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United States continued...

Offices in China continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1501 K10 imageOffices in China, 1919, 20¢ on 10¢ orange yellow (Scott K10), full wide top margin plate number 13403 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, fresh with deep color and exceptionally strong overprint; few gum wrinkles, Very Fine. (Image)

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Scott $1,300
Suggested Bid $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $500.00
Will close during Public Auction
1502 K11 imageOffices in China, 1919, 24¢ on 12¢ brown carmine (Scott K11), top left corner margin block of 4, in deep, salacious color, with crisp detail, clean overprint and top selvage the tallest you'll find, Very Fine, a nice multiple for your collection, with 2013 P.S.E. certificate stating "never hinged…top right stamp with a natural gum wrinkle". (Image)

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Scott $325
Suggested Bid $300-400

SOLD for $300.00
Will close during Public Auction
1503 K11 imageOffices in China, 1919, 24¢ on 12¢ brown carmine (Scott K11), top margin plate number 7036 block of 6, o.g., barest trace of hinge (appears never hinged), in exuberant color on fresh paper; block sound with all perforations intact, Fine to Very Fine, pretty. (Image)

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Scott $1,000
Suggested Bid $500-750

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1504 K13 imageOffices in China, 1919, 40¢ on 20¢ deep ultramarine (Scott K13), right margin plate number 6935 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, Post Office fresh with clear color and crisp detail, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

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Scott $2,250
Suggested Bid $750-1,000

SOLD for $700.00
Will close during Public Auction
1505 K14 imageOffices in China, 1919, 60¢ on 30¢ orange red (Scott K14), left margin plate number 6921block of 6, o.g., barest trace of hinge (appears never hinged), Post Office fresh in nice shade on immaculate paper, Fine to Very Fine+. (Image)

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Scott $1,050
Suggested Bid $500-750

SOLD for $300.00
Will close during Public Auction
1506 K15 imageOffices in China, 1919, $1 on 50¢ light violet (Scott K15), o.g., very lightly hinged, a simply marvelous stamp, the picture of perfection, Extremely Fine to Superb, with 1992 and 2011 P.F. certificates, the latter graded XF-S 95.
SMQ XF-SUP 95; $1,500. (Image)

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Scott $550
Suggested Bid $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $1,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
1507 K15 imageOffices in China, 1919, $1 on 50¢ light violet (Scott K15), o.g., never hinged, in soft shade with clean detail, paper fresh, Fine to Very Fine, with 2015 P.F. certificate graded F-VF 75.
SMQ F-VF 75; $750. (Image)

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Scott $1,250
Suggested Bid $500-750

SOLD for $600.00
Will close during Public Auction
1508 o K15 imageOffices in China, 1919, $1 on 50¢ light violet (Scott K15), in clean color with solid detail; paper fresh with indeterminate black cancel; reperforated at left, Fine to Very Fine, with 1999 P.F. certificate. (Image)

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Scott $1,000
Suggested Bid $250-350

SOLD for $190.00
Will close during Public Auction
1509 o K15 imageOffices in China, 1919, $1 on 50¢ light violet (Scott K15), block of 4, an arresting block grand color, clean paper, and light "U.S. Postal Agency, Shanghai" roller cancels; position 1 with small thin spot, perforations skillfully rejoined, nearly Very Fine, a rare used high-value multiple from this issue, with 1982 P.F. certificate. (Image)

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Scott $6,250
Suggested Bid $2,000-3,000

SOLD for $1,600.00
Will close during Public Auction
1510 K16 imageOffices in China, 1919, $2 on $1 violet brown (Scott K16), o.g., lightly hinged, Post Office fresh with flawless color, detail and overprint, Extremely Fine, a real beauty, with 2006 P.S.E. certificate graded XF 90.
SMQ XF 90; $650. (Image)

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Scott $425
Suggested Bid $400-600

