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R. Maresch & Son Auctions Ltd Sale: 583

Germany and German Colonies
Sale No: 583
Lot No:1136

EAST GERMANY (DDR): 10N14/2831,etc: Hundreds of mint 1948 to 1990 with singles, sets and souvenir sheets, some Soviet Zone, light duplication, all nh, mostly very fine. (2020 Mi - €4412)

Opening C$ 160.00
Sold...C$ 160.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 16:04:37 EST
Sold For 160

Sale No: 583
Lot No:1133
Cat No:Collection

GERMAN COLONIES: Collection of over 330 mint 1897 to 1919, including Cameroons, Caroline Is, German East Africa, German South West Africa, Mariana Is, Marshall Is, Samoa, and Office in China, Morocco, and Turkish Empire, some duplication, mostly in shades, appears mostly f-vf. Inspect.

Cat. Val. 4572.00

Opening C$ 1,800.00
Sold...C$ 1,800.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 16:02:54 EST
Sold For 1800

Sale No: 583
Lot No:1134
Cat No:Collection

GERMAN COLONIES: Collection of 250 used 1897 to 1919, including Cameroons, Caroline Is, German East Africa, German South West Africa, Mariana Is, Marshall Is, Samoa, and Office in China, Morocco, and Turkish Empire, some duplication, mostly in shades, appears mostly f-vf. Inspect.

Cat. Val. 3486.00

Opening C$ 425.00
Sold...C$ 425.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 16:03:28 EST
Sold For 425

image Sale No: 583
Lot No:1121
Cat No:Collection

GERMAN STATES - WURTTEMBERG: 1/29,etc: Collection of 28 used 1851 to 1961, couple duplicates, plus cut squares, many with clear cds cancels, some faults, appears f-vf. Inspect. (Image)

Cat. Val. 7610.00

Opening C$ 260.00
Sold...C$ 260.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 15:53:32 EST
Sold For 260

image Sale No: 583
Lot No:1135
Cat No:9N42-9N60

GERMANY: BERLIN: 9N42-9N60: 1949 Buildings, nh, f-vf. (Mi 42-60 €750) (Image)

Cat. Val. 575.00

Opening C$ 230.00
Sold...C$ 230.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 16:04:17 EST
Sold For 230

Sale No: 583
Lot No:1122
Cat No:Collection

GERMANY - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: Collection of many hundreds of mostly used 1852 to 2010 including States, early Eagles, Berlin, Occupations, Soviet Zone, etc, earlier quality a bit mixed, neatly mounted on pages, plus hundreds neatly identified on 102s, much appears f-vf. Inspect. (Shipping Wt. 22 kg).

Est. 500+

Opening C$ 400.00
Sold...C$ 400.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 15:54:50 EST
Sold For 400

Sale No: 583
Lot No:1123
Cat No:Collection

GERMANY - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: Tens of thousands mint and used 1870s to 1980s on album pages, stock sheets, loose in glassines and 102s, includes many souvenir sheets, some semis, States and DDR, appears f-vf. Disorganized. Inspect.

Est. 300+

Opening C$ 280.00
Sold...C$ 280.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 15:55:25 EST
Sold For 280

Sale No: 583
Lot No:1124
Cat No:Collection

GERMANY - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: Hundreds of mostly mint 1916 to 1945, including Semis with Nothilfe souvenir sheet (trimmed), Airs with Zeppelins, Officials, and Polish General Government, appears mostly f-vf. Inspect.

Cat. Val. 8408.00

Opening C$ 675.00
Sold...C$ 675.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 15:56:44 EST
Sold For 675

Sale No: 583
Lot No:1125
Cat No:Collection

GERMANY - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: Collection as received in 4 volumes, 1872 to 1984, pre-WWII mostly used, plus mint Berlin, usual mixed quality in earlier, great lot for cancels, much is f-vf. Inspect.

Est. 400+

Opening C$ 120.00
Sold...C$ 120.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 15:57:11 EST
Sold For 120

Sale No: 583
Lot No:1126
Cat No:Collection

GERMANY - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: Collection of mint and used, 1920 to 1944, many complete sets, Officials, Bavaria approximately 175 different, Bohemia and Moravia, General Government, Luxembourg overprints, some nh, mostly f-vf. Inspect.

(Owner's Cat Val $2966)

Opening C$ 80.00
Sold...C$ 80.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 15:57:26 EST
Sold For 80

Sale No: 583
Lot No:1127
Cat No:Collection

GERMANY - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: 4/2378,etc: Stock of thousands of mostly used 1872 to 2006, some mint, no Semis, East Germany including Semis, neatly identified, duplication, earlier quality mixed, appears mostly f-vf. Huge Cat Val. Inspect.

Est. 500+

Opening C$ 110.00
Sold...C$ 110.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 15:57:40 EST
Sold For 110

Sale No: 583
Lot No:1128
Cat No:Collection

GERMANY - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: Stock of many thousands of used 1880s to 1992, some States, neatly identified in glassines, light duplication, appears mostly f-vf.

Est. 200+

Opening C$ 150.00
Sold...C$ 150.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 15:59:19 EST
Sold For 150

Sale No: 583
Lot No:1129
Cat No:Collection

GERMANY - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: Hundreds of used 1940s to 1970s incl complete sets, souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs, Berlin, neatly identified, clean and f-vf

Cat. Val. 2100.00

Opening C$ 160.00
Sold...C$ 160.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 16:00:15 EST
Sold For 160

Sale No: 583
Lot No:1130
Cat No:Collection

GERMANY - FEDERAL REPUBLIC - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: 697/1085,etc: Over 140 mint incl complete sets, souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs and over 80 Berlin, all nh, f-vf

Cat. Val. 1060.00

Opening C$ 80.00
Sold...C$ 80.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 16:00:48 EST
Sold For 80

Sale No: 583
Lot No:1131
Cat No:Collection

GERMANY - FEDERAL REPUBLIC - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: 692/745,B342/B371: Fifty-one mostly different blocks of four, including 13 Berlin 9N116-119,9N143,9NB13-16, all nh, very fine

Cat. Val. 1003.00

Opening C$ 80.00
Sold...C$ 80.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 16:01:07 EST
Sold For 80

image Sale No: 583
Lot No:1132

GERMANY - ZEPPELIN COVERS: Twenty-five Zeppelin covers with Hindenburg and Graf Zeppelin, four are registered, several to United States, one to Canada, and to Uruguay, some with airship illustrated or with cinderella, clean lot. Inspect. (Image)

Est. 750+

Opening C$ 0.00
Sold...C$ -675.00

Closed..Oct-31-2024, 16:02:02 EST
Sold For -675

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