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Cavendish Philatelic Auctions Ltd. Sale: 844

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:305

1980-2015 YEARBOOKS: Range of year books (1980-2015) in three cartons. Missing 2014, 2010, 2008, 1996 and 1997 but rest are virtually complete with mint issues and minisheets. (Qty) (Image)

Opening GBP 110.00
Sold...GBP 140.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 140

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:308

REGISTERED INLAND MAIL 1876-91: An album containing envs. mounted on written-up display pages explaining the rates, etc. inc. an EL to Montreal charged ms "1/6[d]" endorsed "H.M. Service Money!" with a s/l black "MONEY-LETTER" and same in red as well as a "LONDON/APR15/1846"; a large piece showing address franked with a blue 8c "REGISTERED/LETTER STAMP" tied by a partial "[?]/JY20/77" cds & large oval "R" hs adjacent; a 3c postal stationery env. franked with a 2c "REGISTERED/LETTER STAMP" just tied at top and a "NOT CALLED FOR" hs adjacent; plus other envs. stamped with 5c Beavers (2), 10c Prince Albert (2), 3c Large & Small Queens (3), 2c & 3c Small Queens (3), 2c "REGISTERED/LETTER STAMP" in conjunction with Small Queens (10), 5c "REGISTERED/LETTER STAMP" in conjunction with Small Queens (2). Some faults but mainly in excellent condition with v. fine postmarks. (31) Cross Reference: REGISTERED MAIL (Image)

Opening GBP 220.00
Sold...GBP 550.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 550

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:309

REGISTERED INLAND & USA MAIL 1893-1900: An album containing envs. mounted on written-up display pages explaining the rates, etc. inc. an 1893 env. to Brockville franked with a 5c "REGISTERED/LETTER STAMP" (not tied but defaced with pen) in conjunction with a 3c Small Queen tied by a Westport cds with 2 oval "R" & 2 "Too Late" hs's adjacent; a colourful 1895 advertising env. franked with a pair of 1c & two 3c Small Queens endorsed "Register" in blue crayon & oval "R" hs adjacent; an 1896 3c postal stationery env. (trimmed at left) franked with 2c & 3c Small Queens a large oval "BOSTON/JUL 22 1896/REGISTRY DIV"; an 1898 env. franked with an 8c Small Queen tied with a Thedford cds with an oval "R" & "TOO-LATE" hs's; and An 1899 O.H.M.S. env. with a fine oval "REGISTERED/OTTAWA/DE2399/FREE", oval "R", and blue s/l "REGISTERED" hs's. Some faults but mainly in excellent condition with v. fine postmarks. (20) Cross Reference: REGISTERED MAIL (Image)

Opening GBP 140.00
Sold...GBP 160.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 160

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:310

REGISTERED MAIL 1901-1936: An album containing envs. mounted on written-up display pages explaining the rates, etc. inc. a 1912 env. to Montreal franked with a 7c Admiral (postage 2c, registration 5c) tied with an unusual purple keyhole shaped boxed cancel, and an unusual Montreal dotted circle cds on back; a 1927 env. to England franked with a full set of the Canada Confederation issue (philatelic but attractive ) cancelled with Battleford cds's and boxed registered & oval "R" hs's adjacent; a 1932 airmail env. to England with a first flight cachet for "SISCOE-PASCALIS" franked with the 3 stamp Ottawa Conference issue tied with Siscoe cds's and boxed "R" & "REGISTERED" hs's adjacent. Some faults but mainly in excellent condition with v. fine postmarks. (48) Cross Reference: REGISTERED MAIL (Image)

Opening GBP 160.00
Sold...GBP 170.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 170

