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Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auktionen Sale: 197

Worldwide Stamps and Covers
Rußland / Russia
Sale No: 197
Lot No: 6255
Symbol: **
Cat No: Collection

1981-1988. Postfrische Sammlung der Kleinbogen aus dem Abonnement der Firma Sieger. Mit allen guten Ausgaben dieses Zeitraumes wie Eisbären, Olympia usw.

1981-1988. Mint never hinged collection the miniature sheet from the subscription of the company winner. With all good issues this period like ice bears, Olympic Games and so on. Photos of this collection

Opening EUR 320.00
Sold...EUR 320.00

Closed..Jun-14-2024, 14:53:19 EST
Sold For 320

Sale No: 197
Lot No: 6256
Symbol: */o
Cat No: Collection

1850-1940. Kleiner ungebrauchter und gestempelter Bestand auf Steckkarten. Dabei auch Nr.185 A+B gestempelt mit Attest Hovest BPP.

1850-1940. Small unused and cancelled inventory on stock cards. With also no. 185 A+B used with certificate Hovest BPP. Photos of this collection

Opening EUR 540.00
Sold...EUR 540.00

Closed..Jun-14-2024, 14:53:33 EST
Sold For 540
Sale No: 197
Lot No: 6257
Symbol: **
Cat No: Collection

1981-1985. Lot von postfrischen Kleinbogen zum Thema Weltraum. Insgesamt 8 Kleinbogen: Nr. 5056-5059, Nr.5189, Nr.5289, Nr.5466, Nr.5496, Nr.5534. Katalogwert insgesamt 890.- Euro.

1981-1985. Lot of mint never hinged miniature sheet on the subject of cosmos. In total 8 miniature sheet: no. 5056-5059, no. 5189, no. 5289, no. 5466, no. 5496, no. 5534. Catalogue value in total 890.- Euro. Photos of this collection

Opening EUR 140.00
Sold...EUR 150.00

Closed..Jun-14-2024, 14:54:33 EST
Sold For 150

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