United States |
1847 Issue (1) Lots 7520-7520 |
1851 Issue (13) Lots 7412-7528 |
1857 Issue (8) Lots 7417-7537 |
1861 Premiere Gravures (2) Lots 7419-7420 |
1861-1866 Issue (32) Lots 7422-7556 |
1867 Grilled Issue (20) Lots 7441-7567 |
1869 Pictorial Issue (7) Lots 7459-7576 |
1870-1871 National Bank Note Co. Issue, H Grill (1) Lots 7578-7578 |
1870-1871 National Bank Note Co. Issue, without gr (8) Lots 7467-7586 |
1873 Continental Bank Note Co. Issue, white wove (15) Lots 7470-7594 |
1875 Continental Bank Note Co. Issue, yellowish wo (4) Lots 7478-7597 |
1875 Reprints of the 1857 Issue (1) Lots 7418-7418 |
1879 American Bank Note Co. Issue, soft paper (9) Lots 7479-7602 |
1881-1882 American Bank Note Co. Issue, re-engrave (1) Lots 7604-7604 |
1887 American Bank Note Co. Issue (4) Lots 7605-7611 |
1890-1893 Small Bank Notes Issue (7) Lots 7487-7617 |
1893 Columbian Issue (14) Lots 7618-7636 |
1894 First Bureau Issue, Unwatermarked (7) Lots 7490-7642 |
1895 First Bureau Issue, Watermarked (9) Lots 7643-7653 |
1898 First Bureau Issue, UPU colors (6) Lots 7654-7660 |
1898 Trans-Mississippi Issue (8) Lots 7661-7670 |
1901 Pan-American Issue (3) Lots 7671-7673 |
1902-1908 Second Bureau Issue (12) Lots 7674-7688 |
1904 Louisiana Purchase Issue (6) Lots 7689-7694 |
1907 Jamestown Issue (3) Lots 7696-7699 |
1908-1909 Washington-Franklin Issue, DL wmk, perf (5) Lots 7700-7705 |
1908-1910 Washington-Franklin Issue, DL wmk, perf (1) Lots 7706-7706 |
1909 Commemorative Issues (7) Lots 7708-7714 |
1909 Washington-Franklin Issue, Bluish Paper (1) Lots 7707-7707 |
1910-1911 Washington-Franklin Issue, SL wmk, perf (1) Lots 7716-7716 |
1910-1913 Washington-Franklin Issue, SL wmk, perf (1) Lots 7717-7717 |
1912 Washington-Franklin Issue, SL wmk, perf 8½ co (1) Lots 7727-7727 |
1912-1914 Washington-Franklin Issue, SL wmk, perf (6) Lots 7725-7732 |
1913-1915 Panama-Pacific Issue (5) Lots 7718-7724 |
1913-1915 Washington-Franklin Issue, SL wmk, perf (3) Lots 7733-7735 |
1914 Washington-Franklin Issue, SL wmk, perf 10 co (1) Lots 7737-7737 |
1914-1916 Washington-Franklin Issue, SL wmk, perf (5) Lots 7738-7742 |
1915 Washington-Franklin Issue, DL wmk, perf 10 (1) Lots 7743-7743 |
1916-1917 Washington-Franklin Issue, flat plate, u (6) Lots 7744-7749 |
1916-1922 Washington-Franklin Issue, rotary plate, (4) Lots 7750-7753 |
1917-1919 Washington-Franklin Issue, flat plate, u (7) Lots 7754-7761 |
1918-1920 Washington-Franklin Issue, offset, imper (3) Lots 7767-7769 |
1918-1920 Washington-Franklin Issue, offset, perf (3) Lots 7762-7765 |
1919 Victory Issue (1) Lots 7770-7770 |
1919-1920 Washington-Franklin Issue, rotary coil w (2) Lots 7771-7772 |
1920 Pilgrim Tercentenary Issue (3) Lots 7774-7777 |
1920 Washington-Franklin Issue, flat plate, perf 1 (1) Lots 7773-7773 |
1922-1929 Fourth Bureau Issue (21) Lots 7778-7806 |
1923 Harding Memorial Issue (3) Lots 7807-7809 |
1924 Huguenot-Walloon Tercentenary Issue (1) Lots 7812-7812 |
1925 Lexington-Concord Sesquicentenary Issue (3) Lots 7813-7816 |
1925 Norse-American Issue (3) Lots 7818-7821 |
1925-1929 Issues (18) Lots 7822-7842 |
1929 Kansas-Nebraska Issue (3) Lots 7845-7852 |
1929-1937 Issues (19) Lots 7498-7873 |
1938-1954 Presidential Series (14) Lots 7507-7887 |
1938-Present Issues (73) Lots 7515-7994 |
Airmail (25) Lots 7996-8033 |
Airmail Special Delivery (2) Lots 8035-8036 |
Booklets (3) Lots 8138-8140 |
Errors, Freaks & Oddities (26) Lots 8390-8441 |
Essays & Proofs |
Printers' Samples (2) Lots 8445-8446 |
Hunting Permit |
Duck Stamps (61) Lots 8249-8342 |
Junior Duck Stamps (8) Lots 8343-8351 |
State Duck Stamps [to sort alpha by state then cat (2) Lots 8352-8353 |
Local (1) Lots 8149-8149 |
Newspaper (6) Lots 8115-8123 |
Official (21) Lots 8084-8112 |
Parcel Post (8) Lots 8124-8131 |
Parcel Post Postage Due (4) Lots 8133-8136 |
Postage Due (24) Lots 8047-8073 |
Postal Stationery (1) Lots 8151-8151 |
Envelopes & Wrappers (3) Lots 8152-8159 |
Official Envelopes (1) Lots 8162-8162 |
Postal Cards (6) Lots 8164-8169 |
Postmasters’ Provisionals (2) Lots 7518-7519 |
Registration (2) Lots 8045-8046 |
Revenue (25) Lots 8170-8224 |
Private Die Match (2) Lots 8243-8244 |
Private Die Medicine (1) Lots 8248-8248 |
Wines (6) Lots 8233-8238 |
Savings |
Postal Savings (3) Lots 8358-8360 |
Special Delivery (2) Lots 8038-8043 |
Special Handling (1) Lots 8137-8137 |
Test Stamps & Test Booklets (10) Lots 8364-8380 |
U.S. Postal Agency in China (4) Lots 8078-8081 |