Sale No: 24A
Lot No:200
Cat No:Collection
Afars and Issas Highly Complete Mint Collection - All mint stamps mounted or neatly hinge-mounted to Minkus specialty pages. Missing about 20 stamps. Clean! (SCV $700) (Image)
Opening US$ 180.00
Sold...US$ 180.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 13:57:17 EST
Sold For 180
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:237
Cat No:25a
France Scott 25a MH Pair, Yellow Brown Shade, 1973 APS Cert - lovely pair, 10c Napoleon in yellow brown shade. Lightly hinged, sound and fine. (SCV $3500) (Image)
Opening US$ 450.00
Sold...US$ 450.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:35:19 EST
Sold For 450
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:238
Cat No:37
France Scott 37 Used, VF Appearance with 1877 Yokohama Cancel - Appears to have been rebacked when dipped. Tiny LL corner crease. Otherwise VF appearance with clear CDS. (SCV $750) (Image)
Opening US$ 95.00
Sold...US$ 95.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:35:58 EST
Sold For 95
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:239
Cat No:226b
France Scott 226b Used Single from 1925 Souvenir Sheet - 5Fr single from the 1925 International Philatelic Exhibition in Paris. VF with light pencil mark on back. (SCV $140) (Image)
Opening US$ 42.00
Sold...US$ 42.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:36:45 EST
Sold For 42
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:240
Cat No:241
France Scott 241 MNH F-VF, 1927 Strasbourg Souvenir Sheet - Pristine condition. (SCV $2300) (Image)
Opening US$ 600.00
Sold...US$ 600.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:38:01 EST
Sold For 600
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:241
Cat No:253
France Scott 253 MH F-VF, 1931 20Fr Die I - Pencil marks on back. Nicely centered. (SCV $275) (Image)
Opening US$ 44.00
Sold...US$ 44.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:39:03 EST
Sold For 44
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:243
Cat No:C31-C32
France Scott C31-C32 MNH VF Airmails - High values of 1954 set, 500Fr and 1000Fr values. MNH VF. (SCV $270) (Image)
Opening US$ 44.00
Sold...US$ 44.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:40:13 EST
Sold For 44
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:244
France 1871 Folded Letter Narbonne to Bordeaux - Fabulous cover franked Scott 38a (imperf strip/5) and Scott 57 tied by several large "2610" obliterators. Receiving cancel on reverse. Fine condition. (Est $200-250) (Image)
Opening US$ 120.00
Sold...US$ 120.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:40:58 EST
Sold For 120
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:245
France - 2 Different Early 1930's Aviation Day Returned Cards - Two cards, a 1930 Bourget, France airmail postcard aviation day from Vincennes to Casa Blanca, Morocco and returned; the other a 1931 Vincennes, France airmail postcard to Bucharest, Romania and retuned. F-VF. (Est $75-100) (Image)
Opening US$ 30.00
Sold...US$ 30.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:41:50 EST
Sold For 30
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:246
Cat No:Collection
France Cover Lot, Mostly 19th to Early20th Century - Group of 45 covers, postal cards, and postcards. Includes Commerce issues, 1870's postal card (carte postale), censored, POW to soldier, first flight, etc. Very mixed condition. (Est $90-120) (Image)
Opening US$ 65.00
Sold...US$ 65.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:42:34 EST
Sold For 65
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:247
Cat No:Collection
France First Day Cover Group, 1927//1946 - 29 first days (20 different) spanning a 20 year period, mostly commemoratives. Nice group. (Est $100-150) (Image)
Opening US$ 60.00
Sold...US$ 60.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:43:21 EST
Sold For 60
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:248
Cat No:Collection
France First Day Cover Group, 1947-1949 - 36 first days (30 different), featuring some better sets and singles. Clean group, many with cachets. F-VF. (Est $100-150) (Image)
Opening US$ 60.00
Sold...US$ 60.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:43:58 EST
Sold For 60
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:249
Cat No:Collection
France First Day Cover Group, 1950-1951 - 68 first days (58 different), a high catalog value lot. Clean group, many with cachets. F-VF. (Est $150-200) (Image)
Opening US$ 130.00
Sold...US$ 130.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:45:33 EST
Sold For 130
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:252
Cat No:1-2
France Revenues, Parcel Post, Etc - 1000+ revenues, parcel post, and other unlisted. Also includes 150 used booklet pane singles with advertising tabs. Expect some faults but collector focused on condition. (Est $200-300) (Image)
Opening US$ 160.00
Sold...US$ 160.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:47:39 EST
Sold For 160
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:253
Cat No:B4-B9, B9a
France and Colonies Perf-Ins and Precancels - 1200 perf-ins and 85 pre-cancels neatly lined up on black stock pages. Good mix of both stamps and perf-ins. (Est $90-120) (Image)
Opening US$ 65.00
