Sale No: 179
Lot No: 5861
Symbol: */o/B
Cat No: Collection
1852 - 1866, almost exclusively cancelled inventory, as well margin copies, multiples, letter pieces and so on. With among others Michel-no. 2 (2), 14 pair, 18 (23), 19 (2), 23 II (pair), 24 (12), 25 (9), 27 (8), 30 pair (2), 35 (4), 36 (5), 45, 47 (5), 50 (8), better nummeral cancel, like no. 15, 30, 42, 55, 108, 111, 155 I, 164, 179 blue, 180, 182, 188, 197, 206, 216 blue, 283, 297, 307, 312, 327, 337, 364, 366, 375, 400 and so on, some expertized, mainly Sem BPP with some photo attests. Photos of this collection 1852 - 1866, fast ausschließlich gestempelter Bestand, dabei Randstücke, Einheiten, Briefstücke etc. mit u.a. Mi.-Nr. 2 (2), 14 Paar, 18 (23), 19 (2), 23 II (Paar), 24 (12), 25 (9), 27 (8), 30 Paar (2), 35 (4), 36 (5), 45, 47 (5), 50 (8), bessere Nummernstempel, wie Nr. 15,30, 42, 55, 108, 111, 155 I, 164, 179 blau, 180, 182, 188, 197, 206, 216 blau, 283, 297, 307, 312, 327, 337, 364, 366, 375, 400 etc., etliches gepr., überwiegend Sem BPP mit einigen Fotobefunden.
Opening EUR 1,300.00
Sold...EUR 1,300.00
Closed..Mar-13-2021, 10:13:01 EST
Sold For 1300