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:311
Cat No:Collection

REGISTERED MAIL 1937-91: Two albums containing envs. mounted on written-up display pages explaining the rates, etc. inc. a 1938 piece to USA franked with five 50c + two 20c + one 5c stamps paying the registration fee for parcel post; a 1940 env. to Mexico franked 13c tied by Montreal cds's with Chicago, Laredo & Mexico cds's on back; a 1944 commercial env. from the US Consulate in Niagara Falls to "The Secretary of State" in Washington franked 10c endorsed with a "CONSULAR MAIL/OFFICIAL" hs and inscribed "Part of President Roosevelt's collection"; a 1945 airmail env. to the UK franked 40c with a "PASSED FOR EXPORT" hs; a philatelic 1949 airmail env. franked with a £1 stamp flown to Fiji and returned by surface mail with a "SPECIAL DELIVERY/EXPRES" etiquette; plus other airmail and Express Delivery items, some to foreign destinations. Some faults but mainly in excellent condition with v. fine postmarks. (38 KGVI, 32 QEII) Cross Reference: REGISTERED MAIL (Image)

Opening GBP 160.00
Sold...GBP 170.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 170

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:312

EARLY WAY LETTER; 1794 EL (file fold) to Quebec ex Montreal with "THREE RIVERS" s/l h.s. applied enroute and "WAY" h.s. applied at lower left. Rear with Montreal d.s. and endorsed in red 'After closing' as a too late mark. Cross Reference: TOO LATE MARKS (Image)

Opening GBP 70.00
Sold...GBP 110.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 110

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:313
Cat No:Collection

PRE-STAMP INTERNAL & USA MAIL: 1823-48 collection of ELs mounted on display leaves with well-researched write-ups. A French EL (repaired and strengthened top edge) to St. Antoine, Quebec with a red ms "7" on front over stamped with a boxed "PAID" hs and an under-inked but clear 2-line "THREE RIVERS/11 MAY 23" hs; an EL addressed to Lord Alymer, Commander of the British forces in Quebec requesting a grant of land, charged "1/6[d]" ms with a red "MONTREAL/JUL/7" cds; an EL to Quebec requesting a land grant, possibly part of a bundle of such requests as there is a ms "1¾oz" & "5/3"[d] charge, red "MONTREAL/JUL/25" on front, endorsed "On H.M.S." in an attempt at free postage!; an EL to Three Rivers with an over-inked unframed circular "SHERBROOKE" UDC with ms "July 27" in centre charged ms "9"[d]; an EL to Perth with a v. fine "BYTOWN/JAN29/1841/U.C." charged ms "4½"[d] with part of the correspondence detailing the letter writer's travelling with the Bytown (Ottawa) to Richmond post boy; plus 2 others to New York & Quebec. All very fine. (7) (Image)

Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 110.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 110

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:314

RARE TRANSATLANTIC FREE FRANK FROM THE G.B. POST OFFICE VIA NEW YORK TO MONTREAL; 26 Feb. 1839 front sent "By Private Ship" from London to a Hussars Officer in "La Prairie Barracks, Montreal" (the Barracks housed troops during the 1837-39 unrest of the Rebellions); it was signed by the Secretary to the British P.O. "W. L. Maberly" and so went free with the London crowned "FREE" d.s. and a very fine matching strike of the very rare boxed London Ship Letter Office "FREE" d.s. (Jay L848; recorded 1835-39 but with only a few example recorded). There are NEW YORK/SHIP and MONTREAL transit cds's along with various (US?) postal rates and a red h.s. "FORWARDED" because La Prairie is not in Montreal itself but a few miles away across the river. Unique(?) usage of the rare boxed "FREE" d.s. on Transatlantic mail.Cross Reference: TRANSATLANTIC MAIL, LONDON POSTAL HISTORY, SHIP LETTERS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Image)

Opening GBP 110.00
Sold...GBP 650.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 650

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:316

1852 6d GREY PRINCE ALBERT - two examples (shades), one with four margins but trace of a possible repair near top edge, the other trimmed along the outer frame. SG £2200. (2) (Image)

Opening GBP 220.00
Sold...GBP 240.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 240

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:319

1859 12½c BLUE-GREEN: Single stamp, imperf. with no gum. Cat. SG41a £7000 for pair. (Image)

Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 150.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 150

