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ABC Auction/Michael E. Aldrich, Inc. Sale: 125

Worldwide Stamps and Covers

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:355
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE MINT ACCUMULATION, includes several hundred singles, sets and sheets from several various countries, the overall condition is mixed and there are some faults to be expected, mixed NH and hinged, the more bulkier groups are NH, there are some scattered faults, values generally in the $10-50 range with some higher, there is some fairly heavy duplication here which kicks up the catalog substancially, some of the countries include: Italy, France, China, Ryukyu, Israel, Ghana, Liechtenstein, Korea; there are a few covers present, plenty to pick through here (Image)

CV 25,000.00

Opening US$ 2,500.00
Sold...US$ 2,500.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:48:56 EST
Sold For 2500

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:356
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE COLLECTION OF OVER 37,000 DIFFERENT, incredible collection mixed mint and used but mostly used, hinged in four Harris Albums with virtually every space in these albums filled, without question the most "filled up" group of albums we have EVER offered, runs from A-Z but no U.S., there are some early issues and it appears the collection runs into the 1990's with some later, the overall condition is very nice but some faults are to be expected, there are a tens of thousands of commems here too, a well known west coast stamp firm offers a "packet" of 40,000 different WW at about $4,000.00, a huge number of stamps here sorted by country, do not let this opportunity go by, (ENV 3,000-3,500) (Image)

see Estimate

Opening US$ 1,650.00
Sold...US$ 1,650.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:49:50 EST
Sold For 1650

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:357
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE HIGHER VALUE ITEM ACCUMULATION, includes several dozen singles, sets and SS's, mixed mint and used, identified and cataloged on 102 cards, several various countries here but strong in British area and Germany, there are some scattered faults but generally a pretty clean lot, there are a good number of items with catalog values in the $100-500 range with most of the items in this lot in the $20.00 catalog value and up making this group a perfect internet or mail sale lot since much of the work is already done, there is some slight duplication but pretty good variety, well worth a very careful look and a great lot with plenty of profit potential if broken down (Image)

CV 13,500.00

Opening US$ 1,600.00
Sold...US$ 1,600.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:50:13 EST
Sold For 1600

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:358
Cat No:Collection

U.S. AND WORLDWIDE ACCUMULATION, includes several hundred singles, multiples, sets and S/S's, mostly identified and cataloged on Club auction/retail pages, very good variety but there is some scattered dulplication, about 80% of this lot is U.S. material, mostly prior to 1940 with a strong showing in the 1900-1940 period, the overall condition is mixed and there are faults to be expected, the catalog value listed here is the marked catalog value with many items having values which are several years old, there are items with values up to $100++, most everything has values of $10+ so there is very little junk here, much of the work is done with just some repackaging and updating prices and this lot is ready to go, plus there are many hours of fun sorting through this one (Image)

CV 17,920.00

Opening US$ 1,600.00
Sold...US$ 1,600.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:50:47 EST
Sold For 1600

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:359
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE COUNTRY GROUPS ON ALBUM PAGES AND STOCK PAGES, includes thousands of mint and used singles and some multiples, hinged and mounted on album pages and on stock pages, usual mixed condition with faults to be expected, a good variety of countries and material here, there are some early issues included, many of the groups are cataloged in the $50-250 range with some up to a couple thousand dollars, many of the total catalog values listed on these groups are several years old so the total catalog value listed here is certainly low, many of these groups are ready to go for retail sales, some of the better groups and countries are: Germany and Colonies, New Zealand, Canada, Ireland, U.S., very strong France and Colonies, Canal Zone, Fiume, British Guyana, Australia, strong Hungary, Poland, there are some mint singles and multiples in several groups of glassines included too, a huge amount of catalog value and plenty of retail opportunities with is one (Image)

CV 17,200.00

Opening US$ 1,600.00
Sold...US$ 1,600.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:51:12 EST
Sold For 1600

