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Back to Great Britain and British Commonwealth

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Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC Sale: 2006

Great Britain and British Commonwealth

Sale No: 2006
Lot No: 3801
Cat No: Collection

image Australia, Throw Some Shrimp on the Barbie 1913-1978, about 625 adhesives (mostly mint) on black Vario stock pages; includes Scott # 1//657, C8, J70, O1//O10, L1//L7, and some O.S. perfins from 27a//103; items that catalog more that $50 include # 7, 54 (2), 127, 144a (M), 315-331a (M), 378 (M), 379 (M), O1-O2, and 100 O.S. perfin; better items of lower value are also identified and priced; catalog $2,900, Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.2 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

Estimate $350-500

Opening US$ 200.00

Closed..Oct-25-2023, 12:58:03 EST
Sold For 0

Sale No: 2006
Lot No: 3802
Cat No: Collection

image Australia & Dependencies, Down Under (and Further Down Under) 1913-2006, over 8,100 postally used from Australia and the Australian Antarctic Territories on manila stock pages in a pair of 3 ring binders; includes Scott # 1//2453, C1//C7, and O8 as well as A.A.T. L6//L112; better items include 4, 5, 50, 70a, and 178 (2) arranged in Scott order; catalog $4,375, Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 5.2 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Video2 for this lot) (Image)

Estimate $300-400

Opening US$ 180.00

Closed..Oct-25-2023, 12:58:22 EST
Sold For 0

Sale No: 2006
Lot No: 3803
Cat No: Collection

image Australia & Dependencies, Post Office Fresh Stock 1954-1987, 2,200 MNH singles and complete sets from Australia and Australian Antarctic Territories in a like new Lighthouse stockbook; the collection is arranged in Scott order and ranges from 267//1034 (including 554//579) while AAT goes from L1//L74; catalog $1,730, Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 2.8 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

Estimate $250-350

Opening US$ 150.00

Closed..Oct-25-2023, 12:58:41 EST
Sold For 0

Sale No: 2006
Lot No: 3804
Cat No: Collection

image Australia, Massive Used Collection 1978-1995, about 10,500 in two springbound binders and an older Lighthouse stockbook; items range from Scott # 676//1437; catalog $4,500, Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 9 lbs. (Image)

Estimate $250-350

Opening US$ 150.00
Sold...US$ 160.00

Closed..Oct-25-2023, 12:59:08 EST
Sold For 160
Sale No: 2006
Lot No: 3805
Cat No: Collection

image Australia & Dependencies, Down Under (and Way Down Under) 1955-1984, 450 mint stamps from Australia and the Australia Antactic Territory on black stockbook pages; includes Scott # 286//889 and AAT from L1-L36; better items include 231, 365-379, 394-417, 462-465, 508, 519-522, and L8-L18; catalogs $840, Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 1 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

Estimate $150-200

Opening US$ 90.00

Closed..Oct-25-2023, 12:59:32 EST
Sold For 0

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