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Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC Sale - 768

Confederate States

The Printers & the Printing
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
501 ogbl 11-ADc-ie image1863, 10¢ greenish blue, type I, Archer & Daly (C.S.A. Catalog 11-ADc-ie), bottom sheet margin block of 14 with plate "No. 2" only - the first state of the plate, o.g., fresh color and large margins; very faint horizontal toned streak across bottom row, still Very Fine.
Scott 11c.
C.S.A. Catalog $400+. (Image)

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Estimate $300-400
SOLD for $300.00
Will close during Public Auction
502 ogbl 12-ADa-ia image1863, 10¢ milky blue, type II, Archer & Daly (C.S.A. Catalog 12-ADa-ia), bottom sheet margin block of 12 with plate "No. 3" only - the first state of the plate, o.g., lightly hinged, small rusty natural paper inclusion at bottom center, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott 12a.
C.S.A. Catalog $375+. (Image)

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Estimate $200-300
SOLD for $400.00
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503 ogbl 12-ADb-ib image1863, 10¢ light blue, type II, Archer & Daly (C.S.A. Catalog 12-ADb-ib), a choice bottom sheet margin block of 20 from the first state of plate 4 with plate "No. 4" only, o.g., lightly hinged, exceptionally fresh with marvelous color and large margins all around, Extremely Fine.
Scott 12b.
C.S.A. Catalog $655+. (Image)

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Estimate $750-1,000
SOLD for $1,200.00
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504 ogbl 11-AD-ie image1863, 10¢ blue, type I, Archer & Daly (C.S.A. Catalog 11-AD-ie), lower right corner sheet margin block of 12 with plate "No. 2" and full Archer & Daly imprint - the second state of the plate, o.g., large margins and deep color; vertical and horizontal creases, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott 11.
C.S.A. Catalog $550. (Image)

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Estimate $200-300
SOLD for $500.00
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505 ogbl 12-ADc-if image10¢ greenish blue, type II (Archer & Daly) (C.S.A. Catalog 12-ADc-if), bottom sheet margin straddle-pane block of 14 with Archer & Daly imprint and plate "No. 4"; 12 stamps are from the right pane and two from the left; toning and multiple faults, including repairs in the bottom selvage, but a difficult positional piece, o.g., hinge remnants, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott 12c; $475 ++.
C.S.A. Catalog $650+. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $150-200
SOLD for $500.00
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506 ogbl 11-AD-ie image1863, 10¢ blue, type I, Archer & Daly (C.S.A. Catalog 11-AD-ie), bottom margin block of eight from the third state of plate 2 with "No. 2" and the A&D imprint with "& Daly" lined out; also included is an uncirculated 50¢ C.S.A. bank note (Friedberg T72), o.g.; the block has a couple of small gum thins and natural gum creases, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott 11.
C.S.A. Catalog $550 for block of 12.

When Joseph Daly left the firm in early 1864, the firm's engraver, Joseph Halpin, became Archer's partner in the business. The accompanying bank note features a portrait of Jefferson Davis very similar to that used on the 10¢ stamps; the imprint on the note reads, "Engraved by Archer & Halpin, Richmond, Va."
. (Image)

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Estimate $200-300
SOLD for $300.00
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507 ogbl 11c-ADc-if image1863, 10¢ greenish blue, type I, Archer & Daly (C.S.A. Catalog 11c-ADc-if), lower right corner sheet margin block of 12 with plate "No. 1" and altered A&D imprint ("& Daly" removed) - the fourth state of the plate, o.g., fresh color and large margins; somewhat under-inked with a vertical fold between column 1 & 2 and a couple of natural paper wrinkles, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott 11c.
C.S.A. Catalog $550+. (Image)

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Estimate $300-400
SOLD for $450.00
Will close during Public Auction
508 ogbl 12-ADa-id image1863, 10¢ milky blue, type II, Archer & Daly (C.S.A. Catalog 12-ADa-id), lower right corner sheet margin block of 12 with plate "No. 3" and altered A&D imprint ("& Daly" removed) - the fourth state of the plate, o.g., lightly hinged, bright and fresh with ample to large margins, Very Fine.
Scott 12a.
C.S.A. Catalog $650+. (Image)

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Estimate $500-750
SOLD for $600.00
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509 ogbl 12-ADd-if image1863, 10¢ dark blue, type II, Archer & Daly (C.S.A. Catalog 12-ADd-if), a gorgeous bottom sheet margin block of 12 from a left pane with the final state of the altered A&D imprint: "Archer & Daly" removed & "Engrave" instead of "Engravers", o.g., lightly hinged, uncommonly fresh with rich color and large margins; appears to have light textile marks, Extremely Fine.
Scott 12d.
C.S.A. Catalog $650+.

This sheet was evidently a very early print from the last state of the imprint, as the final "r" in the original word "Engravers" is still quite evident.