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:360
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE COLLECTION PRE-1955, tens of thousands different mint and used singles and sets, fairly well packed into two very large Master Global albums, many of the major countries are well represented with plenty of early material, the overall condition is mixed and there are faults to be expected, this collection is loaded with items in the $10-25 range and up, the catalog value listed is our estimate, a really great collection to pick through or continue, this collection is significantly better than the normal Master Global collections that are offered (Image)

CV 2,000.00

Opening US$ 1,350.00
Sold...US$ 1,350.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:51:33 EST
Sold For 1350

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:361
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE MINT AND USED ACCUMULATION, includes thousands of singles, sets and blocks, contained on stock pages in four three ring binders, many various countries here but strong in G.B. and Colonies, Scandinavia, Canada, much of the value here is in the mint singles and sets with many being NH, only some limited duplication here and there, expect some scattered faults, the catalog value listed is our estimate but it is surely low, values up to about $75 with many items in the $3-15 range, a great lot ot work up for retail or internet, plenty of profits in this one (Image)

CV 10,000.00

Opening US$ 1,000.00
Sold...US$ 1,000.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:51:55 EST
Sold For 1000

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:362

MEATY WORLDWIDE ESTATE BALANCE, includes tens of thousands of mint and used singles, sets and S/S's from many various countries including U.S., jammed packed into three large cartons, most of this material is in glassines, envelopes and loose, virtually no albums and hardly any covers, just sheer stamps, the overall condition is mixed and there are faults to be expected, we saw many, many items with values in the $10-100 range in this lot, expect duplication here and there, a huge number of stamps and huge amount of catalog value(there must me tens of thousands of dollars in catalog value), $300 a carton would be a steal, expect to spend many hours going through this one, (ENV 1,500-2,000) (Image)

see Estimate

Opening US$ 1,100.00
Sold...US$ 1,100.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:52:21 EST
Sold For 1100

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:363
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE ESTATE OF COUNTRY COLLECTIONS, includes 30+ albums and stockbooks of mixed mint and used worldwide including some U.S. packed into four large cartons, there is a wide variety of material here in the usual mixed condition, some of the units are worth in the $25-50 range but there are also several worth in the $100-300 range too, there are several in Scott Speciality albums, expect duplication here and there but overall a real good variety of material, this is NOT a junk lot and there is a huge amount of total catalog value, (ENV 1,500-2,000) (Image)

see Estimate

Opening US$ 1,100.00
Sold...US$ 1,100.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:52:51 EST
Sold For 1100

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:364
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE SCOTT INTERNATIONAL COLLECTION OF 25 ALBUMS, includes tens of thousands of mint and used singles and sets, hinged in 25 large to very large blue International albums contained in seven cartons, the overall condition is mixed and there are faults to be expected, the first six albums cover the world to 1968 by album years and then the next 19 albums are alphabetical by country for 1968-1993, there are several of the later albums which have very little stamps but the by far most of the stamps and certainly most of the value are in the first six albums, we noticed some items with values up to about $25 here and there and plenty in the $5-10 range, appears to be ALL DIFFERENT, we are estimating perhaps 20,000+ different stamps here, the condition of the albums is really pretty good and some are in excellent condition, a great collection with plenty of room for expansion, (ENV 1,500-2,000) (Image)

see Estimate

Opening US$ 1,300.00
Sold...US$ 1,300.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:53:44 EST
Sold For 1300

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:365
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE SCOTT INTERNATIONAL MINT COLLECTION 1972-88, includes a few thousand of mint singles, sets and S/S's, mounted in 16 large blue International albums with dust cases in six large cartons, the overall condition is mixed and there are faults scattered but for the most part really quite clean, the collection runs from 1972-88 and contains mostly new issues, there are very few scattered used items here, some of the albums contain only a few hundred stamps, appears to be ALL DIFFERENT, the albums and dust cases are in very nice condition too, there should be a good amount of total catalog value here, there appears to be maybe about a dozen major countries which are well represented through the span of years for this collection, well worth a good look, (ENV 1,500-2,000) (Image)

see Estimate

Opening US$ 900.00
Sold...US$ 900.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:54:22 EST
Sold For 900

