Germany and German Colonies Cameroun - British Occupation
Sale No: 77
Lot No:2663
Cat No:B1-B10
Overprints on German Yachts set to 1s on 1Mk(10) front mint, fine (Start Price = £136.00) (Image)
Opening GBP 136.00
Sold...GBP 200.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 200
Sale No: 77
Lot No:2668
Cat No:T1-12
QE2 Cameroons UK Trust overprints set u.m. with shades. [US2] (Start Price = £12.80)
Opening GBP 12.80
Sold...GBP 13.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 13
France - Colonies - Cameroun
Sale No: 77
Lot No:5251
Cat No:46/62
complete set, fine cds used with postmark interest. (17) [US1] (Start Price = £49.60) (Image)
Opening GBP 49.60
Sold...GBP 52.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 52
Sale No: 77
Lot No:5254
Cat No:106-9
Colonial Exhibition set m.m. (Start Price = £9.60)
Opening GBP 9.60
Sold...GBP 15.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 15
Sale No: 77
Lot No:5255
Cat No:119-46
Definitives (28 of 30) m.m. (Start Price = £22.40)
Opening GBP 22.40
Sold...GBP 32.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 32
Sale No: 77
Lot No:5256
Cat No:148-52
French Revolution set m.m. (Start Price = £32.00)
Opening GBP 32.00
Sold...GBP 32.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 32
Sale No: 77
Lot No:5259
Cat No:190a/b
Spitfire Fund pair m.m. (Start Price = £112.00) (Image)
Opening GBP 112.00
Sold...GBP 112.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 112
Sale No: 77
Lot No:19774
Cat No:Collection
Mint collection on hagners from 1937 Exhibition mini sheet through to 1980's post independence issues, with sets, thematics and mini sheets. Including airs, Kennedy, sports and some Paris printed Imprime imperf mini sheets. (100's). Cat £600+. Much is u.m. (Start Price = £144.00)
Opening GBP 144.00
Sold...GBP 185.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 185
Sale No: 77
Lot No:19775
Mainly 1940's and 1950's sets including Vichy period issues m.m. or u.m. Also some modern 1970's-90's with flowers, space and other thematics. Cat £600+ (Start Price = £140.00)
Opening GBP 140.00
Sold...GBP 155.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 155
German States - Bavaria
Sale No: 77
Lot No:6057
Cat No:29
9 Kreuzer Bistre-Brown f.u. with four full margins. [US1] (Start Price = £11.20)
Cover from Augsburg to Passau, cancelled with open wheel cancel No.28 and single circle cancel of Augsburg (Small tear at top and light corner creases). Also a front only from Beilngries to Eichstatt, with half circle cancel and open wheel cancel No.39 of Beilngries. Both have 6 Kreuzer Blue stamps. [US1] (Start Price = £10.40)
Opening GBP 10.40
Sold...GBP 15.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 15
Sale No: 77
Lot No:6061
A locally used cover in Munich, cancelled with dated boxed cancel. Has a centre circle unbroken 1 Kreuzer in Orange-Yellow. Good condition. [US1] (Start Price = £17.60)
Opening GBP 17.60
Sold...GBP 26.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 26
Sale No: 77
Lot No:6063
Cat No:34 & 36
SG34 - 1 Kreuzer Yellow-Green and SG36 - 1 Kreuzer Blue-Green f.u. both with four full margins and small h/r. (2) [US1] (Start Price = £48.80)
Opening GBP 48.80
Sold...GBP 57.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 57
Sale No: 77
Lot No:6064
Cat No:46
9 Kreuzer Pale-Bistre with four large margins f.u. Has small h/r x 2. [US1] (Start Price = £31.20)
Opening GBP 31.20
Sold...GBP 44.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 44
Sale No: 77
Lot No:6066
Cat No:55a
King Ludwig II Embossed 6k Bistre P11½ f.u. [US1] (Start Price = £22.40)
Opening GBP 22.40
Sold...GBP 22.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 22
Sale No: 77
Lot No:6067
Cat No:68-74
King Ludwig II Embossed types. SG68 - 1k Pale-Green, SG69 - 3k Rose, SG71 - 7k Blue, SG73 - 10k Ochre and SG74 - 18k Brick Red plus a gutter pair of SG69 - 3k Rose. All very fresh bright colours mint small h/r. (6) [US1] (Start Price = £68.00)
Opening GBP 68.00
Sold...GBP 95.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 95
Sale No: 77
Lot No:6070
Cat No:88
