Sale No: 60
Lot No:8
Cat No:Collection
British Commonwealth mixed mint and used accumulation from all periods includes Jamaica to 10/-, Montserrat Fish to $10 MUH, BNG to 1/- mint, Virgin Islands to $2.40 Pelican, India KGV to 25r used, Australia Roos to 5/- used. Plenty to fossick with here. (100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$150
Opening AU$ 115.00
Sold...AU$ 380.00
Closed..Feb-01-2018, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 380
Sale No: 60
Lot No:9
British Commonwealth array incl Australia Roos 3d (2), 4d (3 incl pair), Canada 1935 $1 Champlain, 1942-48 $1 Destroyer, 1997-2005 Fauna to $8, Hong Kong 1963 FFH (5), Red Cross $1.30 (3), Indian Custodian Forces in Korea opts set tied to piece by strikes of 'F.P.O. No. 740' cds, Ireland 1950 Holy Year 3p (4), 1954 Marian Year 5p (2), 1958 Constitution, Transvaal 1896-97 various to 2/6d in blocks of 4, few V.R.I. or E.R.I. opts in blocks of 4. Cat £250+. (140+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$60
Opening AU$ 46.00
Sold...AU$ 75.00
Closed..Feb-01-2018, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 75
Sale No: 60
Lot No:10
Cat No:Collection
British Commonwealth collection in 1930s 'Empire' album with wide range of British Colonies mostly used but with plenty of MLH issues also sighted, predominantly lower denomination KGV or earlier issues, with selections from Ceylon, India including KGVI 2a & ½a with very fine strikes of undated 'RAF BASE PO/CEYLON' cancel in violet, Indian States, Morocco Agencies, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, St Helena, South Africa etc; also noted Falkland Island Deps KGVI 'Thick' Map set MUH in cello. (800+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$120
Opening AU$ 90.00
Sold...AU$ 160.00
Closed..Feb-01-2018, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 160
Sale No: 60
Lot No:11
Cat No:Collection
British Commonwealth accumulation incl Canada with few early Queens to 15c, Ceylon 1904 PPC to NSW, Gilbert & Ellice 1935 Jubilee 1/-, Great Britain KEVII 3d (60+) incl some perfins, 1924 Wembley (3 sets, two MLH), 1925 set used, 1929 PUC (4, plus ½d wmk inv), few KGVI wmk s/ways or inv incl 1937-47 ½d dark green, wmk inv block of 6 (5 units MUH), 1938-48 10/- dark blue, later Castles to £5, plus few 'ARMY' & 'I.R.' Officials Guernsey incl 1979-83 £1, £2 & £3, plus 1984-91 Scenes (25), 1987-88 Coils, (4), also selection of Alderney & 20 different Charles & Di Wedding sheetlets. Mixed condition. (100s) (Image1)