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:366
Cat No:Collection

MIDDLE EAST AND ASIA COLLECTION, includes about 11,400 different mint and used singles and sets, there are some SS's and a few covers scattered, hinged in nine large three ring binders, most of the 64 various countries present to some degree, the overall condition is very clean with some faults to be expected in the early issues, values up to about $20 with some higher, the best country present is Japan($3,780), the catalog value listed appears to be about eight years old, a nice starter collection with plenty of stamps (Image)

CV 9,140.00

Opening US$ 900.00
Sold...US$ 900.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:54:46 EST
Sold For 900

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:367
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE CONSIGNMENT BALANCE, includes a couple dozen singles, sets, souvenir sheets and mint sheets, most are on auction pages and 102 cards, there is some U.S., Austria, Canada, G.B., several Germany items and Liechtenstein, the overall condition is pretty clean with some faults to be expected, a good amount of value here (Image)

CV 8,740.00

Opening US$ 700.00
Sold...US$ 700.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:55:15 EST
Sold For 700

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:368
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE MINT ACCUMULATION OF MOSTLY NEWER ISSUES, includes thousands of mint singles, blocks, S/S's and sets, in glassines, on stock pages and some loose filling up a medium carton, many various countries here, there is really good variety but expect some duplication, most of this lot is post 1970's, quite clean with maybe a scattered fault here and there, the catalog value listed is our estimate and it is surely too low, there will be many hours of fun hunting through this one, (ENV 1,000-1,250) (Image)

CV 5,000.00

Opening US$ 700.00
Sold...US$ 700.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:55:45 EST
Sold For 700

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:369
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS ESTATE GROUP, includes over 50 various albums/stockbooks, tens of thousands of mint and used from many various countries, mostly stamps but there are some covers filtered in, the overall condition is mixed and there are faults to be expected, some of these units would retail in the $10-25 range and some are worth well over $100 each, a huge amount of fun running through this massive five carton estate group of country collections, certainly a huge amount of total catalog value here, well worth a good look and pretty much a steal at $20 per unit, (ENV 1,000-1,500) (Image)

see Estimate

Opening US$ 850.00
Sold...US$ 850.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:56:37 EST
Sold For 850

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:370
Cat No:Collection

U.S. AND WORLDWIDE MINT AND USED ACCUMULATION, includes several thousand mint and used singles and sets, contained in glassines and on 102 style cards in glassines, mostly values in the $5-50 range with some higher, the catalog values listed are from the 70's and 80's so the actual catalog value should me somewhat higher than the total listed in this description, fairly strong in U.S. material, some of the other major groups are: Germany, Iceland, Canada, and some G.B. and Colonies, plenty of retail value here with some updating work (Image)

CV 6,000.00

Opening US$ 600.00
Sold...US$ 600.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:57:15 EST
Sold For 600

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:371
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE COLLECTION, several thousand different mint and used, mounted in three huge Senior Statesman albums, the collection runs to about 1980, some of the better countries include: Austria, Egypt, Germany, G.B., China/PRC, Phillipines, Russia, Thailand; some minor mixed condition but overall a pretty clean collection with much of the mint items being NH, we noted a strong China section with sets up to about $25, there are many items in this collection with values in the $10-50 range, very little classic material and plenty of useful singles, sets and S/S's here, a much better than normal collection, (ENV 750-1,000) (Image)

see Estimate

Opening US$ 600.00
Sold...US$ 600.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:57:39 EST
Sold For 600

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:372
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE MINT ACCUMULATION, includes several thousand singles and sets from about ten different countries, contained in large glassines, there are singles, sets and many multiples, quantities generally in the 1-10 range with some higher, catalog values generally in the $3-10 range per single/set, most appear to be NH, very strong in the 1960 period, some of the countries include: Egypt, Vatican, Surinam, Spain, Netherlands, Guinea, China, the overall condition is very clean with only a few scattered faults, the catalog value listed is somewhat old so the current total catalog value is likely to be higher (Image)

