Sale No: 42
Lot No: 10
Cat No: Collection
China, Old-Time Collection of Foreign Offices, Local Posts and More, hinged or mounted on homemade pages, much annotated, offering a look at Chinese philately "around the edges"; apart from a single Junk-franked cover to the US and a partial page of Revenues, no Imperial or Republic issues are present; comprises French Offices in China (with city-specific issues), German Offices with forerunners, a Boxer Rebellion use, and overprints; a sampling of Kiautschou, Great Britain Offices with CEF and "CHINA" overprints and some post-1937 Hong Kong with souvenir sheets; Italian Offices, Japanese Offices, Russian Offices, US Offices including a couple on-piece uses and full set (#K1-K18) mint; modern joint issues or New Year sheets from various countries; Tibet with multiples and several covers (possibly reference), Amoy-Wuhu Local Posts mint and used, even some early PRC (some the usual reprints); the occasional fault or forgery, but an attractive holding nonetheless, Fine to Very Fine with better, fully imaged online. Shipping charges apply - weight 4.5 lbs. (Video for this lot) Est. HK$14,000-18,000
Est. HK$14,000-18,000
Opening HK$ 15,000.00
Sold...HK$ 15,000.00
Closed..Apr-23-2024, 09:11:52 EST
Sold For 15000