Sale No: 181
Lot No:8676
1913, Flugtag Biel 8.6., offizielle Karte Nr. 3 mit blauem Cachet "Erste Flug Post BIEL-BERN..." und 5 C. Tellknabe mit Flugpost-Sonderstempel "Schweizerische Flugpost Poste aérienne suisse 8.VI.13" in rötlichlila, tadellos1913, flight event Biel 8.6, officially card no. 3 with blue Cachet "first flight post BIEL-BERN. " and 5 C. Tell boy with Airmail special stamp "Swiss airmail Poste a_rienne suisse 8. VI. 13" in reddish lilac, in perfect condition (Image 1) (Image)
Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 100.00
Closed..Jul-24-2021, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 100