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Nova Scotia continued...

Nova Scotia Post Office Double-Circles
Lot Sym. Lot Description  
2226 c ImageScarce Post Office Annapolis” double-circle handstamp with manuscript date

(Clements to Halifax, Jun. 28, 1830). Folded letter datelined Clements June 28th, 1830” with clear strike of Post Office Annapolis” double-circle handstamp with manuscript 28 June 30 Paid” (Jephcott 43, MacDonald 42) and addressed to Halifax, manuscript Paid 9”, cover with edge tear at top of little consequence, otherwise Fine and scarce, this marking is usually found with a handstamped date rather than manuscript (Image)

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E. $ 300-400

SOLD for $160.00
Will close during Public Auction
2227 c ImageA bold strike of the Post Office Antigonish” double-circle handstamp

(Tracadie to Halifax, Aug. 15, 1823). Folded letter datelined Tracadie Aug. 15, 1823 with clear strike of Post Office Antigonish” double-circle handstamp without date (Jephcott 44, MacDonald 43) on folded letter to Halifax, manuscript 11 pd” rate, Very Fine and wonderfully bold strike of this scarce marking (Image)

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E. $ 400-500

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2228 c ImageExcellent strike of the Post Office Antigonish” double-circle handstamp with manuscript date

(Antigonish to Halifax, Jun. 22, 1825). Bold strike of Post Office Antigonish” double-circle handstamp with manuscript Jun. 22 25” (Jephcott 44, MacDonald 43) on small folded letter to Halifax, manuscript Pd 11”, Very Fine, this is an early strike of this handstamp with the earliest recorded on Jan. 1, 1825 (Image)

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E. $ 500-750

SOLD for $800.00
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2229 c ImagePost Office Antigonish” double-circle handstamp with manuscript date

(Antigonish to Halifax, Aug. 24, 1825). Clear strike of Post Office Antigonish” double-circle handstamp with manuscript Aug. 24 25” (Jephcott 44, MacDonald 43) on folded letter to Halifax, rated 11”, Very Fine and scarce, ex Young and Dr. Clark (Image)

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E. $ 500-750

SOLD for $300.00
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2230 c ImagePost Office Antigonish” and Post Office Pictou” double-circles on one cover

(Antigonish to Halifax, Feb. 14, 1827). Clear strike of Post Office Antigonish” double-circle with manuscript Feby 14 27” (Jephcott 44, MacDonald 43) and Post Office Pictou” double-circle with manuscript 16 Feby 27” (Jephcott 47, MacDonald 51) on folded letter to Halifax, manuscript 11 pd” rate, horizontal file fold thru Antigonish handstamp, Very Fine, a scarce combination of these two Post Office double-circles, ex Dr. Clark (Image)

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E. $ 500-750

SOLD for $325.00
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2231 c ImagePost Office Antigonish” double-circle handstamp on cover to Shelbourne

(Antigonish to Shelbourne, Jul. 7, 1832). Full strike of Post Office Antigonish” double-circle with manuscript July 7 32” (Jephcott 44, MacDonald 43) on folded letter to Gideon White in Shelbourne, manuscript 11 (+) 1N1-1/2 (=) 2N1-1/2” at top right, Halifax transit datestamp, Very Fine, the addressee, Gideon White (1753-1833), was a British loyalist in the Revolutionary War and became a merchant and political figure in Nova Scotia, ex Brigadier Gen. Robertson and Dr. Clark (Image)

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E. $ 500-750

SOLD for $275.00
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2232 c ImageScarce Post Office Arichat” double-circle on cover to Port Hood

(Arichat to Port Hood, Jun. 14, 1833). Clear strike of Post Office Arichat” double-circle with manuscript June 14 33” (MacDonald 44) on folded letter to Port Hood, manuscript Free” at top right, cover with minor edgewear and slight splitting along folds, otherwise Fine, ex Dr. Clark (Image)

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E. $ 500-750

SOLD for $325.00
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2233 c ImageWonderful strike of scarce Post Office Digby” double-circle

(Digby to Halifax, Jul. 31, 1826). Bold strike of Post Office Digby” double-circle with manuscript 31st July 26” (Jephcott 45, MacDonald 46) on folded cover to Halifax, manuscript 9 (+) 1 (=) 10”, cover with minor flap faults, otherwise Very Fine strike of this scarce marking, ex Maritimus” (Image)

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E. $ 500-750

SOLD for $375.00
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2234 c ImageBold strike of the Post Office Digby” handstamp without inner circle

(Weymouth to Halifax, Aug. 3, 1832). Wonderfully clear strike of Post Office Digby” circular handstamp with manuscript 6th Aug. 32” (Jephcott 45, MacDonald 46) on folded letter datelined Weymouth 3rd August 1832” and addressed to Provincial Secretary in Halifax, sent free with manuscript On Road Service” at top, cover reinforced splitting, otherwise Very Fine strike, this strike does not show an inner circle as do all other known examples, the variety is not mentioned in either Jephcott or MacDonald, ex Sanderson (Image)

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E. $ 500-750

SOLD for $275.00
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2235 c ImageProbably the earliest known example of the Post Office Horton” double-circle

(Horton to Pictou, Jan. 25, 1825). Clearly struck Post Office Horton” double-circle with manuscript 25 Jany 1825” (Jephcott 46, MacDonald 47) on folded cover to Pictou, rated 7 (+) 7 (=) 1N2” for postage to Halifax and onward to Pictou, Halifax transit datestamp, Very Fine and choice strike of this scarce marking, likely the earliest privately-owned example (MacDonald records Feb. 15 as the earliest) (Image)

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E. $ 500-750

SOLD for $275.00
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2236 c ImageThe finer of the two recorded examples of the Kentville Post Office” double-circle

(Kentville to London, England, Dec. 5, 1831). Wonderful strike of Kentville Post Office” double-circle (MacDonald 48) with manuscript Dated December 5” docketing on bottom flap of folded cover to London, England, rated 7” (crossed out) with reddish PAID” in circle (likely applied in Halifax, MacDonald 265) then a further 2/2” from Halifax to London with light Halifax circular datestamp (Jephcott 24, MacDonald 11) in transit, London arrival backstamp, small tear at top of face panel of little significance, Very Fine, only two examples are recorded (other dated Mar. 19, 1831), ex Clark (Image)

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Get Market Data for [Canada (Nova Scotia) Kentville to London, Engl]

E. $ 1,000-1,500

SOLD for $1,600.00
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