14-FB27
1948 Currency reform set of 14 vals 2pf to 1dm, mint small h/r. Fresh bright colours. (14) {MH} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £23.20)
Opening GBP 23.20
Sold...GBP 34.00
Closed..Apr-09-2024, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 34
Sale No: 93
Lot No:31745
Cat No:FB46
1949 Engineers' Congress - 30pf Blue mint small h/r. Fresh bright colours. {MH} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £17.60)
Opening GBP 17.60
Sold...GBP 25.00
Closed..Apr-09-2024, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 25
Sale No: 93
Lot No:31747
Cat No:FB50-FB52
1949 Centenary of Rastatt Insurrection set of 3 vals 10pf+5pf to 30pf+15pf, mint small h/r. Fresh bright colours. (3) {MH} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £25.60)
Opening GBP 25.60
Sold...GBP 34.00
Closed..Apr-09-2024, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 34
German States - Bavaria
Sale No: 93
Lot No:10853
Cat No:25
1850 6k blue, 4 margins, fine used with '327; cancellation. {U} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £21.60)
1850-58 Numeral 9k deep yellow-green 4 margin, fresh FU with '18' in closed mill wheel cancel. {U} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £21.60)
Opening GBP 21.60
Sold...GBP 22.00
Closed..Apr-09-2024, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 22
Sale No: 93
Lot No:10857
Cat No:8
1850-58 Numeral 1 rose imperf with 4 margins, FU with '216' in closed mill wheel cancel, the silk thread is close to or on the surface of the paper. {U} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £47.20)
Opening GBP 47.20
Sold...GBP 47.00
Closed..Apr-09-2024, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 47
Sale No: 93
Lot No:10859
Cat No:138-47
1911 Luitpold issues to 80pf very scarce as u.m. (8). High premium u.m. for this period. {UM} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £25.60)
Opening GBP 25.60
Sold...GBP 31.00
Closed..Apr-09-2024, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 31
German States - Hamburg
Sale No: 93
Lot No:10863
Cat No:28-35
1865 Mint Arms range with some shades. (9) {MH} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £24.80)
Opening GBP 24.80
Sold...GBP 31.00
Closed..Apr-09-2024, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 31
German States - Lubeck
Sale No: 93
Lot No:10867
Cat No:18
1864 1¼s brown, cut to shape, fine used (spacefiller). {U} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £14.40)
Opening GBP 14.40
Sold...GBP 21.00
Closed..Apr-09-2024, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 21
German States - Prussia
Sale No: 93
Lot No:10870
Cat No:4
1850-56 King Friedrich Wilhelm IV 6pf vermillion with wmk, in imperf block of 8 with plate 7 imprint margin, fresh UM with slight gum imperfections, a remarkable multiple. {UM} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £274.40) (Image)
Opening GBP 274.40
Sold...GBP 450.00
Closed..Apr-09-2024, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 450
German States - Wurttemberg
Sale No: 93
Lot No:10883
Cat No:24
1857 3k orange, imperf, 3¾ margins. Fine used, h/r. Double outer ring, single inner ring SON cds 'Gelslingen / 13 / 4 / 58'. {U} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £14.40)
Sale No: 93
Lot No:10889
Cat No:Collection
Postal History covers & cards accum on stockpages & loose, very mixed from pre-stamp, early states, through to modern illus FDC, also Field Post, Ship letters, etc, small range of ETB. (60 items) HEAVY/OVERSIZE LOT - OVERSEAS SHIPPING SURCHARGE APPLIES. {C} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £40.00)
Opening GBP 40.00
Sold...GBP 48.00
Closed..Apr-09-2024, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 48
Sale No: 93
Lot No:10892
1872 Empire Eagle small shield Used range, incl ¼g violet, ½g orange-vermillion, 2g blue, 1k yellow-green, 3k rose-carmine &7k blue, some with typical trimmed perfs, small thins, etc, still an attractive range. (6) {U} [US5] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £52.00)
Opening GBP 52.00
Sold...GBP 57.00
Closed..Apr-09-2024, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 57
Sale No: 93
Lot No:10893
Cat No:15
1872 30g blue, fresh Unused, well centered, slight diag crease visible from the back. {MH} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £35.20)
Opening GBP 35.20
Sold...GBP 44.00
Closed..Apr-09-2024, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 44
Sale No: 93
Lot No:10899
Cat No:45-51
1889-1900 Emporer Wilhelm II 1st defin set duplicated Used study on Devon album pages with shades identified using Michel Specialised reference, better noted though unexpertised so priced as cheaper shades, also much postmark interest and some multiples, incl 3pf orange-brown x 31, 25pf orange-yellow x 21, 50pf lake-brown x 2, ideal lot for further study. C/V approx £1800 assuming mostly cheaper shades. (270) {U} [US8] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £123.20)
Opening GBP 123.20
Sold...GBP 149.00
Closed..Apr-09-2024, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 149
Sale No: 93
Lot No:10900
Cat No:67-80
1902 Germania Used dupl set to 3m on Devon album pages, lower vals typically x 20-30 with some potential better shades (2pf yellow-brown, 3pf blue-green), 1m carmine x 6 incl type B x 2, 2m blue with gothic lettering (slight thin), 2m type B x 5, 3m x 2 incl violet type B, also much pmk interest. (280) {U} [US8] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £78.40)
Opening GBP 78.40
Sold...GBP 78.00
Closed..Apr-09-2024, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 78
Sale No: 93
Lot No:10901
Cat No:78A
1902 2m blue with gothic lettering, good Used with 2 strikes of cds, small area of adhesion, centred right. {U} [US8] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £14.40)
Opening GBP 0.99
Sold...GBP 16.00
Closed..Apr-09-2024, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 16
Sale No: 93
Lot No:10902
Cat No:82-94
1905-13 Germania with lozenges wmk Used dupl early printings range to 2m on Devon album pages, smaller vals typically x 20-30 with better shades identified though not expertised, 1m x 11, 2m x 9, condition generally good for these with much pmk interest. C/V assuming cheaper shades. (37) {U} [US8] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £86.40)
Opening GBP 86.40
Sold...GBP 92.00
Closed..Apr-09-2024, 12:00:00 EST
Sold For 92
Sale No: 93
Lot No:10903
Cat No:97-104
1916-20 Germania with white background set to 75pf, dupl Used on Devon album pages with shades identified (Michel ref), vals typically x 20-40 with much pmk interest. (290) {U} [US8] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £75.20)