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Prince Rupert's Land, Hudson Bay Co. and Western Mail

Mail to Western Territory
Lot Sym. Lot Description  
2282 c ImageRare YF” cipher of York Factory used only on the top piece of mail in a bundle

(Edinburgh, Scotland to York Factory, May 6, 1822). Folded letter datelined Edinburgh May 6th, 1822” and addressed to York Factory, care of Mr. J. Smith, Secretary to the Hudson Bay Company, Fencer Street, London” for onward transmission, neat 1/2” and Addl 1/2” boxed handstamps, red Edinburgh circular datestamp and London transit backstamp, clear manuscript YF” cipher at top left for York Factory, manuscript not him that is at Berens River” on top flap, Very Fine, the YF” and other ciphers were used by the Hudson Bay Company in London to designate settlement destinations on the top piece of each mail bundle, therefore, by their application these markings are very rare, ex de Volpi, Steinhart and Montgomery (Image)

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Get Market Data for [Canada Red River Settlement to V]

E. $ 1,000-1,500

SOLD for $1,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
2283 c ImageEarly transatlantic letter to John Stuart in New Caledonia (modern-day British Columbia)

(Belfast, Ireland to Hudson Bay Northwest, May 28, 1823). Folded letter datelined Belfast 28th May 1823” and addressed to John Stuart Esq., Hudson’s Bay Northwest, care of Wm. Smith Esq., Hudson’s Bay House, London” for onward transmission, Belfast May 28 circular datestamp and Post Paid” in scroll handstamp, red star handstamp and London transit datestamp, rated 1/9 (+) 3 (=) 2/0” in red, manuscript Recd at I a la Crosse 19th Mar. 1824” on bottom flap (Ile a la Cross in modern day Saskatchewan), slight edgewear, otherwise Fine and incredibly rare early cover to New Caledonia, John Stuart (1780-1847) was placed in charge of the New Caledonia District from Fort St. James, he was a partner in the North West Company and chief factor of Hudson Bay Company, ex di Vopi and Steinhart (Image)

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Get Market Data for [Canada Belfast, Ireland to Hudso]

E. $ 1,000-1,500

SOLD for $1,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
2284 c ImageRare RRS” cipher of Red River Settlement used only on the top piece of mail in a bundle

(Stornoway, Scotland to Forks, Red River Settlement, May 3, 1826). Folded letter datelined Stornoway May 3rd, 1826” and addressed to Forks Red River, care of the Hudson Bay House, No. 3 Fin Church Street, London” for onward transmission, neat 1/2” and Addl 1/2” handstamps, Stornoway datestamp on back, London transit backstamp, clear manuscript RRS” cipher at top left for Red River Settlement


The RRS” and other ciphers were used to designate settlement destinations on the top piece of each mail bundle; therefore, by their application these markings are very rare.

Ex de Volpi and Steinhart (Image)

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Get Market Data for [Canada Stornoway, Scotland to Fo]

E. $ 2,000-3,000

SOLD for $1,800.00
Will close during Public Auction
2285 c ImageRare MR” cipher of Moose River used only on the top piece of mail in a bundle

(Musselburgh, Scotland to Fort Albany, Feb. 23, 1832). Folded outer panel of letter addressed to Alexander Stewart Esquire, Ft. Albany, Hudson Bay, to the care of William Smith Esq., Hudson Bay House, Fenchurch Street, London” for onward transmission, manuscript 1/2-1/2” and Addl 1/2” handstamp, Musselburgh Penny Post handstamp on back and red Feb. 23 despatch datestamp, London transit backstamp, clear manuscript MR” cipher at top left for Moose River, Very Fine, the MR” and other ciphers were used by the Hudson Bay Company in London to designate settlement destinations on the top piece of each mail bundle, therefore, by their application these markings are very rare, the addressee, Alexander Stewart, was the chief factor of Moose River District, which included Fort Albany, ex Steinhart (Image)

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Get Market Data for [Canada Musselburgh, Scotland to]

E. $ 1,000-1,500

SOLD for $800.00
Will close during Public Auction
2286 c ImageRare RR” cipher of Red River Settlement used only on the top piece of mail in a bundle

(Middleton, England to Red River Settlement, Feb. 17, 1840). Folded letter datelined Middleton Feb. 17th, 1840” and addressed to Rev. J. Smithurst, Red River Settlement, Hudson’s Bay, Ch. Miss (Church Missionary) House, Salibury Square, Fleet St, London” for onward transmission, Wirksworth Feb. 19 circular datestamp on back and manuscript 2/10”, London transit backstamp, clear manuscript RR” cipher at top left for Red River Settlement, small stain at top right and minor splitting along folds, still Very Fine, the RR” and other ciphers were used by the Hudson Bay Company in London to designate settlement destinations on the top piece of each mail bundle, therefore, by their application these markings are very rare, ex Montgomery (Image)

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Get Market Data for [Canada Middleton, England to Red]

E. $ 1,000-1,500

SOLD for $750.00
Will close during Public Auction
2287 c ImageRare RR” cipher of Red River Settlement used only on the top piece of mail in a bundle

(London, England to Red River Settlement, Jun. 5, 1840). Folded letter datelined Ch(urch) M(issionary) House, June 5, 1840” and addressed to Rev. J. Smithurst, Indian Settlement, Red River Settlement”, no postal markings likely indicating this letter was given directly to the Hudson Bay Company, Very Fine, the RR” and other ciphers were used by the Hudson Bay Company in London to designate settlement destinations on the top piece of each mail bundle, therefore, by their application these markings are very rare, ex Montgomery (Image)

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Get Market Data for [Canada London, England to Red Ri]

E. $ 400-500

SOLD for $700.00
Will close during Public Auction
2288 c ImageInteresting folded letter to Red River Settlement routed via the Church Mission in London

(Middleton, England to Red River Settlement, Feb. 25, 1846). Folded letter datelined Middleton, February 25th, 1846” and addressed to Rev. John Smithhurst, Church Mission House, Salisbury Square, Fleet St., London”, Wirksworth despatch circular datestamp and rated 4”, London arrival backstamp, address and manuscript 100” lightly crossed out as cover was given directly to Hudson Bay Company for onward transmission to Red River Settlement, contents stating the Lady Day C.M.S. Paper gives...a beautiful engraving of your Mission Premises...” of which a photocopy is included with this lot, Very Fine (Image)

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Get Market Data for [Canada Middleton, England to Red]

E. $ 750-1,000

Will close during Public Auction
2289 c ImageFolded letter from Bishop of Montreal sent privately to Red River Settlement

(Quebec to Red River Settlement, Apr. 9, 1847). Folded letter datelined Quebec 9 April 47” and addressed to The Reverend J. Smithhurst, Indian Church, Red River”, no postal markings and sent privately, interesting contents stating we are thankful in being enabled to do our part towards the alleviation of the horrors of famine in Ireland & the Highlands of Scotland. I am aware of the distinctive maladies which had been prevailing when you wrote at the Red River recalled to my mind the scourge of Cholera here in 1832 & again in 1834...” and difficulty in sending parcels to the Red River, few minor toned markings, still Very Fine, ex Sanderson (Image)

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Get Market Data for [Canada Quebec to Red River Settl]

E. $ 400-500

SOLD for $225.00
Will close during Public Auction

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