C29 var., 1949 25fr UPU, a top left corner margin imperforate block of four (NH) and deluxe proof, Very Fine (Image)
CV. 60
Opening US$ 55.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 08:53:40 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3276
Symbol:Cat No:C18
C18, 1933 3m on 60c Violet and ultramarine, with 82, C15 tied on oversized registered CODcover to Germany by Memel 2.11.22 cancels, blue framed "M.P.K.D." censor (Konigsberg) and lightly struck blue-green 2-line "P.U. Stelle Konigsberg 31 X 22 Vm 8.-1." handstamps, the C18 some light wrinkles, cover typical postal wear and minor opening faults on the back side, Fine and scarce; signed Petersen BPP, Ing. Becker, 2010 Huylmans certificate (Image)
CV. 600
Opening US$ 600.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 09:56:14 EST
Sold For 0
Worldwide "Disinfected" Mails
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3301
AUSTRIA, 1831 Folded Letter Wien to Milan, nice strike of "Sanita Pontebba/ Netto di fuori/ Sporcodideutro" oval handstamp applied at Pontebba (Venice Province), equally nice strike of a Wien dispatch marking, partial embossed seal on back, Very Fine; this Pontebba marking not listed in Meyer (Image)
CV. 75
Opening US$ 220.00
Sold...US$ 220.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:13:10 EST
Sold For 220
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3302
AUSTRIA; 1851 Brody to Wurzburg, folded letter endorsed "pr Wien", oval "Brody in Galitz" handstamp, disinfection punch marks, Very Fine (Image)
CV. 50
Opening US$ 45.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:13:27 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3303
Symbol:Cat No:Collection
AUSTRIA DISINFECTED MAILS COLLECTION, 1802/82, 27 covers mostly of the 1820s/40s with assorted disinfection markings, cachets, slits, fumigating discoloration, etc. mostly applied at the Semlin disinfection station (present day Zemun just outside Belgrade in Serbia), primarily covers addressed to Italy or France (Genova, Venice, Milan, Lyon, etc.) but also note Vienna, Verviers, Paris, Trieste, Falkirk (England), originating from Constantinople, Beirut, Smyrna, Odessa, etc., usual mixed condition but a Fine selection (Image)
CV. 750
Opening US$ 2,100.00
Sold...US$ 2,100.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:14:31 EST
Sold For 2100
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3304
Symbol:Cat No:damaged
CANADA; 1934 Cover to USA, addressed to passenger on "S.S.American Trader" in NY City, large "FUMIGATED" handstamp along with the 2-line ship handstamp. backstamped framed "Sent to Ship at Quarantine/ Sep 1 1934" and another strike of the ship handstamp, #197 (damaged) tied by Brantford Ont Aug 29 1934 machine cancel, with original enclosure, some typical "toning", Fine and scarce (Image)
CV. 75
Opening US$ 110.00
Sold...US$ 110.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:14:50 EST
Sold For 110
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3305
COLOMBIA; c.1917/18 Cover to Paris, commercial cover with cigarette ad on backflap, #342 pair franking with pen cancel and tied by light but legible strike of framed "LAZARETO DE CONTRATACION- SERVICIO MEDICAL/ OFICINA DE DESINFECCION/ DEPATMENTO DE SANTANDER" handstamp, partial machine cancel backstamp, slight bit of postal wear, Fine use; pictured in Meyer on page 321 (Image)
CV. 150
Opening US$ 150.00
Sold...US$ 150.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:15:06 EST
Sold For 150
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3306
COLOMBIA; 1919 Cover to Paris, with framed "Republica de Colombia/ Lazareto de Contatacion/ SERVICIO MEDICO/ DISENFECTADO AL AUTOCLAVE" handstamp, #343 tied by "Colombia Contatacion AGR 17 1919" cds, Paris 31 V 1919 arrival cancel slightly overlaps cachet, bit of postal wear, some light aging and a sealed break upper right corner but still Fine and scarce (Image)
CV. 200
Opening US$ 325.00
Sold...US$ 325.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:15:27 EST
Sold For 325
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3307