Sold...US$ 65.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:48:34 EST
Sold For 65
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:254
Cat No:N15-N26
France German Occupation Scott N15-N26 MH Complete Set - 1916 WWI German stamps surcharged. Couple short perfs on Scott N23. Mostly MHR, with a few MVLH. Generally F-VF. (SCV $134) (Image)
Opening US$ 36.00
Sold...US$ 36.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:49:15 EST
Sold For 36
France and Areas
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:236
Cat No:Collection
France and Areas - 3 Volume Minkus Collection - Hinge-mounted collection of several 1000 stamps, sets, part sets, and a few souvenir sheets going to the late 1960's. France is strong in to 1950-60's along with the Offices in China being among the best. The remaining 2 volumes "French Community" is very strong in the 1940-60's and include some better classics. Careful review will reveal some desirable material to add to your collection or dealer stock, or just build upon this collection. Clean, neatly hinged, with an occasional flaw. Highly recommended. (Est $1250-1500) (Image)
Opening US$ 900.00
Sold...US$ 900.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:34:19 EST
Sold For 900
French Colonies
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:257
Cat No:Collection
French Colonies Cover Accumulation - Group of 85+ covers all originating from French colonies, 90%+ dated 1949-50 and sent to Chrysler Corporation, Detroit. Over 10 colonies are represented, mostly (if not all) airmail, with one registered noted. Clean group. (Est $250-300) (Image)
Opening US$ 150.00
Sold...US$ 150.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:51:17 EST
Sold For 150
French Offices
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:258
Cat No:Collection
French Offices Accumulation Identified by Cancels - Large and small obliterator cancels (and one CDS) on France early Napoleon and Ceres issues lined up neatly on a stockpage. 11 different towns/districts represented. Note the Scott 15 strip/5 (hinge reinforced between 2 stamps), and sound Scott 18, 20, with several imperfs having 4 margins. Expect some faults. (Est $150-200) (Image)
Opening US$ 120.00
Sold...US$ 120.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:52:12 EST
Sold For 120
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:259
French Offices Abroad - 2 Different Covers with Europe Destinations - A pair of French office covers, one from Alexandrie to Switzerland, 1867, featuring Scott 27 and 33 tied with large "5080" obliterator cancel, and the other from Tunis to London, 1865, with Scott 26 strip/3 tied with large "5107" obliterators. Few auxiliary markings add to the appeal. Both in fine condition. (Est $150-200) (Image)
Opening US$ 80.00
Sold...US$ 80.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:53:17 EST
Sold For 80
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:260
France Post Office in Shanghai, 1876 Cover - Lovely 1876 cover from Shanghai, China to Lyon, France. Shang-Hai Chine cancel w/#5104" large no. obliterator cancel ties Scott 55 pair and 63. Marseilles special" transit and Lyon receiving cancels on reverse. Also includes stamps with S-O-N "5104" cancels - Scott 55, 59, 81 pair, 82, 89 (scarce) and 94. Cover is F-VF with horiz file fold. (Est $350-500) (Image)
Opening US$ 325.00
Sold...US$ 325.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:54:20 EST
Sold For 325
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:262
French Offices in Turkey - 2 Covers - One cover with Scott 59 pair tied by Trebizonde large "5100" obliterator cancel (cover reduced at top) and clear 1874 CDS. The folded letter has Scott 27 tied by Mersina large "5092" obliterator, also with clear CDS, and a boxed "PACQUEBOT de la MEDITERRANE" auxiliary marking. Receiving cancels on reverse of both covers. Great items! (Est $200-300) (Image)
Opening US$ 120.00
Sold...US$ 120.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:55:59 EST
Sold For 120
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:263
French Offices in Turkey - 4 Different Covers Salonique to Italy - 4 different covers (folded letters) dated 1860's, 3 with red "French postal steamer" auxiliary markings. Covers have different imperf frankings like Scott 19 (80c) with 4 margins, Scott 15, 19 (20c+80c), and perf issues Scott 28 (80c) and 35 strip/3 (40c x3). Stamps have large "5095" and other having small "4012" cancels (Salonique). Quality items in fine condition. (Est $300-400) (Image)
Opening US$ 160.00
Sold...US$ 160.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:57:08 EST
Sold For 160
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:264
French Offices in Turkey Cover, 1867 Sansoun - Scott 27 tied by Sansoun large "5096" obliterator cancel on folded letter with 1867 CDS. Constantinople receiving cancel on reverse. Fine condition. (Est $200-300) (Image)
Opening US$ 120.00
Sold...US$ 120.00
Closed..Mar-02-2024, 14:57:57 EST
Sold For 120
Sale No: 24A
Lot No:266
French Offices in Turkey Folded Letter - Clean folded letter, 1864 Dardenelles to Lyon, France with receiving cancel. Large #5084" obliterator cancels tie Scott 26 pair and 25 single. F-VF. (Est $50-90) (Image)