Sale No: 89
Lot No:1519
Cat No:Collection
1897 Jubilee selection incl 5c, 8c (thin) mint & ½c, 1c (3, one thinned), 5c, 6c, 10c, 50c (thin) all used, SG #121-35 Range, Cat £540+. (10) (Image1)
Estimate AU$170
Opening AU$ 130.00
Sold...AU$ 135.00
Closed..Oct-21-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 135
Sale No: 89
Lot No:1521
1903-12 KEVII 20c deep olive-green, part og, SG #186, Cat £325. (Image1)
Estimate AU$60
Opening AU$ 46.00
Sold...AU$ 46.00
Closed..Oct-21-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 46
Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings
Sale No: 89
Lot No:1531
Cat No:Collection
1870s-1980s Collection incl few earlies, 1897 Jubilee various to 50c incl 10c & 20c, 1897-98 to 10c (set of 8), 1898-1902 to 20c (set of 11), KEVII to 50c (set of 7), 1908 Quebec Centenary to 15c (7), 1928-29 to $1 incl 50c Bluenose, various KGV commems, KGVI Defins, QEII issues mostly used. Range of Official ovpts 'OHMS' & 'G', Special Deliveries, Postage Dues incl 1930-32 to 10c. Many better issues throughout although condition is against them. Very high catalogue value (Few 100) (Image1)
Estimate AU$200
Opening AU$ 150.00
Sold...AU$ 150.00
Closed..Oct-21-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 150
Official Stamps
Sale No: 89
Lot No:1530
Cat No:Collection
1949: 7c Air optd 'O.H.M.S.', plus optd 'G' selection incl 1950-52 50c Oil Well (2), 7c Air Goose (2), 1952-52 7c Goose (5, incl block of 4), SG #O171,O188-90,O193, Cat £90. (10) (Image1)
1898 1c Green QV Plate Proof (yellowish-green shade as SG #85), an imperforate horiz pair on wove white paper (ie NOT India paper), ungummed, unwmked. (Image1)
Estimate AU$60
Opening AU$ 46.00
Sold...AU$ 46.00
Closed..Oct-21-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 46
NEWFOUNDLAND Collections and Miscellaneous Groupin
Sale No: 89
Lot No:1515
Cat No:Collection
1865-1941 Collection on Hagners. The 1865-1910 period is */Ω/U noting 1865 12c red-brown SG #28 x2 MLH Cat £1,300 (light toning), 1876 Roulette set used and a few high cat value items as Ω, Cat £4,300+ as */U (65). 1911-32 period is */** noting 1911-16 Coronation set to 12c (10) and 1931 Wmk Airs set (3), Cat £470 (35) and 1937-41 period */**, Cat £175 (50). Many good pickings for the assiduous viewer, Cat c£6,000+. (150) (Image1)
Estimate AU$700
Opening AU$ 525.00
Sold...AU$ 525.00
Closed..Oct-21-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 525
Sale No: 89
Lot No:1004
Tennant Goldfield: 4 part strikes and 3 Tennant Creek, 1935 copies on KGV 1/4d. (7) PO 4/10/1934; renamed Tennant Creek PO 1/6/1935.(Image1)
Estimate AU$100
Opening AU$ 75.00
Sold...AU$ 75.00
Closed..Oct-21-2021, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 75
Datestamps Postmarks Collection
Sale No: 89
Lot No:1006
SA Period Cancels: with Port Darwin, Katherine and Pine Creek cancels on 3d to 5/- Long Toms (6) plus Port Darwin, Charlotte Waters, Alice Springs and Pine Creek on other definitives (5). Interesting lot. (13) (Image1)