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Sparks Auctions Sale: 48

Canada Collections

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1039
Cat No:Collections

Collection of Mint Never Hinged Canada, 1952-1999, mounted on Harris album pages, with singles, blocks, plate blocks, souvenir sheets and booklets, all in hingeless mounts on a few hundred album pages. Face value totals $781 (counting 15c to $8 only, mostly ranging between 17c to 45c). The lot also includes loose mint never hinged stamps in envelopes along with a few booklets. A clean useful lot for the collector, dealer and postage user. Very fine. (Image)

Face $ 781

Opening C$ 275.00
Sold...C$ 275.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:01:52 EST
Sold For 275

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1040
Cat No:Collections

Accumulation of Mint Never Hinged Canada, 1970s-1980s, with singles, blocks, plate blocks (including matched sets still sealed from Canada Post), souvenir sheets and a few sheets, in glassines, small boxes, sealed packs, and a stockbook. Face value totals $938 (counting 10c and up, with the majority in the 30c to 45c range). The lot also includes low denomination stamps that could add another $20 to $40 worth of face. A clean lot, useful for the collector and postage user. Very fine. (Image)

Face $ 938

Opening C$ 325.00
Sold...C$ 325.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:02:31 EST
Sold For 325

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1041
Cat No:Collections

Group of Mint Never Hinged Modern Varieties, Plus Other Material, with #s 601 (misperforated block of four), 726 (misperforated single), 806a (horizontal imperforate pair and imperforate pair adjoining to a perforated single, $200 per pair), 929i (colour changeling in a single $50 and plate block $250), 1362ii (imperforate pair with light bends), 1522 (single with part of the gold inscriptions missing, with a normal block to compare), 1969i (upper left strip of three with two leftmost stamps missing gold foil inscription, $1,200). Also includes Nova Scotia #8 (NH plate block of 10 and NH plate strip of 5, both with small faults) and a Saskatchewan Power Commission $10 revenue (van Dam SE27 - NH block of 8, $250). An interesting lot. (Image)

Estimate $ 250

Opening C$ 300.00
Sold...C$ 375.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:03:20 EST
Sold For 375

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1042
Cat No:Collections

Collection of Mint Never Hinged Canada in Two Albums with Slipcases, 1993-2010, with singles, blocks, strips, souvenir sheets and sheetlets. The first KABE album is roughly 90% complete from years 1993 to 1999, including stamps with different perforations, with the second Lighthouse album roughly 95% complete from years 2007 to 2010. Face value totals $657 (counted by the owner), with the vast majority of stamps ranging from 40c and up. Online photos show a sampling. Clean and very fine. (Image)

Face $ 657

Opening C$ 450.00
Sold...C$ 450.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:03:44 EST
Sold For 450

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1043
Cat No:Collections

Consignment Remainders with Mint Never Hinged Canada Sheets,1950s-1970s, with roughly 60 sheets in 4 sheet files, the majority from the 1950s to the 1960s, including roughly 10 sheets of Centennials (3c to 15c), and unchecked for varieties, tagging, etc. Face value of the group is $181 (counting 10c and up only), noting a few sheets cataloguing $20 and up. The lot comes with an interesting 1999 Change of Address, franked with $108 worth postage, noting 12x $8 Grizzly Bear usage, along with a box of roughly 100 modern covers, worldwide topicals, and some useful supplies including a Pitney-Bowes 16oz. postal scale, large magnifying glass, Signoscope T2 watermark detector, etc. Online photo shows an overview. We note roughly half the sheets have some sheet separation. Overall fine to very fine. (Image)

Estimate $ 100

Opening C$ 190.00
Sold...C$ 190.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:05:17 EST
Sold For 190

