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Burda Auction, s.r.o. Sale: 61


image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1719

Autographs. FERDINAND V. DOBROTIVY, Austrian emperor and Czech King (1793-1875, vladl in years 1835-1848), autograph FERDINANDUSS on/for certificate of present 200 dukatu on/for building church Trapistu in/at Maria-Wald in Germany, attached signature also his wife Mary Ann (princess Savojska), dated Prag 18. Janner 1866; perfect condition, signatures and manuscripty of Ferdinand V. are radove rarer, then for example. from emperor Franz Joseph I. (Image 1) (Image)

Opening US$ 653.00
Sold...US$ 711.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 711

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1720

Autographs. FRANCIS I. (1708-1765), emperor Holy Roman Empire, from year 1736 manzel later Empress and Czech queen Maria Theresa (1740-1780), autograph Franz on/for posilacim sheet in German, addressed on/for count Lewis Hohenlohe Langenburg in veci sporu about/by inheritance in/at of family Lowenstein-Wertheim; nice in good condition condition incl. paper seals, his/her/its kontextem belongs to signatures Francis Stephen Lotrinskeho to/at for collectors favourite (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image)

Opening US$ 435.00
Sold...US$ 444.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 444

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1721

Autographs. JOSEPH II. (1741-1790), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria, son Maria Theresa, vladl in years 1780-1790; autograph Joseph on/for pergamenove document with big majestatni seal, text vztahujici with to Czech zemim, presneji to pravum community Valec (Waltsch) near Karlovy Vary; dated Wien (Vienna), 1784, supplemented with signatures Tobiase Philippa free pana von Gebler (1722-1786) and Joh. free pana von Margelik, exceedingly in good condition condition without proderaveni, stains apod.!, in this status quite rare; signatures Joseph II and documents in the context of Czech zememi are for collectors very favourite and cenene, extraordinary offer! (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image)

Opening US$ 783.00
Sold...US$ 1,067.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 1067

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1722

Autographs. MARIA THERESA of Austria (1717-1780), rimska empress, Czech and Hungarian queen, handwritten whole signature in/at konfirmacni 7 strankove book on parchment, it is confirmation older Rights and svobod udelenych mestecku Valec (near Karlovy Vary) Czech kralem Vladislavem Jagellonskym in 1514, supplemented with about/by signature count Rudolf Chotka from Chotkova and Vojnina (1706-1771), the highest kancler of Kingdom of Bohemia, imperial secret council and member Order golden rouna; attached great imperial seal in/at box, overall very good and in good condition condition, pergamenove sheets without proderaveni etc..; extraordinary historical document, rare offer! (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image)

Opening US$ 522.00
Sold...US$ 1,867.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 1867

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1723

Autographs. SCHWARZENBERG Charles VI. (1911-1986), Czech nobleman, heraldik and writer, handwritten written thanks for wish, incl. envelope/-s; good condition, interesting text (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image)

Opening US$ 22.00
Sold...US$ 27.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 27

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1724

Autographs. BENES Edward (1884-1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister; signature in/at cislovanem memorial sheet Czechosl. field post to Benesovym birthday with mounted stamp. Pof.27-29, Legionaire, size 16,5x21cm, red special postmark E. B./ 28. MAY 1941; interesting (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image)

Opening US$ 87.00
Sold...US$ 169.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 169

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1725

Autographs. BENES Edward (1884-1948), other Czechosl. president, foreign minister; whole signature in special cislovanem booklet Free Czechoslovakia in free Europe, New York 1939 with mounted stmp 50h; sought (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image)

Opening US$ 87.00
Sold...US$ 116.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 116

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1726

Autographs. CLEMENTIS Vladimir (1902-1952), Czechoslovak politician, foreign minister, in 1952 popraven in terms of operation with Rudolfem Slanskym, autograph on heading paper his advokatni office; only fold (Image 1) (Image)

Opening US$ 66.00
Sold...US$ 71.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 71

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1728

Autographs. DUBCEK Alexander (1921-1992), Czechoslovak and Slovak politician, general tajemnik central committee Communist Party of Czechoslovakia; photo and card with autograph; good condition, nice quality (Image 1) (Image)

Opening US$ 22.00
Sold...US$ 98.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 98

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1730

Autographs. FRANK Karl Hermann (1898-1946), politician, member SdP, aktivni nacista, state tajemnik in Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia; autograph on cut-square official document, signatures K. H. Franka are very rare! (Image 1) (Image)

Opening US$ 174.00
Sold...US$ 200.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 200

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1732

Autographs. HACHA Emil (1872-1945), president Czechoslovak republic and Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia; thanks for congratulation to election president with signature, supplemented with about/by pozvanku on/for celebration 70. birth E. Hachy and printed letter president Czech academy ved and art Professor. J. Susty; rare offer! (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image)