CV 6,370.00

Opening US$ 500.00
Sold...US$ 500.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:58:07 EST
Sold For 500

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:373
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE BETTER ITEM ACCUMULATION, includes several dozen mint and used singles and multiples, arranged on black stock pages in small glassines by Scott number, the countries here are: Austria, Ireland, strong Switzerland, France and Fiume, there is some duplication, the overall condition is pretty clean but there are some faults to be expected, plenty of value here and worth a good look, items or groups with values up to about $900 (Image)

CV 4,440.00

Opening US$ 500.00
Sold...US$ 500.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:58:27 EST
Sold For 500

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:374
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE ACCUMULATION OF BETTER SINGLES, several dozen mixed mint and used, contained on 102 cards in a small box, very mixed condition with faults to be expected, several various countries here, values up to about $100 with some higher, plenty of stamps and a lot of catalog value here (Image)

CV 10,800.00

Opening US$ 450.00
Sold...US$ 450.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:58:58 EST
Sold For 450

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:375
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE MINT SHEET ACCUMULATION, includes several dozen various worldwide mint sheets in various quantities housed in two mint sheet files, there are many different countries here including some China, a good smattering of Europa issues, it seems the collector concentrated in the early 1960's period for this material, maybe a scattered fault here and there but for the most part pretty clean with most being mint NH, values up to about $20 per single/set, a great wholesale or packet lot (Image)

CV 4,500.00

Opening US$ 400.00
Sold...US$ 400.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:59:16 EST
Sold For 400

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:376
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE MINT AND USED MIXTURE, several hundred singles and multiples, mixed mint and used, mostly in folders and on stock pages, there is a nice showing of Russia, Yemen, New Zealand, Korea, Romania, Poland, Spain, Belgian Congo, much of the value is in the quantities in the multiples which includes many part sheets, the overall condition is mixed but generally pretty clean, lots of stamps here to look through, all contained in a medium box (Image)

CV 6,500.00

Opening US$ 400.00
Sold...US$ 400.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:59:32 EST
Sold For 400

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:377
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE MINT AND USED ACCUMULATION, includes thousands of mint and used singles and multiples, sorted on several dozen stock pages, many various countries here, there is duplication and also mixed condition, very little pre-1900, most of the value is in the mint singles and sets, there are some values in the $5-25 range and up, a good lot to go hunting through, the catalog value listed is our estimate and it is surely conservative, have fun with this one (Image)

CV 5,000.00

Opening US$ 400.00
Sold...US$ 400.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 17:59:47 EST
Sold For 400

image Sale No: 125
Lot No:378
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE MINT ACCUMULATION, includes several hundred singles, sets and S/S's packed into a medium box, many various countries here, very good variety but there is duplication, mostly in glassines and one Scott album, it appears most are NH, values to about $200 with some higher and many in the $5-25 range, there are some scattered used items included, lots to look through here, the catalog value listed is our estimate (Image)

CV 4,500.00

Opening US$ 475.00
Sold...US$ 475.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 18:00:04 EST
Sold For 475
image Sale No: 125
Lot No:379
Cat No:Collection

WORLDWIDE MINT AND USED LARGE MULTIPLE ACCUMULATION, includes tens of thousands of mint and used singles, blocks, large multiples and mint sheets, mixed condition due to handling, many different countries here, very strong in pre-1950 issues with many in the 20's, about 90% mint with much of it being NH, overall common stamps but there are some singles and sets with values up to about $10.00, the catalog value listed is our estimate and it is probably quite low, a really, really fun lot to look through and who knows what treasure may be lurking within, (ENV 500-750) (Image)

CV 10,000.00

Opening US$ 300.00
Sold...US$ 300.00

Closed..Feb-29-2020, 18:00:23 EST
Sold For 300

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