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Cavendish Philatelic Auctions Ltd. Sale: 844

France and French Colonies
image Sale No: 844
Lot No:390
Cat No:Collection

SUPERB USED EARLY COLLECTION: 1849-1950s very fine used collection in a stockbook with many of the iconic early 20th C. issues. Includes imperf. & perf. ranges of Ceres & Napoleon Heads, 1917 War Orphans to 50c and the two later sets to 5f, 1923 Bordeaux Philatelic Congress, various 'Sinking Fund' sets, 'Sourire de Reims', Pont du Gard 20f (3), 1936 South Atlantic Flight 10f, 1937 Museum pair plus all the 1940s/50s National Fund sets. Airs include 1936 50f green, 50f 'banknote', 1,000f Paris View plus Aircraft to 1,000f, etc. A quality collection. (Many 100s) (Image)

Opening GBP 440.00
Sold...GBP 550.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 550

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:391
Cat No:Collection

EARLY TO MODERN MINT & USED COLLECTION in two albums, early to 1973. Clean, fine condition throughout. Cat. c.£2,500 (Very many 100s) (Image)

Opening GBP 48.00
Sold...GBP 50.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 50

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:393

18th/19th CENTURY MAIL TO EUROPE; Range with 1727 EL to Ghent with ms. 'Cambray' PO endorsement at top and rated '4' on front, 1739 EL to Brussels with scarce "[CROWN]/S" (Saumur) h.s. on front and charged '11'gr, 1756 EL to Frankfurt ex paris pre-paid '13' sols on rear, c1782 E to Geneva with "TOUL" h.s. on front rated '24' sols plus '2' sols from Versoix to Geneva, 1788 EL to Brunswick with s/l "STRASBOURG" h.s. on rear and charged '5'(kr), 1829 EL to Verona, datelined at Liverpool and with a Calais f/a/c on rear and "P.61.P/CALAIS" and "L.F" (Lettre Francaise) h.s. on front and various other examples. (12 covers) Cross Reference: BELGIUM, NETHERLANDS, FORWARDING AGENTS, SWITZERLAND (Image)

Opening GBP 95.00
Sold...GBP 100.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 100

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:394

18th/19th CENTURY CENTRAL & SOUTH AMERICA INWARDS MAIL; Range with 1787 EL to Marseilles ex Port-au-Prince with circular "COL BORDX" entry mark on front, 1850 EL's to Bordeaux with double-arc "PORT CABELLO" or double-arc "RIO-JANEIRO" d.s. on rear and framed "COLONIES/&cART.13" h.s. on front, 1858/61 ELs to Paris ex Montevideo or Pernambuco with a framed "GB/1F60c" accountancy mark on front, 1869 env. to Paris ex Havana with "16" h.s. and "3 ETATS-UNIS 3/SERV.AM.CALAIS" cds on front and other related examples. (22 covers) Cross Reference: FRENCH COLONIES, VENEZUELA, HAITI, ACCOUNTANCY MARKS (Image)

Opening GBP 110.00
Sold...GBP 240.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 240

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:395
Cat No:Collection

18th/19th CENTURY INWARDS MAIL EX EUROPE; Range inc. 1791 EL to Bordeaux ex Flensburg with s/l "DAENNEMARK" (Lenain 71) h.s. on front and rated '6' skillings, 1825 EL to paris with "DANEMARCK/PAR HAMBURG" and "T.T.R.4" h.s. on front, 1835 E to Beaume with Stockholm cds, two-line Greifswald transit d.s. and framed "PRUSSE/PAR/FORBACH" h.s. on front, 1847 E to Havre with oval "MADEIRA", framed "LISBON" and framed "COLONIES/&c ART.13." h.s. on front and various others. (17 covers) Cross Reference: GREAT BRITAIN, BELGIUM, DENMARK, GERMAN STATES (Image)

Opening GBP 80.00
Sold...GBP 85.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 85

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:396

19th CENTURY MAIL; Range with 16 Jan. 1817 EL to Venice ex Paris and rated '10' decimes on front and with "CROWN/[ROYAL MONOGRAM]" h.s. on rear, 24 May 1830 EL to the King of Naples & Sicily in Paris with "uy" franchise verification mark (free mail) h.s. on front and with circular postmans "C/5-H" cachet on rear, 12 July 1841(?) env. to Nancy with "(PARIS)/BAU DE LA MON DU ROI" (R & P 1222) h.s. and "PARIS/FRANCH.VERIF." (R & P 2076) cds on front without charge as from the office of the Duke of Orleans, 16 Nov. 1844 env. to Prussia with "PARIS/FRANCH.VERIF" cds on front and charged '20' groschen on front, 1853 to Algeria with "PARIS/(25c)" cds on front, 1863 local unpaid E with 15c p.due tied to front by Bordeaux cds and other related examples. (92 items) Cross Reference: ROYALTY, ITALIAN STATES, OFFICIAL MAIL, POSTAGE DUE STAMPS & COVERS (Image)

