United States |
1847 Issue (1) Lots 6081-6081 |
1851 Issue (2) Lots 6082-6083 |
1857 Issue (1) Lots 6084-6084 |
1861-1866 Issue (2) Lots 6086-6089 |
1867 Grilled Issue (5) Lots 6035-6091 |
1869 Pictorial Issue (4) Lots 6040-6094 |
1870-1871 National Bank Note Co. Issue, without gr (1) Lots 6095-6095 |
1873 Continental Bank Note Co. Issue, white wove (1) Lots 6041-6041 |
1875 Reprints of the 1857 Issue (1) Lots 6034-6034 |
1890-1893 Small Bank Notes Issue (1) Lots 6097-6097 |
1893 Columbian Issue (10) Lots 6098-6108 |
1894 First Bureau Issue, Unwatermarked (1) Lots 6109-6109 |
1898 First Bureau Issue, UPU colors (1) Lots 6110-6110 |
1898 Trans-Mississippi Issue (2) Lots 6111-6112 |
1901 Pan-American Issue (2) Lots 6113-6114 |
1904 Louisiana Purchase Issue (2) Lots 6115-6116 |
1908-1909 Washington-Franklin Issue, DL wmk, imper (1) Lots 6118-6118 |
1909 Commemorative Issues (4) Lots 6119-6123 |
1912 Washington-Franklin Issue, SL wmk, imperf (1) Lots 6125-6125 |
1916-1917 Washington-Franklin Issue, flat plate, u (1) Lots 6126-6126 |
1916-1922 Washington-Franklin Issue, rotary plate, (1) Lots 6127-6127 |
1917-1919 Washington-Franklin Issue, flat plate, u (2) Lots 6128-6129 |
1918-1920 Washington-Franklin Issue, offset, perf (1) Lots 6130-6130 |
1919-1920 Washington-Franklin Issue, rotary coil w (1) Lots 6131-6131 |
1922-1929 Fourth Bureau Issue (4) Lots 6133-6136 |
1924 Huguenot-Walloon Tercentenary Issue (1) Lots 6138-6138 |
1925 Norse-American Issue (1) Lots 6140-6140 |
1925-1929 Issues (5) Lots 6141-6146 |
1929 Kansas-Nebraska Issue (3) Lots 6147-6149 |
1929-1937 Issues (3) Lots 6045-6150 |
1938-1954 Presidential Series (1) Lots 6153-6153 |
1938-Present Issues (10) Lots 6050-6170 |
Advertising/Illustrated Covers (2) Lots 6017-6018 |
Airmail (8) Lots 6171-6178 |
Airmail Postal History |
Astrophilately: USSR (1) Lots 6026-6026 |
Cacheted Covers |
Hand-Painted: Karl Lewis (1) Lots 6022-6022 |
Errors, Freaks & Oddities (1) Lots 6244-6244 |
First Day Covers (1) Lots 6021-6021 |
Hunting Permit |
Duck Stamps (20) Lots 6211-6233 |
Junior Duck Stamps (1) Lots 6234-6234 |
Local (3) Lots 6054-6193 |
Miscellaneous Back-of-the-Book |
Cinderellas (1) Lots 6242-6242 |
Poster Stamps (1) Lots 6243-6243 |
Official (6) Lots 6183-6189 |
Postage Due (2) Lots 6180-6181 |
Postal Stationery |
Envelopes & Wrappers (6) Lots 6055-6200 |
Revenue (21) Lots 6057-6207 |
Narcotic Tax (1) Lots 6210-6210 |
Proprietary (2) Lots 6076-6077 |
Revenue Stamped Paper (1) Lots 6078-6078 |
Special Handling (1) Lots 6191-6191 |
State Revenue (1) Lots 6235-6235 |
Test Stamps & Test Booklets (2) Lots 6238-6240 |