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Burda Auction, s.r.o. Sale: 74


image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3180

Autographs. BEDRICH ZE SCHWARZENBERGU (1862-1936), Austrian and Czech nobleman from orlicke branch of family Schwarzenberg and politician Czech nationality, on/for turn of 19. and 20. century member of parliament Empire council/court, handwritten 3-strankovy letter with signature (Image)

Opening US$ 36.00
Sold...US$ 49.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 49

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3181

Autographs. CSORICH Anton, baron from Monte Creto (1794-1864), Austrian General, field zbrojmistr, in years 1850-1853 minister of war, autograph on document with slepotiskovou imperial seal addressed on/for generalmajora Marenzi free pana von Marensfeld; very fine and rare (Image)

Opening US$ 89.00
Sold...US$ 98.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 98

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3183

Autographs. HOTZENDORF Franz count Condrad von (1852-1925), one from best known Austro-Hungarian generals during WWI., chief generalniho staff Austro-Hungarian army; handwritten 3-stankovy letter with signature (Image)

Opening US$ 45.00
Sold...US$ 76.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 76

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3184

Autographs. CHARLES ALBERT SARDINSKY (1798-1849), King sardinsko-piemontsky, duke savojsky, piemontsky and aostsky, autograph Alberto on letter addressed on/for prince Lewis Victor from Rohanu (1766-1849), French nobleman and owner sychrovskeho lordship in Bohemia, which/what in years 1836-1849 often pobyval in Prague and venoval with vystavbe Rohanskeho palace; on reverse stripped seal, overall but nice in good condition condition, rare (Image)

Opening US$ 107.00
Sold...US$ 142.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 142

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3185

Autographs. CHARLES EGON prince FURSTENBERG (1729-1787), imperial komori, secret council and nejvyssiho purkrabi Czech kingdom in years 1771-1872, autograph on decree, big seal; small podlepeni in folds, overall but nice in good condition condition, rare (Image)

Opening US$ 134.00
Sold...US$ 178.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 178

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3187

Autographs. CHARLES JACHYM count from BREDY (1663-1740), Czech-German nobleman, owner lordship in middle Bohemia and after/around year 1717 royal mistodrzici in Bohemia; autograph on by hand psanem letter with seal; folded, in good condition condition, interesting (Image)

Opening US$ 89.00
Sold...US$ 622.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 622

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3188

Autographs. CHARLES VI. (1685-1740), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria, father Empress Maria Theresa, autograph on German psanem poselacim sheet - misivu addressed on/for Leopold Viktorina from Windischgratze (1686-1746, diplomat Habsburku in/at Nizozemi and France, later state minister and recipient Order golden rouna, i.a. vlastnik zamku Cervena Lhota and Prerov), folded sheet with filigranem, paper cover with imperial seal with papirovym krytem; overall exceedingly in good condition condition, very rare usage! (Image)

Opening US$ 445.00
Sold...US$ 756.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 756

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3189

Autographs. LEOPOLD I. (1640-1705), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria, autograph on German psanem poselacim sheet - misivu addressed on/for komori George Krystofa Pruskovskeho from Pruskova (1629-1701), Francis Joseph Slika (1656-1740) and John Maxmiliana Kobylku from Kobyliho (1629-1693), attached spolupodpis mistokanclere Carl Maxmiliana Thurn-Valsassiny (1643-1716), 3 folded and sew together sheets with filigranem, imperial seal with papirovym krytem rozpulena during the opening; overall very nice good condition, rare usage! (Image)

Opening US$ 445.00
Sold...US$ 622.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 622

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3190

Autographs. RUDOLF II. (1552-1612), Roman emperor, Czech and Hungarian King, autograph on Czech language (!) psanem poselacim sheet - misivu addressed on/for purkmistry and konsele Ceske Budejovice, caused by in Prague 24. February 1610, attached i.a. signature president Czech Royal chamber Kaspar Kaplire from Sulevic (1535-1621, popraven near/in/at Old Town exekuci), in text mentioned i.a. Hanibal from Valdstejna (bratranec Albrechta); folded sheet with filigranem, decorative imperial seal with papirovym krytem, overall exceedingly in good condition condition, all document/-s with signature emperor Rudolf II. are very rare, in Czech written occur quite exceptionally! (Image)

Opening US$ 1,112.00
Sold...US$ 2,933.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 2933

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3191

Autographs. RUDOLF II. (1576-1611), Roman emperor, Czech and Hungarian King, autograph on German written printed document zakazujici export gold and stribra from Ceske countries, then attached i.a. also signature George Popela from Lobkovic (1540/1551-1607/1613, in years 1582-1584 Nejvyssi country sudi Czech kingdom), caused by in Bratislava 2. 5. 1583, sheet paper with filigranem, size ca. 37x52cm, decorative titulatura; sporadically spots, profesionalne restaurovano, overall nice good condition, very rare, exceptional offer! (Image)

Opening US$ 889.00
Sold...US$ 1,244.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 1244

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3192

Autographs. FERDINAND I. (1503-1564), Roman emperor, Czech and Hungarian King, document - conferment lena - lordship Muskau in/at Upper Luzici for Fabiana von Schoenaich, caused by in Vienna 23.7. 1558, with autograph Ferdinanduss, supplemented with about/by signature Jachyma from Hradec (1526-1565), the highest kancler Czech kingdom; parchment 61x55cm, big seal; more/larger signs of age, but perfectly readable text, all documents of Ferdinand I. are very rare and it is oldest in the market dostupne imperial document/-s! (Image)

Opening US$ 1,112.00
Sold...US$ 1,733.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 1733

