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Cherrystone Auctions Sale: 0523

France and French Colonies
image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:666
Cat No:57a

1895 British Inland Mail, 2p blue, horizontal pair imperf. between, h.r., creases, otherwise v.f., cat. £450 (Cat No. SG 57a) (Image)

Cat. £450, Est.US$350

Opening US$ 325.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 14:27:46 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:667
Cat No:60a

1895 British Inland Mail, 1sh slate blue, horizontal pair imperf. between, h.r., heavy crease ending in a tear (hinge reinforced), fine appearance, cat. £550 (Cat No. SG 60a) (Image)

Cat. £550, Est.US$350

Opening US$ 300.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 14:28:00 EST
Sold For 0

FEZZAN Fezzan-Ghadames
image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:347
Cat No:1N1-15var

1946 10c-50fr imperforate, complete set in blocks of four, n.h., v.f. (Sass.1-15) cat. €2600 (Cat No. 1N1-15var) (Image)

Cat. €2600, Est.US$750

Opening US$ 700.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 11:45:03 EST
Sold For 0

FEZZAN French Occupation
image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:345
Cat No:Sass.11-12,PA3

1943 (26 June) registered and flown cover from Sebha to Brazzaville, franked with 50c on 50c violet, used in combination with 2x1fr on 25c blue and Air Post 50c on 50c, with return address of Lt.Col. De Lange, military governor, some usual minor toning, unusual mixed franking, with arrival pmk, signed Bolaffi, Diena, etc., also Raybaudi, with his 2002 certificate, cat. €10475 (Cat No. Sass.11-12,PA3) (Image)

Cat. €10475, Est.US$1,500

Opening US$ 1,200.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 11:44:37 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:346
Cat No:Sass.13-19

1944 surcharges on Italian Libya Parcel Post stamps, complete set of seven unsevered sheet margin or sheet corner margin blocks of four, each tied by Sebha 27-28 July 1943 departure pmks on mostly locally addressed covers, some with additional "Postes Fezzan" markings on back, v.f. and rare set of blocks on cover, only 35 complete sets were issued, of which many were broken up into singles, signed Raybaudi, with 2011 Roger Calves and 2015 Dr. Giorgio Colla certificates ("Massime rarita del Fezzan") (catalogued as used off cover) cat. €208000 (Cat No. Sass.13-19) (Image)

Cat. €208000, Est.US$30,000

Opening US$ 28,000.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 11:44:50 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:350

1783 (22 Aug) FL from Philadelphia to Gand, with maritime "COL PAR LORIENT" entry handstamp, docketing ("achemine") notations, fine early letter from the United States to France (Image)


Opening US$ 230.00
Sold...US$ 230.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 13:03:12 EST
Sold For 230

image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:351

1856 (3 July) outer FL to New York, franked with 20c and 3x80c imperf. Empire, 20c cut in at left, others with margins all around, tied by square grids, with Paris departure cds alongside, Boston Br.Packet July 17 arrival (Image)


Opening US$ 140.00
Sold...US$ 140.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 13:03:24 EST
Sold For 140

image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:352

1859 stampless letter sent unpaid from Toulon-sur-Mer to Lehe, Bremen, with "F.52" accountancy mark, numerous charge margins in pen and red crayon, French entry pmks, Paris transit and Lehe Nov.22 arrival datestamp, perfectly struck "Consulate of the United States of America" handstamp on the letterhead and again sealing the back, fine and interesting Consular usage (Image)


Opening US$ 140.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 13:03:39 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:353

1866 "Empire Francais" Laureated, Barroux die essay in black, value "0", fresh and v.f. (Image)


Opening US$ 450.00
Sold...US$ 450.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 13:03:52 EST
Sold For 450

image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:354

1866 "Empire Francais" Laureated, Barroux die essay in gray black, value "0", fresh and v.f. (Image)


Opening US$ 450.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 13:04:06 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:355
Cat No:123b

1900-29 Type Merson, 50c bister brown on grayish paper, lower right sheet corner margin block of four, n.h., minor perf. separations, well centered, v.f. (YT 120d, Euro 1,800 plus 100% premium for good centering) cat. $1500 (Cat No. 123b) (Image)