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1044
Cat No:Collections

Group of Various Mint Plate Blocks, Part Sheets, etc. 1920s to 1960s and a few later. Best consists of a block of 70 and a block of 12 of the 1c Admiral part perforate coil, two strips of 6 of the Admiral 1c yellow coil, some imperforate 1c and 3c Admiral multiples, a group of 358 1c KGV Arch issues (mostly in blocks of 20 or 30, plus other multiples), a group of 1c, 2c and 3c KGV Medallion issues (in large to small blocks), and many more items, all of which can be seen in our overview photo. A few stamps may have adhesion issues, still overall nice quality. From the estate of a person who bought all of these new at the post office. (Image)

Estimate $ 300

Opening C$ 425.00
Sold...C$ 425.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:05:51 EST
Sold For 425

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1045
Cat No:Collections

Accumulation of Mint Material and Thematic Collections, 1950s-2000s, with roughly 100 thematic collections, containing sets and first day covers, ranging from the 1970s to the 2000s, in three binders. Owner's 2019 Unitrade catalogue value totals $928. The lot continues with many hundreds of mint never hinged plate blocks, including a few matched sets, ranging from the 1950s to the 1980s, along with roughly 100 booklets and loose material from the 1950s onward. Face value for the lot totals $369 (counting 10c and up only), with roughly $50 of face value from lower denominations. Online photos show an overview of the lot. Overall fine to very fine. (Image)

Estimate $ 250

Opening C$ 275.00
Sold...C$ 275.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:06:49 EST
Sold For 275

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1046
Cat No:Collections

Lovely Collection of Mint Canada in a Scott Specialty Album, 1911-1989, with fresh colours and appearing to be complete (regular issues only), ranging from the Admirals up to 1989. We note better sets with Scott #s Admirals 104-122 (c.v. $1,270 total), Scrolls 148-159 (c.v. $743 total), Arch 162-177 (c.v. $502 total), along with Pictorials, War, and Peace sets. The collection also includes back of the book material including Special Delivery set E1a-E11 (c.v. $471 total), along with selections of Officials. Online photos show a sampling. A clean collection, with many stamps showing vibrant color. Very fine. (Image)

Estimate $ 400

Opening C$ 475.00
Sold...C$ 475.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:07:13 EST
Sold For 475

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1047
Cat No:Collections

Collection of Used Blocks of Four,1890s to 1970s, all displayed on 24 black stock sheets, with many high values, sets, etc. We note that most, if not all of the blocks have nice, usually centrally struck c.d.s. cancels, as can be seen by our representative online photos. A great collection for continuation, or to add to an existing one. (Image)

Estimate $ 100

Opening C$ 140.00
Sold...C$ 140.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:08:24 EST
Sold For 140

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1048
Cat No:Collections

Accumulation of Many Thousands of Used Canada, 1870s-1990s, in roughly 100 Vario-style and manilla stock pages, housed in four binders, along with two stockbooks. We note roughly 250 Small Queen stamps (½c to 8c, majority being 3c Small Queen issues), a binder full of Admiral stamps (over 2,000 stamps ranging from 3c to $1, and roughly 500 pre-cancels in a separate binder), along with examples of Leafs, Numerals, Québecs, Edwards, and more regular issues including back of the book material. Mixed centering, especially in the early issues, still overall fine or better. Lots of value here, with many c.d.s. cancels as well as squared circle cancels, R.P.O., etc. Online photos show a sampling. Overall fine to very fine. (Image)

Estimate $ 400

Opening C$ 250.00
Sold...C$ 250.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:09:13 EST
Sold For 250

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1049
Cat No:Collections

Collection / Accumulation of Used Canada, 1870s-1970s, with many hundreds of stamps in a Lighthouse hingeless album, and loose material, including material on old auction slips. The Lighthouse album contains a few hundred stamps, ranging from the Jubilee issues up to the 1970s, noting stamps with town postmarks, including the 50c Bluenose. The lot also includes a page of sixteen 3c Small Queens (owner's notations of shade types), a small selection of 5-hole O.H.M.S. stamps, and a page of 23 different pre-cancel stamps. Online photos show an overview. Overall fine to very fine. (Image)

Estimate $ 100

Opening C$ 130.00
Sold...C$ 130.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:10:19 EST
Sold For 130

