Great Britain and British Commonwealth NEW ZEALAND
Sale No: 554
Lot No:968
Cat No:Collection
Collection of mint and used 1874 to 2012, a well organized, near complete, in five albums, incl 1958 'Lake Wakitipu' error, Health stamps near complete, incl 'Smiling Boys', Semis, Airs, etc, a nice clean lot, with much of the later material nh, appears f-vf. Inspect
Cat. Val. 8056.00
Opening C$ 825.00
Sold...C$ 825.00
Closed..Nov-07-2019, 11:30:00 EST
Sold For 825
Sale No: 554
Lot No:969
Cat No:Collection
Collection 1863 to 1980 mostly mint with much nh, singles, sets, blocks, souvenir sheets, panes, etc, with 17 used, 132-139, 229-241 mint, etc, BOB just as strong as regular issues, good Semis, cpl Airs, some duplication with both mint and used for same issue, f-vf. Inspect.
Est. 700+
Opening C$ 325.00
Sold...C$ 425.00
Closed..Nov-07-2019, 11:30:00 EST
Sold For 425
Sale No: 554
Lot No:970
Cat No:Collection
51/1599: Collection of mint and used 1874 to 1999, incl 1875 1d violet unused, 1882 part set to 6d, 1953 used to 10/-, with many sets of Semis, mainly used thereafter, appears f-vf. Inspect.
Est. 200+
Opening C$ 40.00
Sold...C$ 130.00
Closed..Nov-07-2019, 11:30:00 EST
Sold For 130
Sale No: 554
Lot No:971
Cat No:Collection
Collection 1875 to 2005 in 4 Davo albums, mostly used early then mix of mint and used (some collected both), from late 1980s on mostly mint with much nh, much modern still in NZ Post presentation packs, FDCs, booklets, Ross Dependency, BOB, etc, needs reorganization, pages to 2010, f-vf, huge Cat val. Inspect.