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:320
Cat No:Collection

LARGE QUEENS: A collection on album leaves to 15c; all used (except one 1868 ½c black (SG46 £120). Inc. 1c + 2c used on 1868 cover to New Brunswick; 3c used on 1869 cover with straight-line "REGISTERED" h.s.; 6c used on 1869 cover to Michigan; and 12½c used on 1871 cover to Toronto. Many different colour vars. represented. SG £6800 (71 items) (Image)

Opening GBP 600.00
Sold...GBP 650.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 650

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:324

QV 'DIAMOND JUBILEE' ISSUE: Mounted values to 50c (all mint except 8c cancelled by cds; small thin/hole on ½c Queen's crown); 8c block of four (fine used); and $5 franked by heavy roller cancel with a couple of blunt perfs. at top. (11 items) (Image)

Opening GBP 65.00
Sold...GBP 120.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 120

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:326

QUEBEC TERCENTENARY ISSUE: Fine mounted mint values to 20c, plus mounted mint ½c block of four (disturbed gum). (9 items) (Image)

Opening GBP 48.00
Sold...GBP 50.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 50

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:329
Cat No:Collection

FANCY CANCELS: A collection neatly presented on album leaves spanning 1860-90. Mostly on Small Queens (mainly 3c, with some 1c, 2, 5c, 8c & 10c); many different cancels inc. square & circular segments, round cut, cross cut, squares, Maltese Cross types, Maple Leaf & Fern types, small four-segments, larger and squared four-segments in blue, and circular/square diamonds. Mainly good, clean strikes. Also inc. Jan. 1886 cover to Ottawa rated free but 1c yellow applied and cancelled by good small four-segment cancel. (103 stamps + 1 cover) Cross Reference: CANCELLATIONS (Image)

Opening GBP 180.00
Sold...GBP 190.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 190

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:330
Cat No:Collection

FANCY CANCELS: A small collection on Hagner pages spanning 1868-97, mostly on 3c Small Queens. A rance of cancels inc. barred, circular diamonds, targets, sun-shaped, etc. Condition variable, some clean but many are blurred. (71) Cross Reference: CANCELLATIONS (Image)

Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 110.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 110

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:334

LOWER FORT GARRY - DISPLAY: A 13 page display of mainly postcards titled "CANADA 1880 - THE GATEWAY TO THE PRAIRIES - LOWER FORT GARRY" outlining the history of this Hudson Bay trading post. Inc. an env. posted to Moose Factory, St. James Bay franked with a 3c Small Queen tied by a fancy cancel obliterator and a v. fine "LOWER FORT GARRY/AP 14/80/MAN" cds adjacent, and on reverse a fine red wax seal of a Hudson Bay Officer & cds's for Winnipeg, Pembroke, Ottawa and Moose Bay. Also PPCs of Fort Garry & surrounds. (1 cover, 9 PPCs, 2 pictures, 1 map) (Image)

Opening GBP 65.00
Sold...GBP 70.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 70

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:335

FIRST NORTHWEST PASSAGE MAIL: 24 Aug 1937 self-addressed cover to Edwin Mills, Hamilton, Ont. m/s endorsed "1st Northwest Passage/Mail" with double-lined oval cachet "EASTERN ARCTIC/MAIL/AUG 24 1937/SERVICE/RMS NASCOPIE" in black alongside s/line "NASCOPIE" h/s. Also m/s endorsed "c/o Wm. Gibson, Fort Ross". The cover bears a 3c carmine Coronation stamp cancelled by 18 Sep. 1938 "COPPERMINE/NTW" and on the revers a 5 Oct. 1938 Hamilton arrival c.d.s. Cover is accompanied by a typed letter documenting the service and the original (stamps removed) letter addressed to Tristan da Cunha which contained it. Addressed in Edwin Mills' handwriting. Only a handful of these Northwest Passage letters were mailed. Very scarce. Cross Reference: ARCTIC COVERS (Image)

Opening GBP 65.00
Sold...GBP 70.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 70

