PAID/AT/BRISTOL TO TASMANIA & 4d-POST COVERS + "EAST-HARPTREE" UDC CANCELLING 1d RED; 18 Dec. 1839 E to Watchet with red m/s "4" and mainly fine circular "PAID/AT/BRISTOL" (rare Uniform 4d-Post Period prepayment), Nov. 1861 EL (from Fry's chocolate makers ref. disposal of slow-selling products in Australia!) prepaid 6d in cash to Tasmania with v. fine circ. "PAID/AT/BRISTOL", and rare small 9 Oct. 1847 env. with 3m 1d Red tied by partly fine "EAST-HARPTREE" UDC (rare thus) with "134" then struck in transit - endorsed "Not to be delivd. till Monday" (the sender was clearly an anti-Sunday work campaigner). Good trio. (3 covers)Cross Reference: UNIFORM 4d POSTAGE PERIOD, OVERSEAS DESTINATIONS, 1841 1d REDS, 1840s CANCELLATIONS (Image)
Opening GBP 85.00
Sold...GBP 85.00
Closed..Mar-10-2021, 01:00:00 EST
Sold For 85
Sale No: 835
Lot No:1480
RARE CLOTH-COVERED DUPLEX COVERS - 4d RATE TO FRANCE + INTERNAL 2d RATE, ETC; 7/15 Sept. 1869 E/env. pair to St. Malo/Poole franked by single 4d Vermilion (filing crease) or 1d Reds pair; all are tied by very fine "BRISTOL/134" Duplexes clearly showing the impressions affected by some kind of cloth - though to be a brief experiment with cloths placed over the heads of the Duplex to reduce the consumption of ink (without affecting thoroughness of obliteration); this trial is thought to have lasted for only 3 months in Bristol and to only have affected a proportion of the letters cancelled. Rare pair. [The second ex Martin Willcocks, 1977; £90.] Plus 1879 env. with 1d Red ex Birmingham with v. fine "EVESHAM" arrival cds backstamp clearly showing the same 'cloth-covered' strike. It seems likely that the scheme was successful for backstamps (e.g. railway TPOs in Scotland) but not for cancellation purposes (due to faint strikes...). (3 covers)Cross Reference: WORCESTERSHIRE, OVERSEAS DESTINATIONS (Image)