Cat. $1500, Est.US$500

Opening US$ 450.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 13:04:21 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:356
Cat No:130

1900-29 Type Merson, 5fr dark blue & buff, n.h., perfectly centered, wide margins all around, v.f., with 2016 Gautre certificate (YT 123, Euro 700) (Cat No. 130) (Image)


Opening US$ 375.00
Sold...US$ 375.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 13:04:33 EST
Sold For 375

image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:357

1903 large printer's color sample page in magenta color, showing 13 diff. designs including two for Japan, also for Greece, Malta, Canada, Portugal and Great Britain, on thin paper, some tears away from designs, otherwise fine-v.f. (Image)


Opening US$ 700.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 13:04:45 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:358

1946 General Le Clerc, two different artist pencil sketches, each denominated "6fr" and signed by Decaris, v.f. (Image)


Opening US$ 475.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 13:04:58 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:359
Cat No:Collection

1948 6fr unissued design, die essay with colored surround, selection of ten different colors or shades, each artist signed, fine-v.f., rare (Image)


Opening US$ 1,300.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 13:05:11 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:360

1948 6fr unissued design, two die essays in black, different sizes and lettering, each artist signed, fine-v.f., probably unique (Image)


Opening US$ 450.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 13:05:24 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:361
Cat No:616-19P

1949 Coat of Arms, duplicated selection of 48 (four different) imperforate composite die proofs in black, 12 of each, artist signed, fine-v.f., rare (Maury 834/38 Essay de decomposition) cat. €19200 (Cat No. 616-19P) (Image)

Cat. €19200, Est.US$2,500

Opening US$ 2,300.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 13:05:36 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:362
Cat No:672,929P

1951 United Nations, 30fr printer's trial color die proof in ultramarine, also artist (Decaris) signed die proof in black; plus 1959 25fr Europa, printer's inspection die proof in sepia (only four prepared), v.f. (Cat No. 672,929P) (Image)


Opening US$ 270.00
Sold...US$ 270.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 13:06:12 EST
Sold For 270

image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:363
Cat No:694-99P

1953 Coat of Arms, six different imperforate, composite die proofs in black, artist signed, fine-v.f. (Maury 951-54,58-59EPL) cat. €2100 (Cat No. 694-99P) (Image)

Cat. €2100, Est.US$500

Opening US$ 450.00
Sold...US$ 450.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 13:06:30 EST
Sold For 450

image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:364
Cat No:733-39P

1954 Coat of Arms, duplicated selection of 70 (ten complete sets of seven) imperforate composite die proofs in black, artist signed, fine-v.f. (Maury 999-1005EPL) cat. €24500 (Cat No. 733-39P) (Image)

Cat. €24500, Est.US$2,500

Opening US$ 2,300.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 13:06:44 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:365
Cat No:1195var

1967 Madame Curie, imperforate sheet margin block of 10, n.h., v.f. (YT 1533a) cat. €800 (Cat No. 1195var) (Image)

Cat. €800, Est.US$150

Opening US$ 120.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 13:06:57 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:366

1974 artist's (Chesnot) watercolor rendering, for the 1974 Chess Olympics in Nice, probably for a First Day Cover cachet, with hs on reverse "Maquette Guarantee Unique par L'artiste Chesnot" and signed by him, v.f. (Image)


Opening US$ 240.00
Sold...US$ 240.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 13:07:16 EST
Sold For 240

image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:367
Cat No:1425-1428P

1975 Arphila 1975, set of four artist die proofs, v.f. (Cat No. 1425-1428P) (Image)


Opening US$ 230.00
Sold...US$ 230.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 13:07:41 EST
Sold For 230

Air Post
image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:369

1927 "Compagnie Internationale de Navigation Aerienne" (CIDNA), imperforate, non-denominated engraved proof in dark blue, never issued, block of four, v.f. (Image)


Opening US$ 450.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 13:08:09 EST
Sold For 0
image Sale No: 0523
Lot No:370
Cat No:Collection

1945 "Collection Imperiale", three non-denominated artist die proofs in different colors, v.f. (Image)


Opening US$ 180.00

Closed..May-09-2023, 13:08:21 EST
Sold For 0

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