Sale No: 3008
Lot No:4016
Cat No:Collection
1915 Fieldpost Cover to Copenhagen, 1904 20k tied by partially struck "POLEV POCHT. KONT. No. 114 / 10 1 15" cancel with additional strike below and a Kjobenhavn receiver alongside, two different Kjobenhavn backstamps, a bit of toning/ aging, Fine (Image)
CV. 90-120
Opening US$ 50.00
Sold...US$ 50.00
Closed..Oct-30-2015, 20:05:16 EST
Sold For 50
Sale No: 3008
Lot No:4017
Cat No:CO7
CO7, 1922 1200m on 2.50kr Official Air Post, fresh colors, o.g., Fine (Scott $2,5000 (Image)
CV. 500-600
Opening US$ 450.00
Sold...US$ 450.00
Closed..Oct-30-2015, 20:05:33 EST
Sold For 450
Sale No: 3008
Lot No:4018
Cat No:R18
Barefoot R18, 1913 50R Consular Revenue, nicely centered with fresh colors, o.g., h.r., Very Fine, rated RR in Barefoot (Image)
CV. 300-400
Opening US$ 260.00
Sold...US$ 260.00
Closed..Oct-30-2015, 20:05:50 EST
Sold For 260
Sale No: 3008
Lot No:5832
Cat No:Collection
RUSSIA ZEMSTVOS COLLECTION. old fashioned collection on quadrille pages, well over 330 zemstvos and incl few multiples, mostly F-VF (see online scans)
CV. 5,000-7,500
Opening US$ 2,900.00
Sold...US$ 2,900.00
Closed..Oct-31-2015, 18:45:38 EST
Sold For 2900
Sale No: 3008
Lot No:5833
Cat No:Collection
EXTRAORDINARY RUSSIA POSTAL HISTORY COLLECTION. one man’s extraordinary collection, all Tsarist, covers, PPCs, postal stationery, prisoner of war cards and much more, when this was sent to us, we tried to make some sort of order out of the huge stack of album leaves, stockcards, folders and presentation in virtually every which way including albums and a well filled cigarbox. It was clear that there was hardly anything post 1920, virtually everything used, representing a tremendous range of picture postcards from the Russian empire with all kinds of military and other themes. Some of the diverse postmarks seen include battalion markings, many different colored strikes in black, purple, red, mauve, green, etc in all kinds of shapes, triangles, rectangles, double concentric circles, serrated and many other fancies, postage dues as well as barrack markings, censor strikes, prisoner of war, Tsarist government departments, military field hospitals to name but a few of the interesting themes running throughout this. The illustrations are equally diverse and tell their own story, marching soldiers, ethnic costumes, fortresses, Russian post offices in Constantinople and other parts of the empire, Baltic, Poland and Far East, Propaganda and much more. There must be about 1000 items of postal history with certainly many significant discoveries to be made, particularly for those looking for connections in the Far East such as Manchuria. Many of these covers would sell on EBay for $50-$100++ each and hardly anything at all for less than $10. This is an outstanding opportunity for a dealer or collector (see online scans)
CV. 2,500-4,000
Opening US$ 4,250.00
Sold...US$ 4,250.00
Closed..Oct-31-2015, 18:46:07 EST
Sold For 4250
Sale No: 3008
Lot No:5834
Cat No:Collection
RUSSIA 1950s/80s MINT NH ACCUMULATION. mostly 1960s/70s sets, singles and S/S in glassines (most conveniently id'd by Scott no.) or folders and incl multiples, flipping through note 2270 (6), 2631A (7), 4618 (35), 5466-70 sheets of eight (2), B113-26 blocks, etc. plus the usual array of topicals - space, sports, art, etc., generally fresh and F-VF, huge retail value.
CV. 1,500-2,500
Opening US$ 900.00
Sold...US$ 900.00
Closed..Oct-31-2015, 18:46:22 EST
Sold For 900
Sale No: 3008
Lot No:5835
Cat No:Collection
RUSSIA STOCK. well balanced stock of used/cto neatly arranged in three stock books, first volume is 1858/1960 with early issues with useful Arms, early 20th century definitives, currency stamps and key sets from the 1930s incl Spartacist games, airmails, etc. (owner's 1989 Mi DM1,5000+), the second volume for 1961/79 with thousands of stamps but not an excessive duplication, (owner's 1989 Mi DM2,500), the third volume with 1980/89 owner's Mi DM1,200+, generally sound and F-VF, view to appreciate.
CV. 1,000-1,500
Opening US$ 625.00
Sold...US$ 625.00
Closed..Oct-31-2015, 18:46:42 EST
Sold For 625
Sale No: 3008
Lot No:5836
Cat No:Collection
RUSSIA 19th/ EARLY 20th CENTURY COVERS/ POSTCARDS ASSORTMENT. housed in two volumes consisting primarily of postal stationery and postcards, well over 220 items here including 1913 Emperor pictorials, the different 19th century coat of arms types, multiples, pictorial definitives, etc., usual mixed condition, VG-VF (see online scans)
CV. 750-1,000
Opening US$ 450.00
Sold...US$ 450.00
Closed..Oct-31-2015, 18:47:03 EST
Sold For 450
Sale No: 3008
Lot No:5837
Cat No:1 set
RUSSIA TOPICALS STOCK. 1970s issues incl S/S per five in neatly sorted by issue stock cards (1 set) and the balance accompanying in pouchette, excellent variety and a nice array of topics, NH, mostly Very Fine