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Phoenix Auctions Sale: 94


Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings
image Sale No: 94
Lot No:1635
Cat No:Collection

1859-1997 Collection on printed pages incl 1859 1c, 5c, & 12½c used, range QV Large and Small Heads, 1897 Jubilee values incl ½c, 8c, 10c & 50c used, useful KGV, 1928-29 set mixed mint & used, good range of 1930s, KGVI and early QEII periods well represented plus handy range of modern isues, mint and used. Many pickings. (100s) (Image1)

Estimate AU$150

Opening AU$ 115.00
Sold...AU$ 125.00

Closed..Aug-18-2022, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 125

image Sale No: 94
Lot No:1639
Cat No:Collection

1949-62 Officials Selection incl few perf 'OH/MS', opt 'O.H.M.S.' 1949 to 50c Oil Well, 'G' opts incl 1950-52 to 50c Oil Well (3, plus extra 14c), 1950-51 10c & $1, 1952-53 (2 sets), etc. Also several 'War Tax' & '1TC' issues. Generally fine. (120+) (Image1)

Estimate AU$80

Opening AU$ 60.00
Sold...AU$ 65.00

Closed..Aug-18-2022, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 65

image Sale No: 94
Lot No:1640

Pot Pourri in three packed lever arch files, folder, bags and packets holding FDC, commercial mail, stamps (including 2 pages of commercial perfins) and odd stamp pack. Marvellous miscellaneous offering. 7.5kg (Qty) (Image1)

Estimate AU$200

Opening AU$ 150.00
Sold...AU$ 160.00

Closed..Aug-18-2022, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 160
image Sale No: 94
Lot No:1641

QV-KGVI in album with range of QV Small Heads used, few OHMS Perfins, OHMS Opts 1949 values to $1 mint, 1950 set mint, 'G' Opt 1950 values to $1 both mint plus range of Newfoundland, few Nova Scotia, etc. (Few 100) (Image1)

Estimate AU$90

Opening AU$ 70.00
Sold...AU$ 70.00

Closed..Aug-18-2022, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 70

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