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3193

Autographs. VACLAV ANTONIN Z KOUNIC-RIETBERGU (1711-1794), Moravian nobleman, nejvyznamnejsi osobnost of family Kounicu and front figure celoevropskych history 18. century, politician, kancler Maria Theresa and jejich nastupcu, klicova osobnost terezianskych reforem, autograph on release with seal, folded sheet paper with filigranem; very fine, rare signature important personality Austrian osvicenstvi (Image)

Opening US$ 134.00
Sold...US$ 444.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 444

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3195

Autographs. FERDINAND II. (1578-1637), Roman emperor and Czech King, edict povyseni to slechtickeho status for bratry Andrease and Simona Stainmayer with udelenim coat of arms, caused by in Regensburg 5.9. 1630; parchment 69x57cm, iluminace 14x14cm in zlatem frame, autograph Ferdinand, through/over signs of age sound condition, perfectly readable text, atypical gold bordura L at top; rare document, declared in monograph Frank, Standeserhebungen V/41, extraordinary offer! (Image)

Opening US$ 2,134.00
Sold...US$ 2,756.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 2756

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3196

Autographs. CHARLES I. (1887 - 1922), Austrian emperor and last Czech King, imperial edict for Dr. Michaela von Mullnera, povyseni to rytirskeho order Ritter des Leopold-Ordens Wien, 6. 7. 1918, with autograph emperor Karl, countersignature i.a. minister of Internal Affairs Edmund Ritter von Glanz; parchment, 4 side/party, superb picture coat of arms, folder with gold razbou, big seal in/at brazen mailbox; declared in/at monografii: Frank-Dofering, Adelslexikon, No. 6184; extraordinary offer, letters and diplomy Charles I. are radove rarer then napriklad imperial document/-s F.J.I. ! (Image)

Opening US$ 2,400.00
Sold...US$ 2,400.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 2400

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3197

Autographs. MARIA THERESA of Austria (1717-1780), rimska empress, Czech and Hungarian queen, privilegium for cech bednaru town Vorau in Styrsku, caused by in Vienna 7. 11. 1750, with autograph Maria Theresia; parchment 76x54cm, big seal in/at wooden box, usual folds, overall very nice quality, totally readable text, rare! (Image)

Opening US$ 1,334.00
Sold...US$ 1,511.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 1511

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3198

Autographs. BADEN-POWELL General Robert (1857-1941), hero Boer war, founder Scout movement; autograph Robert Baden-Powell / Chief Scout on photograph 140/190; perfectly good condition, extraordinary offer autografu this svetove important personality! (Image)

Opening US$ 445.00
Sold...US$ 711.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 711

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3199

Autographs. BENES Edward (1884-1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister, autograph on memorial sheet; decorative (Image)

Opening US$ 72.00
Sold...US$ 76.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 76

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3200

Autographs. BENESOVA Hana (1885-1974), wife of president Edvard Benes, autograph on thanks for projevenou soustrast near/in/at death chote; incl. original envelope/-s, very fine (Image)

Opening US$ 27.00
Sold...US$ 27.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 27

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3202

Autographs. BERTRAND Henri-Gatien (1773-1844), French General, hero from Slavkov, marshal imperial palace and one from nejblizsich spolupracovniku Napoleon Bonaparte, which/what doprovazel on/for St. Helenu, handwritten jednostrankovy letter with signature; zpevneny L margin, otherwise nice good condition, very rare (Image)

Opening US$ 312.00
Sold...US$ 311.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 311

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3203

Autographs. BUDONNYJ Semjon Michajlovic (1883-1973), Soviet vojevudce and marshal Soviet union, handwritten 6-radkovy text with signature and dataci, on paper slip on/for autographs (Image)

Opening US$ 45.00
Sold...US$ 49.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 49

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3204
Cat No:Collection

Autographs. CHURCH / selection of signatures and rukopisu important Czech church hodnostaru: i.a. cardinal Kaspar; Francis Kordac, archbishop Prague; Joseph Doubrava, bishop kralovehradecky; cardinal Pacelli + two cabinet card ceskobudejovickeho biskupa John Valeriana Jirsika (without signature); good condition, as multiple interesting (Image)

Opening US$ 45.00
Sold...US$ 151.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 151

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3205

Autographs. DARLAN François (1881-1942), French admiral and politician, after/behind WWII kolaborant, member governance Vichisticke France, handwritten jednostrankovy letter with signature on heading paper; lightly hinged age, overall but well preserved, rare (Image)

Opening US$ 134.00
Sold...US$ 133.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 133

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3206

Autographs. DURIS Julius (1904 - 1986) Slovak and Czechoslovak communist politician, dlouholety minister agriculture, in years 1953-1963 minister finance; comp. of 3 congratulation to new year from y. 1960-1962; good condition (Image)

Opening US$ 23.00
Sold...US$ 22.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 22

image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3207

Autographs. FIDEL CASTRO (1926-2016), kubansky revolucionar and president, photo - portretCastra with Radem Bily lion, visit Prague in 1972; with autograph and date : Fidel Castro 6 Junio 1972; extremely rare, signature F.C. for example. in the market in USA dosahuji price/-s to 3.000 USD! (Image)

Opening US$ 1,112.00
Sold...US$ 1,111.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 1111
image Sale No: 74
Lot No:3208

Autographs. FIERLINGER Zdenek (1891-1976), chairman Czechosl. governance 1945-1946, ambassador in USSR, communist politician, chairman Czechoslovak State Railways, handwritten text with signature on Ppc sent on/for minister R. Hotowetze; good condition (Image)

Opening US$ 23.00
Sold...US$ 22.00

Closed..Mar-08-2024, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 22

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