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Phoenix Auctions Sale: 83

Germany and German Colonies

SAMOA (German)
image Sale No: 83
Lot No:953

1914 German Colonial Issue Ovpt GRI 2½d on 20pf ultramarine with variety Comma after I, SG #104d, Cat £550. BPA certificate (1983). (Image1)

Estimate AU$200

Opening AU$ 210.00
Sold...AU$ 320.00

Closed..Oct-01-2020, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 320

TOGO (German)
image Sale No: 83
Lot No:954

1900 Yacht No Wmk set, SG #G7-19, fine used, Cat £1,100. (13) (Image1)

Estimate AU$400

Opening AU$ 300.00
Sold...AU$ 320.00

Closed..Oct-01-2020, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 320


Military - World War II Period
image Sale No: 83
Lot No:949

1940 use of 20pf pair cancelled with light 'FELDPOST/b/31.12.40/' (from Feldpost 26123H - Caen, France), censored in Berlin, to Sandarne, Sweden. [Feldpost mail to overseas destinations is rare] (Image1)

Estimate AU$90

Opening AU$ 70.00
Sold...AU$ 90.00

Closed..Oct-01-2020, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 90

Postal Stationery - Postal Cards
image Sale No: 83
Lot No:947
Cat No:Collection

1940s Hitler Heads Collection showing wide range of uses, mainly to show their many civilian uses, includes registered, censored, underpaid, international destinations, pictorial cancels, illustrated Postal Cards, PTPO, propaganda, instructional markings, undelivered, airmail, special delivery airmail. An impressive collection. (120+) (Image1)

Estimate AU$500

Opening AU$ 380.00
Sold...AU$ 440.00

Closed..Oct-01-2020, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 440

image Sale No: 83
Lot No:948
Cat No:Collection

1950-90 Mint and Used Post Card Collection including, 8pf illustrated Centenary of The Post Office, 1956-62 'Berlin' 8pf orange & gray, 10pf green & 15pf, 1961-64 issues to 15pf, various Heinemann values to 50pf some with Berlin cancels, 1971-76 to 50pf and 1977 to 70pf mint and with Berlin cancels. (150+) (Image1)

Estimate AU$100

Opening AU$ 75.00
Sold...AU$ 90.00

Closed..Oct-01-2020, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 90

image Sale No: 83
Lot No:950
Cat No:Collection

Dresden: collection with fine range of mainly stampless entires (20) from 1819-71 with copious annotation, plus range of more modern covers. Good starter collection for someone interested in this important German city. (40+ & some pieces) (Image1)

Estimate AU$90

Opening AU$ 70.00
Sold...AU$ 90.00

Closed..Oct-01-2020, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 90


image Sale No: 83
Lot No:951

1948-52 Architecture Set: P11 set to 5dm simplified, Mi #73-100, 5dm has slightly disturbed gum. (28) (Image1)

Estimate AU$60

Opening AU$ 80.00
Sold...AU$ 85.00

Closed..Oct-01-2020, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 85


Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings
image Sale No: 83
Lot No:952

1952-77 incl 1952-53 Famous Berliners (10, MLH), 1956-63 Buildings (18, some MUH), 1955 Furtwängler, 1956 Engineers' Union (2), 1959 President Heuss (5), & 1977 Castles 2m booklet (all MUH). (41 & Booklet) (Image1)

Estimate AU$65

Opening AU$ 65.00
Sold...AU$ 75.00

Closed..Oct-01-2020, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 75


image Sale No: 83
Lot No:49
Cat No:Collection

World Wildlife Fund: unaddressed FDC collection from 1976-79 in plastic sleeves in official WWF album. Slight toning. (120+) (Image1)

Estimate AU$50

Opening AU$ 38.00
Sold...AU$ 38.00

Closed..Oct-01-2020, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 38

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