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1050
Cat No:Collections

Collection of Used Canada in a Scott Specialty Album, 1870s-1990s, with many hundreds of stamps starting with 26 Small Queen issues, including a few with fancy cancels, and continues with a small group of used Jubilee stamps. The collection continues with used sets including Edwards (Scott c.v. $252 total), Admirals, Scrolls (c.v. $196), Arch issues onward. The collection also includes back of the book material with airmail, special delivery, etc. We note some stamps having c.d.s. and broken circle town postmarks. Online photos show a sampling. We note some of the early stamps have sulphuretting issues. Overall fine to very fine. (Image)

Estimate $ 200

Opening C$ 120.00
Sold...C$ 120.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:11:16 EST
Sold For 120

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1051
Cat No:Collections

Large Collection of Used Canada in 12 Binders, 1852-2008, with roughly 8,500 stamps, mounted on about 200 quadrille pages. The collection begins with early classics including Scott #s 4 (4 margins, counted as fine, Unitrade c.v. $150), 5, 7, 8 (no margins), 9 (2 margins, faulty), 14-15, 17-20, along with a set of Large Queens 21-30 (including 24a), Small Queens 34-47, Jubilees 50-65 (noting a few c.d.s and broken circle town postmarks), Leafs, Numerals, Edwards, Québecs, Admirals (including used booklet panes and War Tax MR2b, c, d), and classic sets up to the Peace issues. We note roughly 150 stamps of Scott #242 with town postmarks from across Canada (including smaller towns), along with back of the back material including registration stamps F1-F3, special delivery, officials, etc. The collection continues with modern used up to 2008 noting many souvenir sheets, sheetlets (many with King City and first day postmarks), booklet panes, se-tenant, coils, booklet singles, etc. Owner's 2021 Unitrade catalogue value in excess of $17,500. Online photos show many pages of the early material, with a sampling of the modern used. We note a selection of c.d.s and broken circle postmarks, ranging from faint to clear, along with small faults with a few of the early stamps. Overall fine to very fine. (Image)

Estimate $ 1,500

Opening C$ 1,700.00
Sold...C$ 2,300.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:12:07 EST
Sold For 2300

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1052
Cat No:Collections

Accumulation of Roughly 240 Used Canada With Re-Entries, 1930s-1950s, along with plate flaws, retouches, and varieties, in 8 Vario-style stock pages. All stamps have been identified by the owner (some stamps accompanied by an illustration, with owners notations), ranging from minor flaws to a few major re-entries, noting Unitrade #223iv "Bird Cage" variety (c.v. $250, with creases, counted as fine), O26, O45aii and O48i "Blunt G" varieties, along with small studies of #s 213, 247 and C9. The lot also includes about 40 Newfoundland minor re-entries (identified by the owner). We note a few stamps in mixed condition, with many fine or better. A nice lot for the specialist. Online photos show a sampling. (Image)

Estimate $ 100

Opening C$ 80.00
Sold...C$ 80.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:12:35 EST
Sold For 80

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1053
Cat No:Collections

Collections of Used Canada in Two Hingeless Davo Albums, 1852-2000, with slipcases, containing many hundreds of stamps. The collection includes selections of Victorian era stamps, with strength from the Admirals onward, noting town c.d.s. postmarks (including some socked on the nose). Also includes album pages from three separate Canada used collections, generally ranging from the Cents issues up to the 1950s, noting 114 Victorian era stamps with strength in Leaf and Numeral issues. A spot check noted a few stamps, sets, and partial sets cataloguing $10 to $30 and up, along with some postmark interest. Online photos show a sampling. We note a few small faults with some of the early issues. Overall fine to very fine. (Image)

Estimate $ 200

Opening C$ 150.00
Sold...C$ 150.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:12:58 EST
Sold For 150

