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United States continued...

Duck Stamps continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1761 RW2 imageHunting Permit, 1935, $1 Canvasbacks (Scott RW2), o.g., never hinged, Post Office fresh with mathematically precise centering, Extremely Fine, with 2010 P.F. certificate. (Image)

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Scott $725
Suggested Bid $750-1,000

SOLD for $650.00
Will close during Public Auction
1762 RW2 imageHunting Permit, 1935, $1 Canvasbacks (Scott RW2), bottom margin single, o.g., never hinged, fresh with deep color and engraving lines, Very Fine, with 2016 P.S.E. certificate. (Image)

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Scott $725
Suggested Bid $400-600

SOLD for $425.00
Will close during Public Auction
1763 RW4 imageHunting Permit, 1937, $1 Scaup Ducks (Scott RW4), just tied to Form 3333 Hunting Certificate by hunter's signature, the form with Saint Marys (state not struck up) Nov 1937 duplex and signed by the Postmaster; form with light corner crease bottom right, away from the stamp, Very Fine usage, a late example of Form 3333, which was only required for the 1934-35 season, with later years carrying a premium. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $750-1,000
SOLD for $1,700.00
Will close during Public Auction
1764 RW5 imageHunting Permit, 1938, $1 Pintail Drakes (Scott RW5), block of 4, o.g., never hinged, Post Office fresh with warm color, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

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Scott $1,500
Suggested Bid $400-600

SOLD for $425.00
Will close during Public Auction
1765 RW5 var imageHunting Permit, 1938, $1 Pintail Drakes, bright rose pink (Scott RW5 var), full wide top margin plate number 138602 single, o.g., never hinged, a fresh and attractive unlisted color variety; inclusion (on reverse) at lower left, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $750-1,000
SOLD for $550.00
Will close during Public Auction
1766 RW7 imageHunting Permit, 1940, $1 Black Mallards (Scott RW7), full wide top margin plate number F143776 single, o.g., never hinged, Post Office fresh and perfectly centered; diagonal crease at lower right; selvage slightly toned at left, still Extremely Fine, a gorgeous stamp. (Image)

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Scott $225
Suggested Bid $300-400

Will close during Public Auction
1767 RW7 imageHunting Permit, 1940, $1 Black Mallards (Scott RW7), full wide top margin plate number F143776 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, as crispy as Ducks come, with sharp impression and clean color; light natural gum crease lower right, still Very Fine. (Image)

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Scott $2,500
Suggested Bid $750-1,000

SOLD for $700.00
Will close during Public Auction
1768 / RW8 imageHunting Permit, 1941, $1 Ruddy Ducks (Scott RW8), bottom margin plate block of 6, exceptionally bright color and crystal-clear printing; hinged positions 1 & 3, extraneous gum in bottom selvage, otherwise Extremely Fine. (Image)

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Scott $2,500
Suggested Bid $500-750

SOLD for $350.00
Will close during Public Auction
1769 RW9 imageHunting Permit, 1942, $1 Baldpates (Scott RW9), full wide top right corner margin plate number F149600 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, fresh and clean in wonderful color and detail; selvage bends and reinforced perfs, Fine to Very Fine+. (Image) (Image2)


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Scott $2,500
Suggested Bid $750-1,000

SOLD for $850.00
Will close during Public Auction
1770 RW11 imageHunting Permit, 1944, $1 White-Fronted Geese (Scott RW11), full wide bottom margin plate number 155590 single, o.g., never hinged, the stamp a beauty in radiant color, artist-signed by Walter A. Webber on reverse of selvage tab, Extremely Fine both sides, a very rare signed Duck from the 1940s. (Image) (Image2)


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Scott $125
Suggested Bid $500-750

Will close during Public Auction
1771 RW31 imageHunting Permit, 1964, $3 Nene Geese (Scott RW31), bottom margin plate block of 6, o.g., never hinged, a simply beautiful plate, sound and fresh, Very Fine. (Image)

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Scott $1,950
Suggested Bid $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $750.00
Will close during Public Auction
1772 () RW57b imageHunting Permit, 1990, $12.50 Whistling Duck, back printing on stamp paper not on gum (Scott RW57b), unused without gum, crisp and clean, the inscription complete and sound, Very Fine, unpriced in Scott, with 2010 A.P.S. certificate. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $1,000-1,500
Will close during Public Auction
1773   imageHunting Permit, 1934, Form 3333, Federal Migratory-Bird Hunting Certificate, pristine as issued to the hunter, no stamp or other markings, Very Fine, a scarce item, as this form was only required for 1934-35. (Image)

Suggested Bid $750-1,000
SOLD for $500.00
Will close during Public Auction
1774 JDS3 imageJunior Duck Stamp, 1995, $5 Pintail (Scott JDS3), upper left corner margin block of 4 with sheet number 000264 imprint, o.g., never hinged, Post Office fresh and absolutely pristine, Very Fine. (Image)

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Scott $1,700 as singles
Suggested Bid $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $950.00
Will close during Public Auction
1775 JDS5 imageJunior Duck Stamp, 1997, $5 Canada Goose (Scott JDS5), upper right corner margin block of 4 with sheet number 000305 imprint, o.g., never hinged, bright position piece; three stamps with spots of color loss, Very Fine. (Image)

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Scott $1,900 as singles
Suggested Bid $600-800

SOLD for $950.00
Will close during Public Auction
1776 JDS6 imageJunior Duck Stamp, 1998, $5 American Black Ducks (Scott JDS6), upper left corner margin block of 4 with sheet number 000306 imprint, o.g., never hinged, Post Office fresh, Very Fine. (Image)

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Scott $1,900 as singles
Suggested Bid $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $1,400.00
Will close during Public Auction
1777 2 imageCalifornia, 1972, $1 Canvasbacks (Scott 2), o.g., never hinged, Post Office fresh without toning from adhesive; tiny tear in backing at top, otherwise Very Fine. (Image)

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Scott $1,100
Suggested Bid $350-500

Will close during Public Auction
Postal Savings, War Savings and Test Stamps
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1778 PS7-PS10 imagePostal Savings, 1940, 10¢-$1 complete (Scott PS7-PS10), left margin plate blocks of 6, o.g., never hinged, each fresh with strong color and razor-sharp impression; a few separations in selvage, otherwise Fine to Very Fine, a pretty set not often offered. (Image)

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Scott $4,550
Suggested Bid $750-1,000

SOLD for $900.00
Will close during Public Auction
1779 PS9 imagePostal Savings, 1940, 50¢ dark blue green (Scott PS9), block of 49, o.g., never hinged, Post Office fresh with wonderful color and clean paper; some perforation separations, Fine. (Image) (Image2)


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Scott $4,410 as singles
Suggested Bid $500-750

SOLD for $500.00
Will close during Public Auction
1780 / PS9 imagePostal Savings, 1940, 50¢ dark blue green (Scott PS9), right margin plate number 22544 block of 6, Post Office fresh with sensational color and clean detail; stamps slightly short-gummed at selvage, gum skips, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

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Scott $700
Suggested Bid $300-400

SOLD for $225.00
Will close during Public Auction

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