New Currency Embossed 1m Pale Mauve f.u. (One p/p at bottom). [US1] (Start Price = £61.60) (Image)
Opening GBP 61.60
Sold...GBP 72.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 72
Sale No: 77
Lot No:6074
Cat No:Collection
Commemorative 3pf Brown on Buff on card with Coat of Arms in upper left, and picture of exhibition hall for Nurnberg Landesausstellung. Card left or collection but assessed at 6pf to pay in blue crayon and 3 x 2pf Postagbe Dues applied, also has special exhibition cancel. 1890 Bailiffs Postal Delivery Certificate, franked with a pair of 10pf Postage Dues with Munich cancellation. (Slight soiling mark on card but general condition good) (2) [US1] (Start Price = £17.60)
Opening GBP 17.60
Sold...GBP 22.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 22
Sale No: 77
Lot No:6075
Cat No:Collection
Small collection of postal history items. 1890 - Official stampless cover from Pegnitz to Betzenstein, 1908 - Locally used cover from Munich with a Railway Offical 5pf Deep Green ovpt large red 'E', 1913 - Railway Official Prince Regent Luitpold Type 2 with 'E' perfin on 5pf on cover locally used in Munich, 1916 - Official cover from Gunzburg to Munich franked with 2 x 25pf vals, 1920 cover from Gunzburg to Bergzabern franked with a 20pf ovpt 'Volksstaat Bayern' on white paper, 1920 cover from Augsbugh to Hanau franked with 20pf general issue of 1920 and 1920 cover from Munich to Munden franked with 40pf general issue and cancelled with Munich roller cancel (Has torn NW corner). Nice lot good condition. (7) [US1] (Start Price = £29.60)
Opening GBP 29.60
Sold...GBP 38.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 38
Sale No: 77
Lot No:6076
Cat No:131
A Toned paper 3m Olive-Brown Embossed Type f.u. (Med h/r) [US1] (Start Price = £22.40)
Opening GBP 22.40
Sold...GBP 39.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 39
Sale No: 77
Lot No:6080
Cat No:Collection
Small collection of Railway Officials. SGR136 - 20pf Ultramarine bottom left hand corner marginal block of 4 u.m. (2 p/p at top), SGR133-137 - set of 5 vals 3pf to 50pf f.u., SGR156 - 3pf Brown/Drab u.m. and SGR157-R160 - vals 5pf to 25pf f.u.
Good lot. (11) [US1] (Start Price = £19.20)
Opening GBP 19.20
Sold...GBP 24.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 24
Sale No: 77
Lot No:6086
Cat No:148
90th Birthday of Prince-Regent Luitpold 1m Brown/Drab, Type (l) f.u. (small h/r and o/c NW) [US1] (Start Price = £10.40)
Opening GBP 10.40
Sold...GBP 13.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 13
Sale No: 77
Lot No:6088
Cat No:Collection
Collection of mint issues. SG133 - 5pf Corner marginal block of 4 u.m., SG171a-172a mint med h/r, SG172a - block of 4 small h/r, SG173a - 3pf top left corner marginal u.m., SG176a - 7½pf small h/r, SG178a-179a - both unused, SG213a-214a - med h/r, SG171b-194b Imperf set small h/r, SG192b-194b - all bottom right hand corner marginals with plate No.2 on each small h/r and gum toning, SG197a-214a - 7½pf to 20m small h/r, SG195b-214b - 3pf to 20m imperf set small to large h/r, SG212b-214b - 5m to 20m marginals small h/r, SG196b, SG199b, SG201b, SG205b and SG208b plate pairs u.m., SG207b and 211b plate singles u.m. and SG256 x 3 small h/r ovpt in various positions. (83) [US1] (Start Price = £21.60)
Opening GBP 21.60
Sold...GBP 24.00
Closed..Apr-14-2020, 13:00:00 EST
Sold For 24
Sale No: 77
Lot No:6097
Cat No:Collection
Small mixed collection of mint and used. SGO196 - 5pf, SGO199 - 10pf, SGO204-O206 - 25pf to 60pf mint small h/r officials, SGO217-O219 - 7½pf to 15pf, SGO221 - 25pf, SGO223 - 35pf, SGO225-O226 - 60pf to 75pf, SGO228 - 1m all mint small h/r officials, SG250-252 - set of 3 vals mint med h/r and f.u. med h/r, SG250 - 10pf + 5pf with misplaced ovpt, SG251 - 15pf + 5pf bottom right corner marginal block of 4 u.m., SG256 - 20 on 3pf Grey-Brown x 3 f.u. (One on piece and two small h/r), SG257-273 - 5pf to 20m mint med h/r, SG270a - 1m imperf single, SGO274-O275 - 5pf to 10pf, SGO278 - 30pf Prussian Blue, SGO283 - 75pf Claret and SGO289 - 2½m mint small h/r officials. Fresh bright colours. (47) [US1] (Start Price = £28.00)