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1054
Cat No:Collections

Old Time Accumulation / Stock of Used Canada, Small Queens-1950s, starts off with many hundreds of loose off paper organized into glassines and envelopes, along with two old time albums and loose album pages. A spot check indicated Small Queens, low denomination Jubilees, Precancels, and better such as many Admiral denominations, $1 Mt. Edith Cavell, $1 Chateau de Ramezay Montréal (x2, blocks of 4), and more. The lot also includes a group of mint no gum Leaf issues, including a block of 10 of the 6c issue, and 2c Numeral booklet pane (missing selvedge at left and with gum adhesion). Postmark interest includes squared circles, broken circles, c.d.s., etc., including small towns and some socked on the nose cancels. First time on the market, from the Armstrong find, with possible finds for the dedicated collector. Online photos show a sampling. We note faults with some of the stamps, along with a few stamps stuck down on pages. Overall fine to very fine. (Image)

Estimate $ 250

Opening C$ 500.00
Sold...C$ 500.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:13:44 EST
Sold For 500

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1055
Cat No:Collections

Collection of Mint and Used Canada, 1897-2015, containing many hundreds of stamps in a 32 page stock book. The mint never hinged stamps range from the 1940s to 2002, noting singles, blocks, plate blocks, along with booklets and sheetlets. Face value totals $188 (counting 10c and up, with the majority of stamps ranging between 17c and 45c). The used material includes a few early classics, with the majority of stamps ranging from the 1920 to post 2010. We note a few better c.d.s and duplex postmarks on the earlier stamps, along with a selection of used modern commemoratives. A nice collection to pick through with useful postage. Online photos show a sampling. Overall fine to very fine. (Image)

Estimate $ 200

Opening C$ 90.00
Sold...C$ 90.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:14:07 EST
Sold For 90

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1056
Cat No:Collections

Collection / Accumulation of Mint and Used Canada, 1880s-1970s, with many hundreds of stamps in two stockbooks. The stamps have been identified by the owner, noting better items including Scott #s: 81 (n.h., c.v. $300), 83 (n.h., $900), 147c (x2 vertical imperforate pairs, n.h., Unitrade c.v., $480 total), 179-182 Arch coil pairs (n.h., $186 total), along with mint hinged and never hinged stamps cataloguing $10 and up including a few Leaf and Numeral, Admirals, up to the War issues. The lot also includes a selection of BNA noting Nova Scotia #8-9 blocks of 4 (n.h., $120 total), roughly 50 mint and used Newfoundland stamps (primarily post-1900), roughly 40 used Small Queen stamps with postmarks identified by the owner. The lot concludes with an accumulation of #O46-O49, J15, J19 containing 90-100 mint never hinged stamps each in individual envelopes. Online photos show an overview. A well rounded lot of useful material, overall fine to very fine. (Image)

Estimate $ 400

Opening C$ 225.00
Sold...C$ 375.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:14:36 EST
Sold For 375

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1057
Cat No:Collections

Collection / Accumulation of Mint and Used Canada, 1870-1990s, beginning with a used collection in a Stanley Gibbons Plymouth peg fitting stamp album. The collection begins with a small selection of Small Queens, including 20c and 50c Widow Weeds (c.v. $185 total), and continues with sets and partial sets cataloguing $20 and up, noting a used set of Leafs ($190 total), and Scrolls ($190 total). The collection also includes sets and partial sets of back of the book material, noting Special Delivery and Postage Dues. The lot also includes mint and used material in binder and loose material, ranging from the 1930s to the 1990s, noting roughly 200 mint hinged precancels, along with mint and never hinged stamps, booklets, and souvenir sheets. We estimate the face value postage totals $150 (ranging from 17c to 43c). Online photos show a sampling. Overall fine to very fine. (Image)

Estimate $ 150

Opening C$ 110.00
Sold...C$ 110.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:14:58 EST
Sold For 110

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1058
Cat No:Collections

Collection / Accumulation of Mint and Used Canada, 1870s-2014, with many hundreds of stamps in album and manilla pages, housed in 5 binders. We note small selections of mint and used Victorian era stamps including Scott #s 54 5c Jubilee (n.h., c.v. $200), 85-86 Maps (n.h., $200 total), and continues with primarily used material up to 2014, including sets of Admirals, War, Peace issues. We estimate the lot contains $100 of mostly modern face value postage (10c and up). Online photos show a sampling. Overall fine to very fine. (Image)