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:338

POSTAL STATIONERY - QV-QEII: One album containing mint and used postal stationery envelopes, post cards, wrappers, and letter cards. Inc. a Canadian Pacific Railway Company 1c lettersheet posted to the UK with a v. fine 1898 Bickerdike machine Flag Cancel (cds portion enhanced with pen); a 1914 Canadian Pacific Railway Company 1c colour postcard of the "PLACE VIGER HOTEL" cancelled with a v. fine wavy line machine cancel; and a 3c KGVI postcard uprated with a 4c stamp posted to Uganda in 1944 with a fine octagonal "[crown]/PASSED/P.146" censor cachet. Others mainly in fine condition with fine postmarks. (17 mint, 41 postally used) (Image)

Opening GBP 48.00
Sold...GBP 50.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 50

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:339
Cat No:Collection

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COLLECTION: Accumulation of C.P.R. Post Office cancellations on stamps both on and off piece. Mounted on cards, includes Maritime (10 RPOs, 98 stamps), Quebec (52 RPOs, 340 stamps), Ontario (65 RPOs, 500 stamps), Western (64 RPOs, 395 stamps), Railways & Depots (12 RPOs, 66 stamps). Good range of Hammer types, indicia, train nos., etc. (Total c.1,560 stamps)Cross Reference: RAILWAY MAIL (Image)

Opening GBP 130.00
Sold...GBP 160.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 160

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:340
Cat No:Collection

CANADA SOUTHERN RAILWAY COLLECTION: Ontario Railway Post Office cancellations on 22 covers & 7 stamps. Cover range dated c.1880-1939. Includes Ludlow Catalogue listings RR-15 (2), RG-4, RR-16, RG-3, O-37 (Hamm. 1 & 2), O-38, O-70, O-308 (2), O-310, O-311, (4), RR-141, O-306, O-312, O-305, O-307, etc. Rarity ratings up to 440. Lot also includes C.S.R Debenture Certificate dated 1 Jan. 1878 and $10,000 Bond dated 11 Mar. 1913. Large item. (c.22 covers, 7 stamps & 2 certificates) Cross Reference: RAILWAY MAIL (Image)

Opening GBP 120.00
Sold...GBP 130.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 130

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:341

BRITISH COLUMBIA & VANCOUVER ISLAND AIR MAILS: A set of 1925-1942 envs. flown as pioneer flights, private, favour, or semi-official mail inc. a 1926 env. to USA franked with 1c + 2c Admirals tied by a Victoria "VISIT THE POSTAL EXHIBITION" slogan cancel with a large blue "VICTORIA, B.C., TO SEATTLE, WASH./VIA/SEA/PLANE" cachet & a "Received Without Contents/Return to Sender" hs; a 1926 env. to USA franked with a 3c Admiral tied by a Victoria cds + 10c US air mail stamp tied by an oval "SEATTLE/WASH." cancel with a large blue "FIRST FLIGHT INAUGURATION/CONTRACT AIR MAIL/SEATTLE/WASH./3:15 A.M./SEPT. 15/1926/SEATTLE-LOS ANGELES ROUTE" cachet; plus other 1st flights & war time mail (to Ireland). All in excellent condition & mounted on written-up pages. (9) Cross Reference: AIR MAIL COVERS (Image)

Opening GBP 65.00
Sold...GBP 80.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 80

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:342

CHERRY RED AIRLINES: Four 1929/1930 envs. franked with Canada 1c or 2c stamps tied by Saskatchewan cancels + 10c Cherry Red Airline stamps, 3 of which are tied by red "CHERRY RED AIRLINES" cancels, flown to Saskatchewan destinations from Montreal Lake, Prince Albert, Lac La Rouge, or Christopher Lake. All in excellent condition & mounted on written-up pages. (4) Cross Reference: AIR MAIL COVERS (Image)

Opening GBP 110.00
Sold...GBP 110.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 110