Opening GBP 130.00
Sold...GBP 140.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 140

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:397

INWARDS INDIAN OCEAN MAILS; Range with 1840/41 ELs to Bordeaux 'p Steamer Cleopatra' ex Pondicherry with oval "INDIA" h.s., framed "PAQUEBOTS/DE LA/MEDITERRANEE" h.s. on front and a Bombay f/a/c on rear, 1843/50 ELs to Bordeaux ex Mauritius with "INDES OR./1 MARSEILLE 1" cds or "OUTRE-MER/LA ROCHELLE" cds, 1861/67 ELs to Cognac, Nantes or Marseilles ex Reunion with "COLONIES FRA.V.SUEZ" or Paquebot d.s. on front of each and 1867/71 ELs to Bordeaux ex Bombay or Calcutta with Anglo-French accountancy marks on front. (12 covers) Cross Reference: INDIA, FRENCH COLONIES, MAURITIUS, FORWARDING AGENTS (Image)

Opening GBP 160.00
Sold...GBP 500.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 500

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:398

CERES & NAPOLEON FRANKINGS; Range partly on annotated leaves inc. 1850 EL to Valenciennes franked 20c black tied by lozenge grid, 1859/61 ELs to Paris or Lyon ex Constantinople franked 40c (5) or 40c + 10c all tied by anchor lozenge cancels with "CARMEL" or "PHASE" ship cds (French Levant) on front, 1860 E to Vienna franked 20c (3) 1862 EL to Philadelphia franked 80c pair with a Bordeaux-Paris TPO cds on front, 1863 mourning env. to London franked 20c pair with deficiency mark on front deleted, 1866 400F insured env. to Switzerland with "CHARGE" h.s. on front and franked 80c + 20c, 1866 EL to Paris franked 20c with "BORDEAUX/BOITE MOBILE" cds on front and other related examples. (66 covers + 1 fragment) Cross Reference: PAQUEBOTS, REGISTERED MAIL, INSTRUCTIONAL MARKS, TRAVELLING POST OFFICES (Image)

Opening GBP 220.00
Sold...GBP 360.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 360

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:399

1853-MODERN MIXTURE MOSTLY ON PAGES - 1925 Exhibition mini sheet used (cds at lower right) fine mounted, SG £1600; and mint/used range on pages inc. unused 1876 1c green SG £200 for mint and used 1900 2f lilac & buff SG £100, both with faults. Also GB range with useful used KEVII-KGV and mint Wildings. (c200) Cross Reference: GREAT BRITAIN (Image)

Opening GBP 120.00
Sold...GBP 130.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 130

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:401

INTERNAL & OVERSEAS BALLOON MAIL; Pair with 19 Nov. 1870 EL 'par Ballon Monte' to London franked 30c tied by star cancel with "PARIS/RUE ST LAZAIRE" cds on front, carried on the L'archimede from Gare D'Orleans two days later and landed in Holland from which the mail was forwarded. Contents state "the troops.....have made....a barricade of barbed wire at the door of my modest house" and a 19 Oct. 1870 balloon letter (printed press report - some cuttings; possibly censored) to Valenciennes franked 20c tied by star cancel and with a "PARIS/(60)" cds on front plus a 1927 reproduction of a Lettre Journal franked contemporary 50c and a Strasbourg Balloon souvenir label. (3 items) Cross Reference: BALLOON MAIL, MILITARY (Image)

Opening GBP 85.00
Sold...GBP 160.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 160

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:404

PEACE & COMMERCE FRANKINGS; Range on leaves inc. 1878 printed matter wrapper franked 5c, redirected & returned 1878 EL to Basel franked 15c tied by "BONE/ALGERIE" cds, 1882 env. to England franked 25c with tax mark "5" h.s. and circular "OR" (Origine Rural) h.s. on front, 1882 internal registered printed mater franked 40c with a "RETOUR/A ENVOYEUR" h.s. on front, 1900 env. to London ex Nice franked 50c with framed "R" h.s. on front and other related examples. (22 covers/cards)Cross Reference: INCOMING OVERSEAS MAIL, POSTAGE DUE STAMPS & COVERS, REGISTERED MAIL, RETURNED MAIL (Image)

Opening GBP 65.00
Sold...GBP 70.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 70

