1948-56 NO WATERMARK DEFINITIVES 1948-56 No Watermark Definitives
Sale No: 242
Lot No:582
HALFPENNY: ½d Kangaroo block of 40 (8x5) from the base of the L/H pane with Dramatic Dry Print affecting the first three columns progressively from top to bottom, most evident on the first column & the Authority Imprint, a couple of minor bends at L/L that are almost certainly associated with the under-inking, unmounted. Unrecorded in this issue in the ACSC.
HALFPENNY: ½d Kangaroo in bright orange-yellow ACSC 180C marginal block of 4 from the left of the R/H pane, unmounted, Cat $1100+. Brusden White Certificate (2000) as R3/4 Pos 1-2. [One sheet of 160 was discovered in 1996]
ONE PENNY: 1d Princess block of 10 (5x2) from the L/L of the sheet with the first two units on the last row Partly Imperforate at Left & at Base because of a Pre-Perforating Paper Fold ACSC 246b, unmounted, Cat $5000. Believed to be the only recorded example. [Illustrated in the ACSC at page 6/135]
PENNY HALFPENNY: 1½d Queen Mother U/L corner block of 20 (4x5) with the first & fifth units Completely Imperforate at Left as the result of a pre-perforating paper fold ACSC 227b, all but the last unit unmounted, Cat $6500+. One of the best examples of this type of error.
PENNY HALFPENNY: 1½d Queen Mother interpanneau block of 8 (4x2) from the top of the sheet with complete Plate Number ' 19 ' ACSC 227za, unmounted, Cat $4000+ (mounted). [Arthur Gray's block with part-plate number only sold for £725]
FOUR PENCE: 4d Koala marginal block of 8 (4x2) from the base of the sheet with Plate Fracture below the Second Column ACSC 199zc, well centred, unmounted, Cat $1000+ (for a block of 4).
ONE SHILLING: 1/- Lyrebird lower-left No Imprint corner block of 9, the third unit on the second row with the famous Green Mist Retouch ACSC 210g (SG 230da), unmounted, Cat $7500 (£4500). [Arthur Gray's example in a corner block of 40 sold for £2297]
TWO SHILLINGS: Aboriginal Art 2/- 'Crocodile' marginal block of 4 from the right of the sheet with complete Plate Number ' 9 ' ACSC 264zc, unmounted, Cat $2500.