COLOMBIA; 1928 Cover to USA, with fair strike of "Republica de Colombia/ LAZARETO DE CONTRATACION/ SERVICIO MEDICO/ Contratacion Disenfectado al Autoclave" handstamp with two other light and partially struck disinfection handstamps, #396 tied by light boxed handstamp, backstamped Baranquilla 29 Sept 1928, overall Very Fine (Image)
CV. 150
Opening US$ 140.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:15:44 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3308
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC; 1901 Registered Cover to Puerto Rico, nice strike of large "Disinfected." handstamp (applied at Ponce) at upper left, franking on both sides tied by light Puerto Plata cancels, registry handstamp at lower left, backstamped Ponce Aug 29 1901, cover open three sides and essentially reattached along the top edge, typical faults, a Fine use; pictured in Meyer on page 322 (Image)
CV. 200
Opening US$ 230.00
Sold...US$ 230.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:15:58 EST
Sold For 230
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3309
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC; 1901 Registered Cover to Puerto Rico, with bold strike of small "Disinfected" handstamp, #115-16 tied by Puerto Plata Oct 24 1901 and grids cancels, registry handstamp, backstamped San Juan Puerto Rico Oct 30 1901, cover opened at right and with some small faults, clipped lower right corner, Fine and scarce (Image)
CV. 150
Opening US$ 150.00
Sold...US$ 150.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:16:44 EST
Sold For 150
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3310
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC; 1935 Cover to USA, addressed to passsenger on "s/s Normandie" in NY City, nice strike of framed "SENT TO QUARANTINE" handstamp., #296 tied by Santo Domingo Ago 5 1935 cancel, Very Fine (Image)
CV. 60
Opening US$ 60.00
Sold...US$ 60.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:17:12 EST
Sold For 60
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3311
EGYPT; 1844/45 Alexandria to Malta, two folded letters to the same address, each with Alexandrie cds (different types), disinfection slits and a "PURIFEE AU LAZARET/ MALTE" handstamp, one marked "P.P." and the other with an ms "5" due marking, Very Fine (Image)
CV. 60
Opening US$ 55.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:17:31 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3312
FRANCE; 1828 to Naples via Marseille, folded letter sheet with oval "INTERDANCE SANITre DE MARSEILLE" oval handstamp and on the back side the oval "BUREAU DE MARSEILLE/ SANTE PUBLIQUE" handstamp over the letter-line (both markings Meyer page 140), assorted cancels, ratings and cachets, Very Fine and attractive (Image)
CV. 50
Opening US$ 50.00
Sold...US$ 50.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:17:48 EST
Sold For 50
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3313
FRANCE; 1847 Marseille to Naples, folded letter sheet with plethora of markings including oval "INTENDANCE SANITre DE MARSEILLE" (Meyer page 140) plus a scarce round "INTENDANCE SANITAIRE MARSEILLE" (Meyer page 140) on back side over letter-join, "Marseille 9 Mars 47" dispatch cds, backstamped Antibes (16 Mars) and Naples (17 Mar), Very Fine and attractive (Image)
CV. 75
Opening US$ 75.00
Sold...US$ 75.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:18:07 EST
Sold For 75
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3314
FRANCE; 1847 to Naples via Marseille, folded letter sheet with light strike of oval "INTERDANCE SANITre DE MARSEILLE" handstamp and on the back side the Arms cachet with similar inscription, couple of disinfection slits, a bold red Naples receiving mark partially obscures the disinfection mark, nice "Corrispa F Sta Da Genova" handstamp upper right, Very Fine (Image)
CV. 75
Opening US$ 75.00
Sold...US$ 75.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:18:23 EST
Sold For 75
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3315
FRANCE - OFFICES IN TURKEY; 1844 Cover Constantinople to Genova, Constantinople 5 Fevr cds and small boxed "PD", ms "Via Livorno" (red backstamp), very nice strike of circular "PURIFE AU LAZARET/ MALTE" handstamp with disinfection slots, manuscript arrival due marking crossed out, Very Fine (Image)
