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(Hillier to Picton, Jan. 5, 1848). Clear strike of Hillier” circular handstamp with manuscript 5 Jany 48” and matching PAID” and 4-1/2” handstamps on folded letter to Picton, manuscript Money” written across top indicating this was a Money Letter, Picton Jul. 5 arrival backstamp (in error), Very Fine, an attractive Money Letter cover with contents stating this included two dollars” (Image)
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(Horton to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Jun. 26, 1827). Partly readable strike of Post Office Horton” double-circle with manuscript 26 June 27” (Jephcott 46, MacDonald 47) on folded letter to Sir Rupert Dennis George in Halifax, manuscript On Service” along top but rated 1d” for Halifax delivery, Very Fine and scarce, the addressee, Sir Rupert Dennis George, was the Provincial Secretary for Nova Scotia, ex Young, Saint and Dr. Clark (Image)
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(Lachine to Kingston, Aug. 20, 1842). Red Lachine, 20th August 1842” manuscript postmark on folded cover to John Davidson, Commissioner of Crown Lands in Kingston, rated 9”, docketing on bottom flap James Keith, H.B. (Hudson Bay) House Lachine Aug. 20/42, for...survey of Saguenay (River)”, Very Fine, only two Lachine manuscript markings are recorded, the addressee, James Keith (1782-1851), was superintendent of the Montreal department of the Hudson Bay & Co. office until his retirement about a year after this letter in 1843, ex de Volpi and Sanderson (Image)
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(Matilda to Toronto, Feb. 8, 1841). Manuscript Matilda, 8th Feby 1841” postmark and Paid 11” on folded letter to Toronto, Very Fine and scarce, the Post Office in Matilda opened in 1828 but it was not until 1851 that a handstamp is recorded, ex Sanderson (Image)
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(Niagara to Montreal, Jan. 8, 1818). Excellent strike of Niagara U. Canada, Jan. 8, 1818” double-oval datestamp on folded letter to Montreal, manuscript paid 2N4” at top right indicating payment of double rate for 301-400 miles (should have quadruple rate), Very Fine, a scarce first oval type datestamp of Niagara used 1817-21, ex Sanderson (Image)
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(Quebec to Montreal, Feb. 17, 1817). Fairly clear Quebec FE 17, 1817” with large fleuron circular datestamp on back of folded cover to Montreal, neatly struck Quebec Paid” with circles and manuscript 9”, minor internal tape reinforcement, Very Fine, ex Sanderson (Image)
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(St. Hyacinth to East Stanstead, Aug. 8, 1830). Lengthy folded letter datelined in St. Hyacinth on Aug. 8, 1830 with manuscript St. Charles 12 August 1830” postmark along top, addressed to East Stanstead, rated 4-1/2 (+) Forward 2-1/2 (=) 7”, red St. Johns” circle backstamp with manuscript Aug. 17, 1830 date, Very Fine and scarce (Image)
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(Vittoria Long Point to Johnstowne, Jul. 29, 1819). Bold strike of Vittoria Long Point, U. Canada, July 29, 1819” double-oval datestamp with manuscript 9” rate on folded cover to Johnstowne, rated 1N3”, cover with couple reinforced folds, Very Fine, one of the rarest markings of Upper Canada, especially this choice, ex Greene and Sanderson (Image)
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(Windsor to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Mar. 14, 1827). Clear Post Office Windsor” double-circle with manuscript March 14 -27” on long folded letter to William Blowers Bliss in Halifax, manuscript 4-1/2 (+1) (=) 5-1/2” for rate to Halifax and local delivery, Very Fine, a surprisingly scarce marking, the addressee, William Blowers Bliss (1795-1874), was a lawyer, judge and politician, he assisted in advocating for a charter to create the Bank of Nova Scotia where he later served as a director, ex Dr. Clark (Image)
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