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:405
Cat No:Collection

EARLY POSTCARD COLLECTION: Small box housing used (mostly) & unused, early 20th C. PPCs. Almost all are topographical, with street & market scenes, railways & stations, port & docks scenes, etc. Some strength in Marseilles (c.90 cards). Good variety. (c.450 cards) Cross Reference: PICTURE POSTCARDS (Image)

Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 110.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 110

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:406

GUADELOUPE 19th CENTURY SHIP MAIL; Range inc. 1832 disinfected EL to Nantes, datelined at Pointe a Pitre with framed "PAYS D'OUTREMER" h.s. on front, 1851 E to Nantes with "POINTE A PITRE/(GUADELOUPE)" cds, Calais transit cds and framed "COLONIES/&cART.13." accountancy mark on front, 1869 env. to France franked Colones Eagle 10c + 40c with a "COL.FR.PAQ.FR/3 ST NAZAIRE" Packet cds on front, 1873 env. To Bordeaux franked imperf Ceres 25c (2) tied by joint dotted lozenge, 1877 EL to Bordeaux franked 40c Ceres imperf tied by "PAQ.ANG" Pointe a Pitre cds, 1877 EL to Pointe a Pitre ex Havre with three-colour franking 30c, 25c & 15c and other related examples. (16 covers) Cross Reference: FRANCE, GREAT BRITAIN, ACCOUNTANCY MARKS, DISINFECTED MAIL (Image)

Opening GBP 180.00
Sold...GBP 300.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 300

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:407
Cat No:Collection

MARTINIQUE PRE-STAMP MAIL TO FRANCE: Group with 1836/40 ELs to Brest, Bordeaux or Metz with s/l "MARTINIQUE" on rear with framed "PAYS D'OUTREMER/PAR LE HAVRE", framed "PAYS D'OUTREMER or "OUTRE-MER/PAUILLAC" cds or "OUTRE-MER/LE HAVRE" cds and 1855/65 ELs to Bordeaux with "ST PIERRE MARTINIQUE" or "MARTINIQUE/ST PIERRE" cds on front sent by British packets. (7 covers) Cross Reference: FRANCE (Image)

Opening GBP 65.00
Sold...GBP 150.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 150

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:409

TAHITI - EARLY USAGE OF THE 3rd-TYPE TAHITI MARK ON PANAMA ROUTE COVER TO FRANCE; 14 July. 1866 env. to Bordeaux with a very fine smaller 2-ring "TAHITI(OCEANIE)/*PAPEETE*" cds on the front beside a very fine French "11" charge-mark (struck in Tahiti?) with v. fine 2-ring "CORR. FR. ANGL./AMB. CALAIS E" transit cds (28 Sept.; carried by British ships - the R.M.S.P. S.S. 'Tamar' & 'Seine' - from Colon via St. Thomas to Southampton) alongside. There are also transit cds's of "PARIS A BORDEAUX 2o/D"railway TPO & Bordeaux on the reverse, beside a manuscript "5 60" rate mark. Attractive example of the third Tahiti mark which is recorded from 1865. Ex Eastgate and sold in our Sep. 2016 sale for £480 (Image)

Opening GBP 280.00
Sold...GBP 500.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 500

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:447
Cat No:Collection

VERY EARLY PRESTAMP LETTER - PRIVATELY CARRIED TO MADEIRA (VIA U.S.A.?); 12 Aug. 1764 EL from "Basseterre, Granades" (Granade is a small village, c.27 miles north of Basse-Terre on the west coast of the island of Guadeloupe) to Newton & Gordon in "Madeira" without postal marks but sent soon after the Treaty of Paris (1763) ended the British Occupation that had started in 1759 and handed the island back to France (in exchange for Canada!). The writer notes that; "We would have wrote you before now, [but] there are seldom opportunities that have offered for America for this sometime past, other ways you might have depended that we should have wrote you before now", and that "...the French in general make use of no other [wine] than Claret". Endorsed as having been received in Madeira on 3 Jan. 1765. An exceptionally early letter from Guadeloupe; the Ed Grabowski Collection had nothing earlier than 1776. Cross Reference: MADEIRA, FRENCH COLONIES (Image)

Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 110.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 110

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:852

MAIL TO THE CAMP CORPS EX GB; 3 Mar. 1885 mourning env. to the Earl of Dundonald franked pair 1d Lilac + ½d tied by "FOLKSTONE" squared circle d.s. and part bilingual (French/Arabic) arrival (Cairo?) cds on rear. Note: The Camel Corps was active in Sudan from 1884 to 1889. Cross Reference: OVERSEAS DESTINATIONS, EGYPT, MOURNING COVERS, SCOTLAND (Image)

Opening GBP 70.00
Sold...GBP 140.00

Closed..Jun-22-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 140

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