CV. 50
Opening US$ 110.00
Sold...US$ 110.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:18:39 EST
Sold For 110
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3316
Symbol:Cat No:France
GERMAN STATES - THURN & TAXIS; 1831 Cover to Montpellier (France), a worn and quite fragile folded letter (excellent strikes, though) straight-line "T.T.R. 4/ Hambourg", heavily disinfected, scarce red oval "Gereinigt in Frankfort M" (Meyer page 168), boxed "Allemagne Par Strasbourg", a Fine and rare cover; ex-Meyer (Image)
CV. 75
Opening US$ 150.00
Sold...US$ 150.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:19:14 EST
Sold For 150
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3317
GERMANY; Topen Post Office; Oval "Konigl. Bayrische Contumaz Anstalt Topen", nice strike of handstamp handstamp on back side of a partial folded 1851 document from Halle to Nurnberg, couple of official handstamps on address side, Fine; mentioned in Meyer on pg 160 (Image)
CV. 75
Opening US$ 70.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:19:34 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3318
German 19th Century Cholera and Disease Documents, Pamphlets and Newspaper/ Magazine Announcements, stack of mostly 1830s/50s announcements though do note an edict from 1681 concerning prevention of introducing a contagion into Braunschweig and some 18th century items, pamphlets, circulars, official notices, cholera notices in numerous issues of "Allgemeine Zeitung", official cholera reports, official bulletins concerning Asiatic cholera, etc., usual mixed condition but an outstanding archive for the researcher (knowledge of German essential); some ex-Meyer (Image)
CV. 250
Opening US$ 250.00
Sold...US$ 250.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:19:55 EST
Sold For 250
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3319
GREECE; 1838 Constantinople to Syra folded letter (in English) datelined "Constantinople 19th April 1838", indistinct black Lloyd handstamp at lower left, backstamped Syra 12 April 1938 and poor/fair strike (as usual) of "Health Office at Syra" (translated) hanstamp {Meyer page 173-74), Fine (Image)
CV. 50
Opening US$ 45.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:20:10 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3320
GREECE; 1845 Athens to Paris, folded letter datelined "Athenes le 18/30 Mai 1845", blue Athens 19 May dispatch cancel, disinfection slits plus double circle "PURIFIE AU LAZARET/ MALTE" handstamp, red "Grece/ Marseille 15 Mai 45" transit, fresh and Very Fine (Image)
CV. 60
Opening US$ 55.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:20:22 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3321
Symbol:Cat No:SYRA
GREECE (SYRA); 1849 Hermoupolis to Trieste, folded letter with Austrian PO in Canea 2-line "Canei/ Dic 7" and "Franca" handstamps, disinfection slits applied at Syra certified by green crowned arms and lions cachet applied on back side inscribed "YGEIONOMEION SYRAS" ("Health of Syras"), Fine use (see Meyer page 174) (Image)
CV. 50
Opening US$ 45.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:20:32 EST
Sold For 0
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3322
Symbol:Cat No:3
HAITI; 1901 Registered Cover to USA, #64 (3), 57 (3), 61 tied by "Port-De-Paix 5 Dec 01" cancels, framed "R" registry handstamp, small "Disinfected" handstamp, backstamped Cap Haitien, NY City and Chicago, clipped lower left corner, Fine use (Image)
CV. 150
Opening US$ 375.00
Sold...US$ 375.00
Closed..Oct-02-2021, 10:20:57 EST
Sold For 375
Sale No: 3047
Lot No:3323
INDIA; 1844 Calcutta to Bordeaux via Alexandria and Marseille, folded letter datelined "Calcutta 16 Novembre 1844", neat "Alexandrie 29 Dec 48" transit cancel plus red boxed "Paquebots De La Mediteranee" handstamp, disinfected at Marseille with two vertical slits and a 2-line "PURIFIE LAZARET/ MARSEILLE" handstamp (Meyer page 140, subtype A) on the back over letter-join, Bordeaux 30 Dec 44 backstamp, Very Fine (Image)