United States |
1851 Issue (6) Lots 5030-5036 |
1857 Issue (2) Lots 5037-5038 |
1861-1866 Issue (2) Lots 5041-5042 |
1867 Grilled Issue (1) Lots 5043-5043 |
1869 Pictorial Issue (5) Lots 5044-5048 |
1870-1871 National Bank Note Co. Issue, without gr (1) Lots 5050-5050 |
1873 Continental Bank Note Co. Issue, white wove (1) Lots 5051-5051 |
1875 Re-issue of the 1869 Pictorial Issue (1) Lots 5049-5049 |
1887 American Bank Note Co. Issue (1) Lots 5052-5052 |
1893 Columbian Issue (4) Lots 5053-5056 |
1894 First Bureau Issue, Unwatermarked (1) Lots 5058-5058 |
1898 Trans-Mississippi Issue (1) Lots 5059-5059 |
1901 Pan-American Issue (1) Lots 5060-5060 |
1902-1908 Second Bureau Issue (2) Lots 5062-5063 |
1907 Jamestown Issue (2) Lots 5065-5066 |
1909 Commemorative Issues (3) Lots 5069-5072 |
1910-1913 Washington-Franklin Issue, SL wmk, perf (1) Lots 5074-5074 |
1912 Washington-Franklin Issue, SL wmk, imperf (1) Lots 5079-5079 |
1913-1915 Panama-Pacific Issue (3) Lots 5076-5078 |
1913-1915 Washington-Franklin Issue, SL wmk, perf (1) Lots 5082-5082 |
1916-1917 Washington-Franklin Issue, flat plate, u (2) Lots 5083-5085 |
1917-1919 Washington-Franklin Issue, flat plate, u (3) Lots 5086-5088 |
1918-1920 Washington-Franklin Issue, offset, imper (1) Lots 5094-5094 |
1918-1920 Washington-Franklin Issue, offset, perf (4) Lots 5089-5092 |
1920 Pilgrim Tercentenary Issue (2) Lots 5095-5096 |
1922-1929 Fourth Bureau Issue (8) Lots 5098-5107 |
1925 Lexington-Concord Sesquicentenary Issue (1) Lots 5109-5109 |
1925-1929 Issues (2) Lots 5110-5114 |
1929 Kansas-Nebraska Issue (1) Lots 5116-5116 |
1929-1937 Issues (3) Lots 5118-5123 |
1938-1954 Presidential Series (8) Lots 5137-5146 |
1938-Present Issues (36) Lots 5155-5288 |
Advertising/Illustrated Covers (3) Lots 5562-5565 |
Airmail (11) Lots 5291-5310 |
Airmail Postal History |
First Flights (1) Lots 5576-5576 |
Booklets (1) Lots 5394-5394 |
Canal Zone (1) Lots 5544-5544 |
Cancels & Postmarks |
Town Postmarks (1) Lots 5580-5580 |
Essays & Proofs |
Printers' Samples (1) Lots 5538-5538 |
Express Covers |
Eastern Express Covers (2) Lots 5573-5575 |
General Collections (2) Lots 5539-5540 |
General Issues (2) Lots 5542-5543 |
General Postal History by Year (1) Lots 5578-5578 |
General Works on Philately (1) Lots 6017-6017 |
Hunting Permit |
Duck Stamps (31) Lots 5458-5523 |
Junior Duck Stamps (5) Lots 5530-5534 |
Newspaper (3) Lots 5384-5387 |
Official (10) Lots 5368-5383 |
Parcel Post (3) Lots 5390-5392 |
Postage Due (24) Lots 5334-5365 |
Postal Note (1) Lots 5388-5388 |
Postal Stationery |
Airmail Envelopes (1) Lots 5431-5431 |
Envelopes & Wrappers (33) Lots 5396-5430 |
Message-Reply Postal Cards (1) Lots 5444-5444 |
Official Envelopes (8) Lots 5432-5441 |
Postal Cards (1) Lots 5443-5443 |
Postmasters’ Provisionals (1) Lots 5541-5541 |
Revenue (4) Lots 5445-5451 |
Private Die Medicine (1) Lots 5457-5457 |
Stock Transfer (1) Lots 5454-5454 |
Sanitary Fair (1) Lots 5535-5535 |
Special Delivery (14) Lots 5311-5331 |
Stampless Covers (3) Lots 5555-5558 |