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Estimate $500-750
SOLD for $450.00
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510 ngbl 12-AD-if image1863, 10¢ blue, type II, Archer & Daly (C.S.A. Catalog 12-AD-if), bottom sheet margin block of 14 from a left pane with final state of the altered A&D imprint: "Archer & Daly" removed & "Engrave" instead of "Engravers", unused without gum, remarkably fresh with large margins except close at the left, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott 12.
C.S.A. Catalog $650. (Image)

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Estimate $250-350
SOLD for $475.00
Will close during Public Auction
511 ngbl 11-AD i var. image1863, 10¢ blue, type I, Archer & Daly (C.S.A. Catalog 11-AD i var.), bottom sheet margin block of 6 (right pane, positions 88-90/98-100R) with double impression of the partial Archer & Daly imprint, "Note Engravers, Richmond, Va.", the second, somewhat weaker impression, a full 4mm below the first, unused without gum, large margins; staining at the right and top and an abrasion between the two right stamps, otherwise Very Fine, and a unique variety.
Scott 11. (Image)

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Estimate $300-400
SOLD for $225.00
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512 Obl 11-AD-ie image1863, 10¢ blue, type I, Archer & Daly (C.S.A. Catalog 11-AD-ie), an extraordinary used imprint block of 12 from the third state of plate 2, reconstructed from blocks of 4 & 8, the left block of 4 with plate "No. 2" and partial A&D imprint "Archer & Da(lightly)" with "& Daly" lined out; canceled with multiple Army of Northern Virginia targets (at least 21 strikes) and also bearing five weak, unreadable c.d.s.'s; cut in slightly at the right but otherwise Very Fine and quite impressive.
Scott 11.
C.S.A. Catalog $1,650 if intact.

This remarkable block would have paid twelve times the 10¢ per half-ounce letter rate or three times the 40¢ per half-ounce Trans-Mississippi Express Mail rate.
. (Image)

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Estimate $1,000-1,500
SOLD for $800.00
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513 ogbl 12-AD-if image1863, 10¢ blue, type II, Archer & Daly (C.S.A. Catalog 12-AD-if), full left pane of 100 from plate 4 with the final state altered A&D imprint: "Archer & Daly" removed & "Engrave" instead of "Engravers", o.g.; the pane has been folded horizontally between each row from the 2nd through the 7th and also vertically through the 6th column, and there are a few other very small flaws; overall, quite fresh and attractive, Fine to Very Fine or better.
Scott 12.
C.S.A. Catalog $2,850. (Image)

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Estimate $2,000-3,000
SOLD for $1,200.00
Will close during Public Auction
514 ogbl 12-KB-id image1863, 10¢ blue, type II, Keatinge & Ball printing with altered Archer & Daly imprint (C.S.A. Catalog 12-KB-id), bottom margin block of 10 with partial Archer & Daly imprint ("Daly" removed) and plate "No. 4", plus apparent textile marks, typical toned o.g., lightly hinged, Very Fine.
Scott 12.
C.S.A. Catalog $1,250 for block of 12.

Textile Marks have the appearance of laid-paper lines but are caused by the worn felt in the water-removal belts in the paper-making machinery. Such varieties are considerably scarcer than normal issues. Scott began listing them in the 2020 Specialized Catalogue and future CSA catalogs will doubtless carry such listings as well. See full explanation in the Kaufmann article in the Second Quarter 2019
Confederate Philatelist (64:1).

The poor quality of the printing and the paper, as well as the blotchy, uneven gum, identify this as a Keatinge & Ball print. This is the discovery example proving that Keatinge & Ball began printing the 10¢ stamps using plates that still showed part of the Archer & Daly imprint. August Dietz had previously opined that A&D had burnished out their imprints on all four plates before sending them to K&B.

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Estimate $400-600
SOLD for $325.00
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515 ogbl 11-KB-ia image1863, 10¢ blue, type I, Keatinge & Ball (C.S.A. Catalog 11-KB-ia), lower left corner sheet margin block of 12 with K&B imprint and plate "No. 1", o.g., large margins except cut just in at the top; light vertical crease through column 4, usual toned gum affects paper, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott 11.
C.S.A. Catalog $475. (Image)

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Estimate $150-200
SOLD for $375.00
Will close during Public Auction
516 ogbl 11-KB-ib image1863, 10¢ blue, type I, Keatinge & Ball (C.S.A. Catalog 11-KB-ib), lower right corner margin block of 12 from a left pane with plate "No. 2" and the K&B imprint, o.g., large margins; vertical crease between columns 3 & 4, usual toned gum affects paper slightly, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott 11.
C.S.A. Catalog $475. (Image)

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Estimate $200-300
SOLD for $375.00
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517 ogbl 12-KBd-ia image1863, 10¢ dark blue, type II, Keatinge & Ball (C.S.A. Catalog 12-KBd-ia), bottom sheet margin block of 12 from a left pane with plate "No. 3" and the K&B imprint, typical toned o.g., lightly hinged, Very Fine.
Scott 12d.
C.S.A. Catalog $425+. (Image)

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Estimate $300-400
SOLD for $300.00
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518 ogbl 12-KB-ib image1863, 10¢ blue, type II, Keatinge & Ball (C.S.A. Catalog 12-KB-ib), bottom sheet margin straddle-pane block of 14 with K&B imprint and plate "No. 4"; 12 stamps are from the right pane and two from the left, the imprint straddling the gutter, o.g., lightly hinged, folded vertically through gutter; typical toned gum with a small spot of toning showing through at the lower right, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott 12.
C.S.A. Catalog $475+. (Image)

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Estimate $350-500
SOLD for $300.00
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