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Confederate States continued...

Printing & Production Varieties
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
520 ogbl 11-KB var. image1863, 10¢ blue, type II, Keatinge & Ball, shifted transfers (C.S.A. Catalog 11-KB var.), two examples: the lower right stamp in a right sheet margin block of 4 shifted noticeably upward; and the second stamp in the bottom row of a block of 10 shifted strongly downward and slightly to the right, normal toned o.g.; the latter with a light vertical crease in the center pair, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott 11 var.; $295+. (Image)

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Estimate $200-300
SOLD for $225.00
Will close during Public Auction
521 ngbl 11-KB-ib, v5 image1863, 10¢ blue, type I, Keatinge & Ball (C.S.A. Catalog 11-KB-ib, v5), lower left corner sheet margin block of 12 with K&B imprint and plate "No. 2", large plate scratch in the lower left selvage, the so-called line over Keatinge & Ball variety; also evidence of the printer's fingerprint above "Engravers", unused without gum; typical toning caused by the gum, which has been removed, otherwise Very Fine, with a 2007 C.S.A. certificate.
Scott 11.
C.S.A. Catalog $475+. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $350-500
SOLD for $275.00
Will close during Public Auction
522 ngbl 12-ADa var. image1863, 10¢ milky blue, type II, Archer & Daly, so-called laid paper (C.S.A. Catalog 12-ADa var.), a bright, fresh block of 20, unused without gum, large margins including a partial sheet margin at the top, Extremely Fine. Believed to be the largest recorded multiple of either type on the so-called laid paper.
Scott 12a var.; $1,320 ++.
C.S.A. Catalog $1,000 ++.

The lined, "laid-like" nature of this paper are actually "textile marks", the result of worn felt in the drying belt used to remove moisture from the freshly created paper. See the excellent article on the subject by Trish Kaufmann in
The Confederate Philatelist, Volume 64, Number 1. (Image)

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Estimate $750-1,000
SOLD for $950.00
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523 og/ngbl 12-AD var. image1863, 10¢ blue, type II, Archer & Daly, distinct double transfer (C.S.A. Catalog 12-AD var.), major doubling of the top of the design, most noticeable in "POSTAGE"; two examples of the same transfer from separate printings in distinctly different shades: the lower right stamp in a cold-printed block of 4 and also the lower right stamp in an upper right corner margin block of eight (2x4) in a light blue shade, meaning this transfer would have occurred at position 40 in a pane of 100, the block of eight with o.g., the block of 4 without, Very Fine.
Scott 12 var.; $450+.
C.S.A. Catalog $300+. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $250-350
SOLD for $325.00
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524 ogbl 12-KB var. image1863, 10¢ blue, type II, Keatinge & Ball, dramatic short inking variety (C.S.A. Catalog 12-KB var.), left sheet margin block of 6, the two left stamps with nearly half of the design uninked, o.g.; creases between all stamps, otherwise Very Fine. A spectacular variety, with 2005 C.S.A. certificate.
Scott 12 var. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $250-350
SOLD for $500.00
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525 cover 12-ADa var. image1863, 10¢ milky blue, type II Archer & Daly, plate scratch (C.S.A. Catalog 12-ADa var.), prominent vertical scratch on the back of Davis' head, large margins and bright color, tied by a neat Aug 4 Charleston S.C. c.d.s. on a small cover to Columbia, S.C., Very Fine.
Scott 12a var. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $200-300
SOLD for $140.00
Will close during Public Auction
526 og 12-ADd var. image10¢ dark blue, type II (Archer & Daly), pre-printing paper fold (C.S.A. Catalog 12-ADd var.), a gorgeous wide corner margin single with a striking diagonal pre-printing paper fold, o.g., lightly hinged, Extremely Fine. A very uncommon production flaw.
Scott 12d var. (Image)

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Estimate $200-300
SOLD for $225.00
Will close during Public Auction
527 og 11-KBa image10¢ bright blue, type I (Keatinge & Ball) (C.S.A. Catalog 11-KBa), top margin strip of 4 with central vertical gutter, typical brown o.g., lightly hinged, usual vertical crease in the gutter, ink smears due to poor plate wiping; small natural paper inclusion in the top selvage, Very Fine to Extremely Fine. A very scarce multiple in the uncommon Keatinge & Ball bright blue shade.
Scott 11 var. (Image)

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Estimate $200-300
SOLD for $190.00
Will close during Public Auction

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