Estimate $ 100

Opening C$ 275.00
Sold...C$ 275.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:15:52 EST
Sold For 275

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1059
Cat No:Collections

Valuable Canada and BNA Investment Type Holdings, with all items still in their original packaging, neatly displayed in a stockbook. We note mint, mint never hinged and used items, with a wide range of different material and a huge total catalogue value. This would make an excellent lot for an online reseller, or for investment purposes. We scanned all pages online for your viewing pleasure. (Image)

Estimate $ 2,000

Opening C$ 2,100.00
Sold...C$ 2,200.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:16:25 EST
Sold For 2200

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1060
Cat No:Collections

Valuable Canada and BNA Investment Type Holdings, with all items in 145 black stock cards in a box. We note mint, mint never hinged and used items, with a wide range of different material and a huge total catalogue value. This would make an excellent lot for an online reseller, or for investment purposes. Our online photos only show a small representation from this very nice lot, we highly recommend viewing it in person to better appreciate its value and quality. (Image)

Estimate $ 3,500

Opening C$ 5,800.00
Sold...C$ 5,800.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:16:56 EST
Sold For 5800

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1061
Cat No:Collections

Consignment Remainders of Mint and Used Canada, with a wide variety of useful material in three albums / stockbooks, a few Vario-style pages, and loose material. We note a few hundred used stamps, including a small selection of Small Queens, Jubilees (up to the 8c), part set of Québecs (missing ½c), with material up to roughly the 1930s, noting a few town cancels, along with selection of mint and never hinged stamps, noting a never hinged Peace set. The lot also includes $108 of face value postage (the majority from 49c to 57c sheetlets and souvenir sheets), a small collection of Newfoundland mint and used of about 80 stamps, with a few cataloguing $10 and higher. The lot concludes with roughly 130 first day covers, generally ranging from the 1950s to 2010, noting souvenir sheet, plate block, and high value frankings, along with 30 private cachet first days, including a group of 12 from the 1958 La Verendrye issue (Scott #378) with Regal, Capital, Rose Craft cachets. Online photos show a sampling of this interesting lot. Overall fine to very fine. (Image)

Estimate $ 300

Opening C$ 180.00
Sold...C$ 180.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:17:22 EST
Sold For 180

image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1062
Cat No:Collections

Group of 12 Early Canada Mint Stamps and Proofs, with Unitrade #s 20TC dark rose on India paper (c.v. $300), Jubilee plate proofs 54P, 55P, 57P ($175 total, counted as fine), never hinged Admirals with #s 105, 110, 114, 120 (x2 n.h., 1 hinged) (Scott c.v. $725 total), F1 (n.h., Scott c.v. $330), MR2Bi (m.h., Unitrade c.v., $120, counted as fine). We note the proofs are cut close to the design, otherwise a very interesting grouping. (Image)

Estimate $ 200

Opening C$ 300.00
Sold...C$ 300.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:18:14 EST
Sold For 300
image Sale No: 48
Lot No:1063
Cat No:Collections

Selection of Mint and Never Hinged Canada, 1930s-1980s, with a few hundred stamps, including plate blocks, sheets and varieties, many still on old auction slips. A cursory check indicated Unitrade #s 171 8c Arch plate block (n.h., U.R., c.v. $120), EO1 plate block (n.h., L.R., $90, counted as fine), O45a plate blocks (x5, pl. 2, $250 each), and a sheet of C5 6c airmail (n.h., $463, counted as very fine), along with plate blocks cataloguing $20 and up. The lot also includes stamps and blocks mainly on auction slips noting re-entries, perforation shifts, plate scratches, etc. Online photos show a sampling. A useful lot, overall fine to very fine. (Image)

Estimate $ 300

Opening C$ 300.00
Sold...C$ 375.00

Closed..Nov-04-2023, 09:18:58 EST
Sold For 375

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