UNISSUED: Perf 13½x12½ 1/- black on Thinner Paper ACSC 165(PP)1, unmounted, Cat $2750 (SG £1600 in a footnote). RPSofV Certificate (1998) states "...it is genuine, an unissued variety". [NB: the issued stamp was on thicker paper Perf 11. The ACSC states that one sheet was prepared & characterises it as a 'plate proof'. Part of the sheet was discovered only in 1988. Examples sold at the Prestige auctions of 11.7.2008, 19.11.2011 & 5.3.2015 for $1610 $1552 & $1755 respectively]
UNISSUED: Perf 13½x12½ 1/- black on Thinner Paper ACSC 165(PP)1 block of 4, well centred, unmounted, Cat $11,000+ (SG £6400+ in a footnote). Superb! Ex Julian Sterling: sold at our auction of 30.11.2019 for $5510. Chris Ceremuga Certificate (2012) states "very rare". [The discovery part-sheet was broken-down mostly into singles. A few blocks of 4 are believed to be the largest surviving multiples]
ONE SHILLING: 1/- black U/L corner block of 15 (3x5) unusually with the plate number guillotined-off, well centred, the first unit with a minor bend otherwise superb unmounted, Cat $1500. [Multiples this large are very scarce]
ONE SHILLING: 1/- black punctured 'G/NSW' L/L corner block of 12 (4x3), well centred, light vertical crease at left of the right-hand units otherwise superb unmounted. A rare multiple.
ONE SHILLING: 1/- black marginal block of 4 from the left of the sheet with a distinctive black dot printed in the margin, unmounted. Superb! [Stated to be a 'Plate Dot' but the ACSC doesn't record such markings for this issue. However, see the Large Lyrebird 1/- Plate Dot block of 4 ACSC 145z, Cat $2000 **]