Opening US$ 261.00
Sold...US$ 378.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 378

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1733

Autographs. HENDERSON Arthur (1863 - 1935), Brit. politician and Nobel laureate after/behind peace after/behind year 1934, leader Labouristicke side/party, foreign minister; whole signature on larger card with dataci April 28, 1938; interesting (Image 1) (Image)

Opening US$ 44.00
Sold...US$ 49.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 49

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1734

Autographs. HLINKA Andrew (1864-1938), Slovak politician, 6-radkovy text with signature and dataci 2. XI. 925, on Ppc sent on/for kap. Antona Tause; in the middle fold, after all interesting (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image)

Opening US$ 87.00
Sold...US$ 142.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 142

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1735

Autographs. HRUBY Adolf (1893-1951), Bohemian and Moravian minister agriculture, signature on off. thanks for congratulation addressed on/for Joseph Meisnera, incl. envelope/-s; signatures Bohemian and Moravian ministru are sought (Image 1) (Image)

Opening US$ 53.00
Sold...US$ 58.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 58

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1736

Autographs. HURBAN Jozef Miloslav (pseudonymy Slavomil F. Korennaty, Ludovit Pavlovic, etc..) (1817-1888), the first chairman Slovak National Council, Slovak obrozenecky writer, journalist, politician, evangelic priest, handwritten letter on/for sheet vytrzenem from own book/-s Schillerove sobrane spisy; autographs Slovak obrozencu are very rare! (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image)

Opening US$ 218.00
Sold...US$ 578.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 578

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1738

Autographs. MASARYK John (1886-1948), Czechosl. politician, autograph John Masaryk / June 1946 in book Vola London (Prague: Work 1946); good condition, book in/at firm binding in/at box (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image)

Opening US$ 66.00
Sold...US$ 422.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 422

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1739

Autographs. MASARYK John (1886-1948), Czechosl. politician, autograph on first day sheet Funeral T. G. Masaryk 1937; good condition (Image 1) (Image)

Opening US$ 44.00
Sold...US$ 160.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 160

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1740

Autographs. MASARYK Tomas Garrigue (1850-1937), the first Czechoslovak President, 15-lines handwritten letter with whole signature, written in Lany 28.3/33, on hand-made paper, interesting text; perfect condition (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image)

Opening US$ 131.00
Sold...US$ 578.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 578

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1741

Autographs. MORAVEC Emanuel (1893-1945), officer Czechosl. legions, Professor Vysoke school war and Bohemian and Moravian minister; autograph on cut-square with typewriter written text Zdar Vudci and our expensive vlasti!; on/for exhibit sheet, exceptional, rare occurrence (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image)

Opening US$ 174.00
Sold...US$ 178.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 178

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1743

Autographs. RESSEL Alfred (1900 - 1983) Czechoslovak odbojar, generalmajor in vysluzbe, from year 1940 member Czechoslovak units in France, England and then member 1. Czechosl. military corps in USSR, air letter-card sent from the way to Soviet Union in/at India to England to Gen. Ecera, tristrankovy text with one's own signature; good condition (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image)

Opening US$ 35.00
Sold...US$ 44.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 44

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1744

Autographs. RUNCIMAN Walter (1870-1949), 1. vikomt Runciman from Doxfordu, Brit. diplomat, zastance politics appeasementu, vedl diplomatic misi Great Britain to Czechoslovakia, which/what mela zprostredkovat act between Sudetonemeckou side and Czechoslovak vladou (so-called. Runcimanova mission); signature on sheet, lower datace 20.VIII.38 (!!), one a month before signature MD, sought (Image 1) (Image)

Opening US$ 61.00
Sold...US$ 67.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 67

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1745

Autographs. SVOBODA Ludvik (1895-1979), General and Czechoslovak president; signature on letter envelope with special postmark PRAHA DEN FIP 6.7.,1968; perfect condition (Image 1) (Image)

Opening US$ 31.00
Sold...US$ 84.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 84

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1747

Autographs. VON PAPEN Franz (1879-1969), German politician and chancellor; autograph on card (Image 1) (Image)

Opening US$ 74.00
Sold...US$ 80.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 80

image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1749

Autographs. KRIZIK Francis (1847-1941), important Czech tech., industrialist and inventor, autograph on sheet with dataci 20.9. 1932; sought, rare usage (Image 1) (Image)

Opening US$ 57.00
Sold...US$ 58.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 58
image Sale No: 61
Lot No:1750

Autographs. VRAZ Enrique Stanko (1860-1932), slavny Czech traveller and photographer; photo postcard with signature, photo Vidlak (Spa Podebrady); good condition (Image 1) (Image)

Opening US$ 27.00
Sold...US$ 31.00

Closed..Oct-18-2019, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 31

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