PENNY HALFPENNY: 1½d red + KGV 1½d brown on Ernie Crome cover flown Wyndham (WA) to Melbourne where cancelled on arrival AAMC 333, signed by the pilot "C Kingsford Smith, Cat $800.
LORD HOWE ISLAND PROVISIONAL: 1½d red endorsed "2d/Paid/PM/LHI" tied to local philatelic cover by 'LORD HOWE ISLAND/SP4/1931/NSW' cds, minor ink blemish at U/L otherwise unusually clean.
THREE PENCE: 3d blue single from the top of the sheet Imperforate at Top BW #140b, very fine facial appearance but with some creasing & a closed tear just impinging on the design at U/L, Cat $22,500. The ACSC states "only five examples appear to have survived", including two examples in a block of 4 in the Australia Post Archives. [Significantly superior to Arthur Gray's single with Plate Number '1' - rejoined along a vertical tear & with a surface abrasion - that sold for $2901]
PUNCTURED 'OS': 1½d red blocks of 4 with Plate Numbers '1' to '8' (ex Plate 4) ACSC 139baz to zg & 3d blue blocks of 4 with Plate Numbers '1' & '2' ACSC 140baz & za, mostly well centred & all unmounted, Cat $3975++ (mounted). [We believe the punctures are genuine but we cannot guarantee it, hence the very conservative estimate. Arthur Gray's similar unexpertised set of the 1½d Plates '1' to '8' only sold for $1583]
(Qty 9 blocks)