SOLD for $550.00
Will close during Public Auction
1511 / K16 imageOffices in China, 1919, $2 on $1 violet brown (Scott K16), block of 4, Post Office fresh and pristine; top stamps hinged, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

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Scott $2,700 as singles
Suggested Bid $750-1,000

SOLD for $700.00
Will close during Public Auction
1512 K17 imageOffices in China, 1922, 2¢ on 1¢ green (Scott K17), full wide top margin plate number F11729 block of 6, o.g., barest trace of hinge (appears never hinged), Post Office fresh with incredible depth of color and crisp detail, Very Fine. (Image)

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Scott $850
Suggested Bid $500-750

SOLD for $300.00
Will close during Public Auction
1513 K18 imageOffices in China, 1922, 4¢ on 2¢ carmine (Scott K18), wide right margin plate number 13129 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, Post Office fresh with deep color and clean overprint; bottom left stamp inclusion, Fine to Very Fine, with 2001 P.F. certificate. (Image)

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Scott $1,400
Suggested Bid $500-750

SOLD for $500.00
Will close during Public Auction
Officials and Official Seals
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1514 O6 imageAgriculture Dept., 1873, 12¢ yellow (Scott O6), o.g., lightly hinged, in pastel color with near-perfect centering on pristine paper, Extremely Fine, with 2009 P.S.E. certificate graded XF 90.
SMQ XF 90; $1,050. (Image)

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Scott $450
Suggested Bid $750-1,000

SOLD for $650.00
Will close during Public Auction
1515 O15 imageInterior Dept., 1873, 1¢ vermilion (Scott O15), bottom margin plate number 52 block of 20, o.g., never hinged, the plate of 12 fresh and sound, position 91 showing the short transfer variety; bottom right selvage missing, positions 90 & 100 stained, Fine. (Image) (Image2)


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Scott $3,550+
Suggested Bid $750-1,000

SOLD for $800.00
Will close during Public Auction
1516 O36 imageNavy Dept., 1873, 2¢ ultramarine (Scott O36), o.g., never hinged, a simply stunning stamp, with luxuriant color, razor-sharp detail, and mathematical centering on pristine paper; slightly carmelized gum mentioned for accuracy, Extremely Fine to Superb, batten down the hatches—we expect lively bidding. (Image)

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Scott $350
Suggested Bid $500-750

SOLD for $350.00
Will close during Public Auction
1517 O36 imageNavy Dept., 1873, 2¢ ultramarine (Scott O36), horizontal right margin block of 10, disturbed o.g. (but no hint of hingeing), clean with "mark twain" color and meticulous detail; diagonal crease across positions 4-5, Fine, a handsome multiple. (Image)

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Scott $1,600
Suggested Bid $500-750

SOLD for $375.00
Will close during Public Auction
1518 O48a imagePost Office Dept., 1873, 2¢ black, double impression (Scott O48a), o.g., a striking doubling, otherwise clean on fresh paper, Fine+, fewer than ten known, ex Markowitz, with photocopy of 1984 P.F. certificate for original vertical pair, this position 1. (Image)

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Scott $1,000
Suggested Bid $500-750

SOLD for $1,800.00
Will close during Public Auction
1519 O63 imageState Dept., 1873, 12¢ dark green (Scott O63), o.g., hinged, with incredibly deep color, the design sculptural in its presentation; paper fresh and clean with outstanding centering; reperforated, not mentioned on accompanying certificate, Extremely Fine, with 2002 P.F. certificate. (Image)

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Scott $310
Suggested Bid $200-300

SOLD for $300.00
Will close during Public Auction
1520 O65 imageState Dept., 1873, 24¢ dark green (Scott O65), o.g., hinged, a big stamp with clean paper, the design crisply printed in rich, deep color, Very Fine, with 1990 P.F. certificate. (Image)

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Scott $525
Suggested Bid $400-600

SOLD for $425.00
Will close during Public Auction

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