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:343

KLONDIKE AIRWAYS & YUKON AIRWAYS: 31 Dec. 1928 air mail env. to USA franked with a 2c stamp tied by a "DAWSON/YUKON" duplex + blue 25c Klondike Airway stamp cancelled by a partial "DAWSON Y.T." cds (not tried, precancelled?); plus 2 mint blue 25c Klondike Airway stamps; a 13 Apr. 1928 1st flight air mail env. to Atlin franked with a 2c stamp + blue 25c Yukon Airways & Exploration Co. Ltd. stamp both tied by a round barred cancel, with a partial "CARCROSS, YUKON" cds adjacent; similar env. to Carcross with stamps tied by "WHITE HORSE/AP 13/28/YUKON" cds's; similar env. to Whitehorse with stamps tied by a round barred cancel, with a fine "ATLIN/AP 13/28/B.C." cds adjacent; a 13 Apr. 1928 edition of "The Whitehorse Star" newspaper with a 25c Yukon Airways & Exploration Co. Ltd. stamp tied by faint Whitehorse cds's & a fine Carcross cds opposite along with a "POSTAGE PAID" hs; and a 2 Feb. 1937 advertising env. to USA franked with a pair of 2c stamps tied by "PRINCE GEORGE" cds's which also tie a "YUKON/SOUTHERN/THE INLAND ROUTE TO ALASKA" air mail label. All in excellent condition & mounted on written-up pages. (5 covers, 1 newspaper, 2 stamps) Cross Reference: AIR MAIL COVERS (Image)

Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 110.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 110

image Sale No: 844
Lot No:344
Cat No:Collection

MACKENZIE RIVER CONTRACT AIR MAIL SERVICES: A collection of 1929 1st flight covers with cachets for Fort McMurray to Aklavik, Fort McMurray to Fort Good Hope, Fort McMurray to Fort Smith, Fort McMurray to Fort Resolution, Fort McMurray to Fort Wrigley, Fort McMurray to Fort Chipewyan, Fort McMurray to Fort Norman, Fort McMurray to Fort Fitzgerald, Fort Smith to Fort McMurray, Fort Chipewyan to Fort McMurray, Hay River to Fort McMurray, Fort Providence to Fort McMurray, Aklavik to Fort McMurray, and Fort McPherson to Fort McMurray. All in excellent condition & mounted on written-up pages. (14) Cross Reference: AIR MAIL COVERS (Image)

Opening GBP 95.00
Sold...GBP 100.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 100
image Sale No: 844
Lot No:345

WESTERN CANADA AIRWAYS SERVICE: 1 Jun. 1927 air mail env. to USA franked with a 3c Admiral + 10c WCA pink & black both tied by fine "SNAKE FALLS" cds's; a 3 Oct. 1927 air mail env. to USA endorsed "Via Gold Pines, Ontario." franked with a 2c Admiral tied by round barred cancel + 10c WCA pink & black with blue wavy lined "CANCELLED" precancel; a 3 Mar. 1930 philatelic air mail env. to Narrow Lake franked with a 12c stamp + a block of 6 WCA "1867 JUBILEE 1927" stamps all tied by "MEDICINE HAT" or boxed "SAVE TIME/[aeroplane]/USE AIR MAIL" machine cancel, and a fine 1927 "Medicine Hat to Winnipeg" cachet over the WCA stamps at left; 1 Jun. 1929 illustrated air mail env. to Aklavik with a 2c stamp tied by a round barred cancel with a fine "WATERWAYS" cds adjacent and fine large blue octagonal 1st flight "FT. McMURRAY to AKLAVIK" cachet; and five 1928 or 1930 envs. franked with 5c airmail stamps tied with very fine cancels & 1st flight cachets for Saskatoon to Regina, Winnipeg to Edmonton, Winnipeg to Regina, Regina to Calgary, or Winnipeg to Saskatoon cachets. All in excellent condition & mounted on written-up pages. (9) Cross Reference: AIR MAIL COVERS (Image)

Opening GBP 180.00
Sold...GBP 190.00

Closed..Jun-21-2022, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 190

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